Ant Abd Wall Skin And Fascia Part 1 Flashcards
Cutaneous nerve supply-
Anterior rami of lower 6 thoracic nerves (T7-T12)
- Lateral Cutaneous branches
- Anterior Cutaneous branches
Lumbar nerves (L1)
- Iliohypogastric nerve
- Ilioinguinal nerve
Cutaneous nerves run:
Between transvers abdominals and the internal oblique
Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves derive from
Vertical lines of division for abdominal planes
Mid clavicular lines
Horizontal lines of division for abdominal planes
Subcostal plane (L3) Intertubercular plane (L5) Transpyloric plane (L1)
Structures located in transpyloric plane *IMPORTANT
Pylorus of the stomach Neck of pancreas Fund us of gallbladder End of spinal cord Colic flexure Cisterna chyli Tips of the 9th rib
There are ____ (#) abdominal regions
Regions between transpyloric and sub coastal lines
Right hypochondrium
Left hypochondrium
Abdominal regions between subcostal and intertubercular lines
Right flank (AKA right lumbar region) Umbilical region Left flank (aka left lumbar region)
Abdominal regions below the intertubercular plane
Right groin (AKA right Iliac region or right inguinal region)
Pubic region (AKA hypogastric region)
Left groin (AKA left iliac region or inguinal region)
Masses of connective tissue large enough to be visible to the unaided eye
Fatty layer of the superficial fascia
Camper’s Fascia
Membranous layer of the superficial fascia (2)
Scarpa’s fascia
Colles’ fascia
Anterior abdominal wall muscles
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transversus abdominals
Rectus abdominis
OIN for External abdominal oblique
OR: Lower 8 ribs
INS: Xiphoid process Linea alba Pubic symphysis Pubic crest Pubic tubercle Iliac crest
NS: T7-L1
Inguinal ligament, AKA
External abdominal oblique aponeurosis
External abdominal oblique muscle also provides: (3)
Inguinal ligament
Superficial inguinal ring
Linea alba
OIN for Internal abdominal oblique
OR: Lumbar fascia
Iliac crest
Lateral 2/3 of inguinal ligament
INS: Lower 3 ribs (10, 11, 12) Xiphoid process Linea alba Pubic symphysis Pubic crest Pectineal line
NS: T7-L1
Opening to superficial area for structures in the inguinal canal
Superficial inguinal ring
OIN for transversus abdominis
OR: Lower 6 costal cartilages
Lumbar fascia
Iliac crest
Lateral 1/3rd of inguinal ligament
INS: Xiphoid process Linea alba Symphysis pubis Pubic crest Pectineal line
NS: T6-L1
What forms the conjoint tendon?
The lower most finbers of internal oblique and transversus abdominis joining together
The Conjoint tendon is attached to the:
Pubic crest
Transversalis fascia is deep to:
Transversus abdominis muscle
What contains the deep inguinal ring?
Transversalis fascia
OIN for Rectus abdominis
OR: Pubic symphysis
Pubic crest
INS: 5th to 7th costal cartilages
Xiphoid process
NS: T7-T11
Rectus abdominis includes:
Tendinous intersections
Linea semilunaris
What splits to enclose Rectus abdominis?
Internal oblique
OINA for Pyramidalis
OR: Pubis
Pubic symphysis
INS: Linea Alba
NS: T12
AC: Tenses the linea alba
Tendon that everything in the abdomen crosses
Lina alba
Actions of the abdominal wall muscles (4)
Move the trunk Depress the ribs Compress abdominal contents Support the viscera Assist in breathing (relaxes during inspiration, contracts during FORCED expiration)
When diaphragm is fixed by holding inspired air and closing laryngeal openings: (3)
Motor pathway nerves
Supplies motor to muscles along the way and end up in skin for sensory q
Location of the neurovascular plane
Located between the transverse abdominis and internal abdominal oblique
similar to what is observes with intercostal nerves in the thorax
Blood supply of the abdomen
Superior and inferior epigastric arteries supply the muscles
Superior epigastric artery branches from
Internal thoracic
Inferior epigastric artery comes from
External iliac
Branches of the internal thoracic artery
Superior epigastric artery
Musculophrenic artery
Branches of the external iliac
Inferior epigastric artery
Deep circumflex artery