Ankle & Foot Region Flashcards
From medial malleolus of the tibia to the talus, navicular & calcaneus bones
Consists of anterior tibiotalar, post tibiotalar, tibionavicular & tibiocalcaneal ligaments
Medial (deltoid) ligament
Articulation of inferior surface of tibia with the trochlea of the talus
Dorsiflexion & plantar flexion of the foot
Ankle (talocrural) joint
Form lateral malleolus of the fibula to the talus & calcaneus bones
Consists of anterior talofibular, posterior talofibular & calcaneofibular ligaments
Lateral ligament
Ankle (talocrural) joint contains the medial malleolus, related to the ff:
Medial malleolus is related anteriorly to the saphenous nerve & great saphenous vein
Medial malleolus is related posteriorly to the flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus & tibial posterior tendons; posterior tibial artery and tibial nerve
Articulation of the talus & calcaneus
Action: inversion & eversion of the foot
Subtalar joint
2 joints:
- talonavicular joint
- calcaneocuboid joint
Action: inversion & eversion of the foot
Transverse tarsal (Chopart) joint
Articulation of tarsal bones with the metatarsals
Tarsometatarsal (Lisfrane) joint
Occurs when foot is forcibly inverted, results in the ff injuries:
- stretch/tear of lateral ligament (most commonly the anterior talofibular ligament)
- fibular fracture
- avulsion of the tuberosity of 5th metatarsal (Jones fracture) where peroneus brevis muscle attaches
Inversion injury
Occurs when foot is forcibly everted, russets in the ff injuries:
- avulsion of medial malleolus
- fibular fracture
Eversion injury (Pott fracture)
Fracture of distal portion of tibia & fibula
Ski boot injury
Calcaneal (lover’s) fracture
Jumping from a great height
Usually involves the subtalar joint
Associated with fractures of lumbar vertebrae & femoral neck
Lisfrane injury
Bicyclist’s foot is caught in pedal clips
Fracture/dislocation at the tarsometatarsal (Lisfrane) joint