Animal Tissues Flashcards
- group of cells with similar form, performing the same function and are bound by an extracellular matrix
Tissue Level
- second platform of biological organization, above the cell and under the organ and organ systems
number of cell types in humans
Four Primary Animal Tissue
- Epithelial Tissue
- Connective Tissue
- Muscle Tissue
- Nervous Tissue
found covering the surfaces of an animal, or lining the surfaces of internal organs and cavities
Epithelium or Epithelial tissue
Functions of Epithelial Tissues
- Covering and Protection
- Absorption and Filtration
- Secretion
Types of Epithelial Tissue
- Simple Squamous
- Simple Cuboidal
- Simple Squamous in Tubular Arrangement
- Simple Cuboidal forming a small duct
- Simple Columnar
- Pseudostratified Columnar with Cilia
- Transitional
- Stratified Squamous (Moist Type)
Epithelial tissues may be classified into:
- shape
- layers
- special descriptions
3 classifications of epithelial tissue based on shape
- Squamous
- Cuboidal
- Columnar
cells are flat; nucleus are usually centrally located
cells are cube-like; width and length almost similar
cells are long, resembling columns
2 classifications of Epithelial Tissue based on Layers
- Simple
- Stratified
one layer of epithelial cells
two or more layers of epithelial cells on top of one another
Special descriptions of epithelial tissues include:
- Pseudo-stratified
- Transitional
resembling a stratified type, but are in truth simple;
the stratified appearance is brought by the irregular positioning of the nucleus and the unequal sizes of the cells
type of epithelial tissue that changes shape because of regular distension;
a characteristic of organs that are stretched often such as the urinary bladder
supports function, connects tissues to another
Connective Tissue
Functions of Connective Tissue
- Transport of important compounds
- Binding and Support
- Storage
unlike the close arrangement of the epithelium, connective tissues are _____ and has lots of ______ between cells
spaced apart; intercellular tissues
Connective Tissues may be classified into:
- Connective Tissue Proper
- Special Connective Tissue
Examples of Connective Tissue Proper
loose or dense
Examples of Special Connective Tissue
- blood
- cartilage
- bones
- adipose
connective tissues that serve as packaging and binding material for most organs;
connects muscle to bone and attaches bone to bone
Connective Tissue Proper
connective tissue that provides support, storage of fats, and transport and defense
Special Connective Tissue
other term for loose type connective tissue proper
examples of dense type connective tissue proper
- tendon
- ligament
examples of loose type/areolar connective tissue proper
- fascia
- hypodermis
an aggregation of cells with common origin and function
addition to the 4 major types of animal tissue
blood vascular tissue
protective and superficially disposed tissues that line surfaces, tubules, and ducts
Epithelial tissues
membranes that are lined with epithelium
Mucus and Serous Membranes
consist of cells lined by one basement membrane
Sensory Epithelium
falsely stratified epithelium
applied to mucus linings of the lower urinary tract that may be distended or collapsed, according to the amount of urine contained within
Transitional epithelium
reveals round, cuboidal cells
Collapsed state
Epithelial cells can be classified as ____ or _____ based on the number of layers of cells
- simple
- stratified
underlined by a single basement membrane
Simple Epithelium
made up of layers of cells, each layer underlined by a basement membrane
Stratified Epithelium
Epithelium can also be classified based on the shape of the cells in the most superficial layers:
- Squamous Epithelium
- Cuboidal Epithelium
- Columnar Epithelium
- Transitional Epithelium
tissue linings made of thin, flat spherical to polygonal cells on the panoramic view, but fusiform on profile
Squamous Epithelium
tissue lining mostly tubules and ducts, as in those of the kidney, and are made up of cells that are cubical or with nucleus that is centrally placed in each cell
Cuboidal Epithelium
tissue linings found mostly in the digestive and respiratory tracts, made up of taller than wide cells, with basally located nucleus in each cell
Columnar Epithelium
consists of mucosal cells that change in shape when the organ is either distended or relaxed during the tissue preparation
Transitional Epithelium
allows the cells to assume fusiform and flattened cells when viewed in the cross-section of the bladder
shape of the cell when the bladder is empty
more cubical and bi-nucleate
4 types of Simple Epithelial Tissue
- Simple Squamous Epithelial Tissues
- Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
- Simple Columnar Epithelium
- Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
flat polygonal to spherical mucosal linings underlined by a single basement membrane
Simple Squamous Epithelial Cells
cubical cells supported by a single basement membrane mucosal lining of tubules and ducts
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
taller than wide cells lined by a single basement membrane
Simple Columnar Epithelium
tissue lining made up of cells of various heights, but the location of nucleus varies - some found in the apex, in the base, or near the middle of the cell
Pseudostratified Epithelium
Stratified Epithelial tissue includes:
- Stratified Squamous Epithelium
- Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
- Stratified Columnar Epithelium
- Transitional Epithelium
Stratified Squamous Epithelium can be classified into:
- Keratinized Squamous Epithelium
- Non-Keratinized Squamous Epithelium
mostly found in the corneal layer of the skin epidermis that are filled with the protein keratin
Keratinized Squamous Epithelium
make up the mucosal linings of cavities, such as oral cavity
Non-keratinized Squamous Epithelium
consisting several layers of cubical cells that make up glandular tissues, as in those of the mammary glands, sweat glands, and salivary gland
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
made up of layers of taller than wide columnar cells as those that make up the linings of pharynx, conjunctiva, and urethra of males
Stratified Columnar Epithelium