Anesthetics Flashcards
What are the inhaled general anesthetics?
- nitrous oxide
- isoflurane
- enflurane
- desflurane
- sevoflurane
What are the intravenous general anesthetics?
- propofol
- etomidate
- ketamine
What are the adjuncts for general anesthetics?
- midazolam
- Fentanyl
- Dexmedetomidine
Why are general anesthetics a very dangerous group of drugs?
narrow therapeutic index and extremely fast acting.
What term is used to describe general anesthetics?
controlled death
When was the first successful demonstration of the ability of a patient to be anaesthetized? what was used?
1846 by william morton.
diethyl ether vapor
What are the three requirements for a patient to achieve an anesthetic state?
- amnesia (depress activity in hippocampus)
- immobility - inhibit conscious or nerve reflex
- attenuation of autonomic
What dose the term balanced anesthesia mean?
use of multiple classes of drugs to achieve the desired depth of anesthesia
What drugs are used for pre-op sedation?
barbiturates, diazepam, midazolam.
What drug is used for pre-op to reduce risk of bradyarrhythmia?
What drug is used for pre-op to prevent vomiting?
What drug is used for pre-op reduction of regurgitation?
What drugs are used to induce anesthesia and why?
intravenous GA because they are faster acting than inhaled GA
What drugs are used for maintenance of anesthesia?
inhaled GA, can be fine tuned to the dose.
What drug is used in addition to other inhaled GA to allow for lower amounts of other GA used?
nitrous oxide
What drug is given to reduce dose of GA and block noxious stimulus reflex?
What drug is used as an neuromuscular junction blocking agent for endotracheal intubation?
What rebound effect do GAs have?
tachycardia and hypertension
What does emergence excitement mean?
a condition where the half conscious patient exhibits restlessness, crying, moaning, and extreme thrashing.
What drug can be given post-op to reduce shivering threshold?
All inhaled GAs are what, except for nitrous oxide which is a gas.
volatile liquids
What determines the rate of aesthetic induction/recovery?
rate of GA diffusion from lung - blood- CNS
The faster the effects of inhaled GA wear off post-surgery….
the faster the patient can start to recover and spend less time in recovery room.
Drugs with poor water soluility come to equilibrium?
rapidly, thus rapid recovery
Drugs with high solubility come to equilibrium?
slowly, thus slow recovery
What measures the water solubility?
blood/gas partition coefficient
What is used to measure potency?
MAC minimum alveolar concentration.