Anatomy- the Brain Flashcards
Cerebral Hemisphere:
What part of the brain?
Name the 3 regions
Name the 5 lobes
Superior part of brain- 83% of total mass
3 regions:cerebral cortex(gray matter), white matter, and basal nuclei
5 lobes:frontal,parietal, temporal, occipital and insula
Cerebral Cortex:
Conscious mind, awareness, communication, memory and understanding & inhibition of voluntary movements
Primary(Somatic) Motor cortex:
Large neurons that allow voluntary skeletal muscle movement.
Promotor Cortex:
Controls learned repetitious or patterned motor skills(playing musical instruments, typing)
Broca’s area:
In on hemisphere(left)
Controls motor speech- controls muscles of tongue, throat, and lips during speech.
Cerebral dominance
One hemisphere dominant for language.
Sorts and edits sensory information c& relays to appropriate area of sensory context and association areas
Connected to the pituitary glad by stalk called infundibulum
Controls homeostasis
Pineal gland: secretes hormone melatonin-helps in regulation of sleep-wake cycle
Brain Stem: midbrain
Visual reflex centers, auditory relay
Brain stem: Pons
The Pons serves as a message station between several areas of the brain. It helps relay messages from the cortex and the cerebellum. Without the pons, the brain would not be able to function because messages would not be able to be transmitted, or passed along. It also plays a key role in sleep and dreaming, where REM sleep, or the sleeping state where dreaming is most likely to occur, has been proven to originate here, in the pons.
Brain Stem: Medulla Oblongata
Controls heart rate, breathing rate, vomiting, coughing.
Brain Stem: Cerebellum
Processes information from motor centers from sensory pathways
Helps regulate balance and posture.
Limbic System/Emotional Brain—-Amygdala
Recognizes angry and fearful expressions, assesses danger and elicits fear response.
Lambic System/ Emotional Brian—-cingulate
Regulation of expression of emotions and feelings of frustration
Plays a roll in long-term memory
Reticular activating system:
Helps regulate skeletal & visceral muscle activity.
Anterograde Amnesia:
loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that caused the amnesia, can still learn skills
Retrograde Amnesia:
Loss of memories formed in the distant past.
3 connective tissues external to the brain:
Name and describe
- Dura Matter- outer layer
- Arachnoid - middle layer
- Pia matter - innermost layer; just superior to the context