Anatomy and embryology Flashcards
What are the regions of the pituitary gland?
anterior pituitary = adenohyphysis/pars distalis
Posterior pituitary = neurohyphysis/pars nervosa
What is the hypophysis?
pituitary gland
Describe the location of the pituitary gland
Outside BBB - needs to be able to communicate with bloodstream
where does the sections of the pituitary gland develop from?
adenohypophysis/anterior = ectoderm from roof of mouth (Rathke’s pouch)
neurohypophysis/posterior = downgrowth of ectoderm of forebrain
What is the embryological origin of the brain?
Neural folds move together and fuse => neural tube
Neural tube gives rise to tissues of CNS - brain and spinal cord
What is the cause of pituitary dwarfism?
Rathke’s pouch doesn’t differentiate into glandular tissue of adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary) => no growth hormone
What is the infundibulum of the pituitary gland?
connection between brain and neurohypophysis/posterior pit.
Label the brain
Describe the sections and functions of the adenohypophysis/anterior pit.
Pars tuberalis – monitors melatonin levels
Pars intermedia – Rathke’s pouch remnant. Produces melanocyte stimulating hormone in foetus
Pars distalis – main secretory region. Collection of cells, each secrete different hormone
Label the sections of the adenohypophysis/anterior pit
Describe the sections of the neurohypophysis/posterior pit
Infundibulum – “stalk” attached to hypothalamus.
Stalk only has axons (cell bodies in hypothalamus)
Neural lobe – contains projection axons from neurons in hypothalamus
Label the neurohypophysis/posterior pit.
Describe how the hypophysis/pituitary gland is linked to the hypothalamus
Adenohypophysis/anterior pit - hormonall linked
Neurohypophysis/posterior pit - neurologically linked via infundibulum
Describe how the adenohypophysis/anterior pituitary is controlled by the hypothalamus
releasing factors from hypothalamus circulate via hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system to adenohypophysis and act on specific target cells (BBB absent in this area)
Specific target cells release stimulating hormones which circulate to target organs
Describe how the posterior pituitary/neurohypophysis is controlled by the hypothalamus
Axons from supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei in hypothalamus form supraopticohypophyseal & paraventriculohypophyseal tracts
These tracts descend into the neural lobe via the infundibulum