America on the World Stage Flashcards
What purchase did William Seward make?
He bought Alaska from Russia (Seward’s Folly). Many saw this as dumb and a waste of money
Who believes that the US can be a world power?
Alfred Thayer Mahan’s “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History”
-America needs a powerful navy
-Islands (Hawaii) will help with this
taking over other nations
Social Darwinism, religion, the press make this popular
What does the Monroe Doctrine do to help Imperialism?
(Europe cannot colonize America)
-people use this as an excuse to interfere with Latin American affairs
-says this will benefit America
More people opposed American Imperialism. But the wealthy controlled the country, so Imperialism was supported.
Why did many oppose American Imperialism?
-self-determination (America should be allowed to govern themselves, and themselves only)
-rejected racial theories of the time
-support for Isolationism (American should stay by themselves and not engage in foreign affairs)
-too expensive
American elites push for the Spanish-American War
an intense form of patriotism, attention towards foreign policy
Things that sparked the Spanish-American War
-Cuban Revolt
-Yellow Journalism (fake news)
-De Lome Letter (Spanish Ambassador letter leaked, calling President of the time a fool)
-USS Maine sinks in Havana, Cuba (fake news said Spain was the blame for this)
Spanish-American War
-America and Spain fight
-America gains Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines because of the Treaty of Paris of 1898
Reasons why America wins Spanish-American War
-Theodore Roosevelt wins at Rough Riders
-The Buffalo Soldiers (African American troop) win
-overwhelming technical superiority
-US Navy captures Havana
How was the Treaty of Paris of 1898 debated in Congress?
-did the annexing of the Philippines violate the principles that founded America?
-was it going against the values of an American?
Insular Cases held by the Supreme Court
the US flag in territories does not bring US citizens rights to that territory unless Congress gave it to them
Platt Amendment 1901
Cuba is just above a territory to the US
-they must keep a military base open for the US
-the US forces Cuba to be a “puppet” of the government
European Powers (Russia, Japan, Britain, France, Germany) created the “Spheres of Influences” where they dominate all trade and investments in China. The US wants in on this.
the Open Door Policy
all nations should have equal trading privileges in China (free trade)
-it could be beneficial to the US and other countries
Boxer Rebellion
US and European Powers further weakened China
What does Roosevelt want to do as President?
-wants to use the power of office for action in the country and world stage
-wants to be a man of the moment
-will have a vision of how government will work
Roosevelt really wanted to Panama Canal to be built
Roosevelt Corollary
the US had the responsibility to preserve order and protect life and property in those in Latin America
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Japan limits immigration to the US
Why does Roosevelt send of the Great War Fleet?
to display America’s growing naval power
Roosevelt’s Square Deal
-Roosevelt sides with labor
-negotiating new labor rights
-Roosevelt broke up railroad trust, went after Standard Oil and other large companies
-Roosevelt believes in “Good Trusts” (good for the public) and “Bad Trusts” (bad for the public)