Alzheimer's dementia Flashcards
Describes genetics of Alzheimers sporadic vs inherited?
*most cases are sporadic
*5% of cases are inherited as an autosomal dominant trait
Mutations where cause inherited form Alzheimers
*mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (chromosome 21), presenilin 1 (chromosome 14) and presenilin 2 (chromosome 1) genes are thought to cause the inherited form
Which apo protein involved in Alzheimers
*apoprotein E allele E4 - encodes a cholesterol transport protein
What are neurofibrillary tangles and what are they like in AD?
*paired helical filaments are partly made from a protein called tau
*in AD are tau proteins are excessively phosphorylated
Name the three ACh inhibitors used as options for managing mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease
donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine
What type of drug is mematine?
NMDA receptor antagonist