Airworthiness Requirements Flashcards
What documents are required on board and aircraft prior to flight?
Airworthiness Certificate Registration certificate Radio Station License Operating Limitations Weight and Balance
What is an airworthiness certificate?
An A/W certificate is issued by the FAA to an aircraft that has been proven to meet the minimum design and manufacturing requirements and is condition for same operations. Under any circumstance the A/C must meet the requirements of the original type certificate or it is no longer airworthy. These certificates come in two different classifications: standard and special
What is the difference between a standard and special airworthiness certificate
Standard airworthiness certificates (white paper) are issued for normal, utility, acrobatic, commuter, or transport category aircraft. Special airworthiness certificate (pink paper) are issued for primary, restricted, or limited category aircraft and light sport aircraft
What is an experimental airworthiness certificate
A special airworthiness certificate in the experimental category is issued to operate an aircraft that does not have a type certificate or does not conform to its type certificate yet is in a condition for safe operation. Additionally, this certificate is issued to operate a primary category kit-built aircraft that was assembled without the supervision and quality control of the production certificate holder
Does an airworthiness certificate have an expiration date?
No. A standard airworthiness certificate remain valid for as long as the aircraft meets its approved type design, is in a condition for safe operation, and the maintenance, preventative maintenance, and alterations are performed in accordance with 14 CFR Part 21, 43, and 91
Where must the airworthiness certificate be located
The certificate must be displayed at the cabin or cockpit entrance so that it is legible to passengers and crew
For an aircraft to be considered airworthy, what two conditions must be met?
The aircraft must conform to its type design. This is attained when the required and proper components are installed consistent with the drawings, specifications, and other data that are part of the type certificate. Conformity includes applicable supplemental type certificate and field approve alterations
The aircraft must be in a condition for safe operations, referring to the condition of the aircraft in relation to wear and deterioration
Explain how a pilot determine if an aircraft conforms to its approved type design and is in a condition for safe operation
For type design, a pilot must determine that the maintenance, preventative maintenance, and alterations have been performed in accordance 14 CFR part 21, 43, and 91 and that the aircraft is registered in the US. The pilot does this by ensuring that all required inspections, maintenance, preventive maintenance, repairs, and alterations have been appropriately documented in the aircraft’s maintenance records
For safe operations, the pilot conducts a thorough preflight inspection of the aircraft for wear and deterioration, structural damage, fluid leaks, tire wear, inoperative instruments and equipment, etc. If an unsafe condition exists or inoperative instruments or equipment are found, the pilot uses the guidance in 14 CFR 91.213 for handling inoperative equipment.
What records or documents should be checked to determine that the owner or operator of an aircraft has complied with all required inspections and airworthiness directives?
The maintenance records (aircraft and engine logbooks). Each owner or operator of an aircraft shall ensure that maintenance personnel make appropriate entries in the aircraft maintenance records indicating the aircraft has been approved for return to service
Who is responsible for ensuring that an aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition?
The owner or operator of an aircraft is primarily responsible for maintaining an aircraft in an airworthy condition
Describe some of the responsibilities an aircraft owner has pertaining to aircraft documents, maintenance, and inspections of their aircraft
Owners must:
Have current airworthiness certificate and aircraft registration in the aircraft
Maintain the A/C in an airworthy condition including compliance with all applicable AD’s
Ensure maintenance is properly recorded
Keep abreast of current regulations concerning the operation of that aircraft
Notify the FAA of any changes of mail address, sale or export of the A/C or loss of citizenship
Have a current FCC radio license if required
What are airworthiness directives
A medium by which the FAA notifies aircraft owners and other potentially interested persons of unsafe conditions that may exist because of design defects, maintenance, or other causes, and specifies the conditions under which the product may continue to be operated. AD’s are regulatory in nature, and compliance is mandatory.
What are the two types of AD
Emergency requiring immediate compliance prior to further flight and less urgent ones requiring compliance within a specific period of time
When are emergency AD’s issued
Whenever an unsafe conditions exists that requires immediate action by the owner/operator
What is a type certificate data sheet
The FAA issues type certificates whenever a new A/C, engine, or prop is found to meet safety standards set forth by the FAA. The TCDS lists the specifications, conditions, and limitations under which airworthiness requirements were met for the specific product, such as engine make and model, fuel type, engine limits, airspeed limits, maximum weight, min. crew etc.
What is a supplemental type certificate
FAA’s approval of a major change in the type design of a previously approved type certificated product. It authorizes an alteration to an airframe, engine, or components that has been granted and approved type certificate. STC are part of the permanent records of an A/C
What is an A/C registration certificate
The certificate of aircraft registration and must be carried in the aircraft at all times
Does an A/C registration certificate have an expiration date
Yes, 3 years after the last day of the month it was issued. Temp. cert. of registration is valid for 90 days after signature
Where can you find information on the placard and marking information required to be in the airplane
The type certificate data sheet or the Limitations section of the POH
What are several examples of placard and markings required in the airplane
Placards: day-night-VFR-IFR, Flight maneuvers Permitted, Compass Calibration card
Marking - Airspeed indicator markings, cockpit control markings, fule, oil, and coolant filler opening
What are the required tests and inspections to be performed on an A/C
A - Annual inspection 12 month A - AD's and life limited parts V - VOR every 30 days for IFR 1 - 100-h inspection if used for hire A - Altimeter, altitude reporting equipment, pito sys - 2 years T - Transponder every 2 years E - ELT 1 year
What is an annual inspection and which aircraft are required to have an annual inspection
Complete inspection of the A/C and engine every 12 months required by all certificated aircraft. Only an A&P/IA can do it
What A/C are required to have 100h inspection
All A/C under 12,500 used to carry passengers for hire
A/C used for flight instruction when provided by the person giving the flight instruction
If an A/C is operated for hire is it required to have a 100h inspection as well as an annual
What is the difference between an annual inspection and a 100h inspection
Main different is 100h can be done by an A&P while an annual must be done by an A&P/AI
If an A/C has been on a schedule of inspection every 100h, under what condition may it continue to operate beyond the 100h without a new inspection
100h maybe exceed by no more than 10h while en route to a location for the inspection and the time is subtracted from the next 100h
If the annual inspection date has passed, can an aircraft be operated to a location where the inspection can be performed
Yes but only with a a Special Flight Permit and if all AD’s have been met
What are special flight permits and when are they necessary
SFP’s are issued for A/C that are not currently airworthy but may be operated safely. Issued typically for:
Flying the A/C to get the inspection, repair, or storage
Delivering or exporting the A/C
Production flight testing
Evacuating A/C from areas of danger
Conducting customer demonstration flights in a new-production A/C that has completed production flight tests
How are SFP’s obtained
Local FSDO or Designated Airworthiness Rep
After A/C inspections have been made and defect have been repaired, who is responsible for determining that the aircraft is in an airworthy condition
What regulations apply concerning the operation of an A/C that has had alterations or repairs which may have substantially affected its operation in flight
The PIC must fly the A/C make an operational check of the maintenance performed or alteration made and log the flight in the A/C record
Can a pilot legally conduct flight operations with known inoperative equipment onboard
Yes, under specific condition that meet the regulations of operating an A/C with and without an MEL
What limitations apply to aircraft operations conducted using the deferral provision
When inop equipment is found the decision should be to cancel the flight or defer the item.
During the preflight inspection in an aircraft that doesn’t have a MEL, you notice that an instrument or equipment item is inoperative. Describe how you will determine if the aircraft is still airworthy for flight??.
- Are the inop instruments or equipment part of the VFR day type certification
- Are the instruments or equipment listed or required on the A/C KOEL list for the type of operation being conducted
- Are the instruments required by regulations 91.207
- Are the instruments required by an AD
If the answer is yet to any of the above the A/C is not airworthy. If the answer is no the equipment must be removed by an A&P or deactivated and marked inop
What are Minimum Equipment Lists
The MEL is a precise listing of instruments, equipment and procedures that allow an aircraft to be operated under specific conditions with inoperative equipment. The MEL is the specific inoperative equipment document for a particular make and model aircraft by serial and registration numbers. The FAA approve MEL includes only those items of equipment that the FAA deems may be inoperative and still maintain an acceptable level of safety with appropriate conditions and limitations
For an A/C with an approved MEL, explain the decision sequence a pilot would use after discovering the position lights are inop
With an approved MEL, if the positions light were discovered inop prior to a daytime flight, the pilot would make an entry in the maintenance record or discrepancy record provided for that purpose. The item is then either repaired or deferred in accordance with the MEL. Upon confirming that daytime flight with inop position lights is acceptable in accordance with the provisions of the MEL, the pilot would leave the position light switch OFF, open the circuit breaker, or whatever action is called for in the procedure document, and placard the position light switch as inoperative
Explain the limitations that apply to aircraft operations being conducted using an MEL
The use of an MEL for a small, non-turbine-powered A/C operated under part 91 allows for the deferral of inop items. The FAA considers an approved MEL to be a supplemental type cert. issued to an A/C by serial number and registration. Once an operator request an MEL and a Letter of Authorization is issued by the FAA then the MEL becomes mandatory for the A/C. All maintenance deferrals must be done in accordance with the terms and conditions of the MEL and the operator-generated procedures document
What instruments and equipment are required for VFR day flight
A - Anti-collision light system
T - Tachometer for each engine
O - Oil pressure for each engine
M - Manifold pressure for each alt. engine
A - Altimeter
T - Temperature for each liquid cooled engine
F - Fuel gauge for each tank F - Flotation gear if operating for hire over water L - Landing gear position indicator A - Airspeed indicator M - Magnetic direction indicator E - ELT S - Safety belts
What instruments are required for VFR night flight
F - Fuses 1 set or 3 of each kind
L - Landing Lights if operating for hire
A - Anti-collision light approved aviation red or white
P - Position light - nav lights
S - Source of electrical energy adequate for all installed electrical and radio equipment
Who can perform maintenance on an aircraft
FAA certified A&P mechanic, A&P mechanic with Inspector Authorization, FAA certified and rated repair stations, or the A/C manufacturer
Define preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance means simple or minor preservation operations and the replacement of small standard parts not involving complex assembly operations. Certificated pilots, excluding student pilots, sport pilots, and recreational pilots, may perform preventive maintenance on any aircraft that is owned or operated by them provided that aircraft is not sue in air carrier services
What logbook entry information is required of the person performing preventive maintenance
All pilots who maintain or perform preventive maintenance must make an entry in the maintenance record of the A/C. The entry must include a description of the work, the date of completion of the work performed, and an entry of the pilot’s name, signature, cert. number and type of cert. held