Agosto 2014 Flashcards
fijate bien dónde lo pones
look well where you put it
fíjate bien que sea ella
look and make sure it is her
cuando cierres el libro, por si acaso, fíjate bien dónde lo pones
when you close the book, just in case, pay attention to where you place it
ya se termino el autoinvoice?
has autoinvoice finished already?
me gustaria creerte
I would like to believe you
pues si lo hice yo
because, I really did it
deja lanzo el autoinvoice jobstream
let me launch autoinvoice jobstream
los puedo ver abajo
I can see you downstairs
estoy sudado
I am sweaty
la azotea
flat roof
el ladrillo
eras una niña cuando te conocí y ahora has crecido
you were such a young girl when I met you and now you are grown up
mi espanol sería peor sin el app brainscape
my Spanish would be worse without brainscape
mi espanol sería más malo sin el app brainscape
my Spanish would be worse without brainscape
hace cuanto que te conozco?
how long have I known you?
hace cuantos años que te conozco?
how many years have I known you?
solo queria saludarte
I just wanted to say ‘hi’