Aggression - Paper 3 Flashcards
What are the neural mechanisms in aggression
The limbic system
What is the limbic system
Papez and Maclean limbic to emotions
The hypothalamus, amygdala and parts of the hippocampus
The role of the amygdala in aggression
The more reactive the amygdala to environmental threats the more aggression
Gospic et al brain scans - lab based game provoked aggression
Benzodiazepine taken before decreased activity
The orbitofrontal cortex and serotonin
Low levels increased aggression - reduces self control and increases impulses
Virkkunen et al lower levels serotonin metabolite in violent impulsive offenders compares with non impulsive offenders
Testosterone in aggression
Regulate social behaviour via influences on brain
More aggressive towards other males at 20 years as testosterone peaks
Dolan et al found positive correlation in offenders with histories of impulsive violent behaviour
Animal studies in testosterone
Castration reduces aggression in many species - injecting testosterone restores aggression (Giammanco et al)
Progesterone in aggression
Low levels link aggression
Negative correlation between progesterone levels and self reported aggression
Evaluation of neural mechanisms in aggression
- non limbic brain structures involved in - orbital frontal cortex regulation and inhibition - more complex
+ research into effects of drugs on serotonin - Berman et al - lab based, giving and receiving electric shocks in response to provocation - Paroxetine gave fewer and less intense than placebo
Biological determinism
Evaluation of hormonal mechanisms in aggression
+ support from research with animals - Giammanco et al review - aggression in male monkeys during mating - castration in rats
- evidence is mixed - Mehta et al dual hormone hypothesis - high testosterone aggression when cortisol low
Gender bias
Genetic factors in aggression - twin studies
50% variance in aggression
Coccaro et al adult male monozygotic and dizygotic - direct physical aggression concordance 50% MZ and 19% DZ
Verbal 28% MZ and 7% DZ
Adoption studies - genetic factors
41% variance in aggressive behaviour
And adopted child and biological parents suggest genetic influences are operating, similarities with adoptive suggest environmental
Rhee et al meta analysis found genetic influences accounted from 41% of variance
MAOA gene - genetic factors
Linked to low serotonin
Production of enzyme monoamine oxidase which regulates serotonin
Low activity variant (MAOA-L) linked to increased aggression
MAOA-L variant - genetic factors - research
‘Warrior gene’ - 56% of New Zealand Māori males - historically ferocious (Lea and Chambers)
Extreme violence in Dutch family - Brunner at al 28 members in violent criminal - low level enzyme
Gene - environment GxE interactions - genetic factors
Frazzetto et al association between antisocial aggression and the MAOA-L gene in adult males but only in significant trauma
No trauma not especially aggressive
Diathesis stress
Evaluation of genetic factors
- twin studies lack validity - share same environment - not same extent in DZ - treated less similarly
+ support for the role of the MAOA gene - low activity associated high aggression - high activity more co-operative
- counter - even with low activity co operatively when other were also - environment.
The ethnological explanation of aggression - adaptive
Beneficial to survival - reduces competition and established dominance
Pettit et al aggression in children at play led to hierarchies - adaptive as benefits
The ethnological explanation of aggression - ritualistic
Lorenz intra species aggression in ritualistic signalling (displaying teeth) - appeasement display - acceptance - no death not threaten species
The ethnological explanation of aggression - IRM
Innate releasing mechanism - inbuilt physiological process or structure
Environmental stimulus activates - triggers release a fixed action pattern
The ethnological explanation of aggression - FAP
A fixed action pattern - pattern of behaviours triggered by an IRM
Lea argues FAP is a relatively unchanging behavioural sequence found universally inevitable course which cannot be altered before completed
Tinbergen procedure - male stickleback and aggression - ethological explanation
Male entering territory in mating sequence of aggressive behaviour - red underbelly triggers IRM to aggressive FAP
Presented male sticklebacks with a series of wooden models of different shapes
Tinbergen findings - male stickleback and aggression - ethological explanation
If model had red underside the stickleback would aggressively display and attack it - but no red no aggression
FAP doesn’t change from one encounter to another - once triggered ran its course
Evaluation of the ethological explanation
+ support from research related to genetics and evolution - genetic evidence string - MAOA-L gene and aggression - twin and adoption - genetically determined
- counterpoint - Nisbett found homicides based on reactive aggression more common in souther US then north - culture override innate influences
- same species aggression not always ritualistic - male chimps killing members of another community - didn’t stop when offering appeasement
Evolutionary explanations of human aggression - anti cuckoldy behaviours
Cuckoldry having to raise another’s offspring - waste of resources - survival of rival gene -
Aggressive male retention strategies prevent partners from straying - adaptive