Age of New Imperialism 2/3 Flashcards
What type of colonial rule did Britain set up in India?
A colonial rule
What was Britain’s mail objective of the colonization of India?
How did British officials feel as they were helping India modernize?
By adopting western technology and culture
Did all Indians want these changes opposed on them? If so, what did they do?
No. In 1885, the Indian National Congress was formed, who wanted greater democracy and later self-rule. By the early 1900s, protests and resistance to British rule increased. Indians wanted independence.
Who did Britain encourage rivalry and competition between?
Indian princes
What did Britain use to take over?
Superior weapons
What was forced upon Hindu and Muslim Indians?
What did the British ban?
Who was forced to go overseas?
Sepoys (soldiers)
What action went against the Indians’ religion?
Biting the tip of cartridge off, which was greased with animal fat
How did the British ruin India’s local hand-weaving industry?
By flooding India with machine-made textile
Who in India could write and read?
The top classes (10%)
What did the zaminders (tax collectors) do?
Raised taxes and took land from peasants
What did the British use the Taj Mahal for?
Weddings and parties
How did the Chinese emperor react to the Opium War?
He attempted to place a ban on the import of opium and seized Chinese ports that carried opium
How did the British react to the Chinese emperor’s actions?
By invading China, in which British warships won over the Chinese. Five Chinese ports opened, and Britain seized Hong Kong.
What did countries (Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Russia) do to China?
Carved a sphere of influence
What was the Taiping Revolution caused by?
Poverty and misery, extravagant court, corruption, bribery, rich not taxed. People wanted land, equality, and to end the Qing dynasty.
Who seized land in Northern China?
Why was Korea so appealing to Japan?
Strategic location opposite Japan and natural resources of coal and iron
What did Japan force Korea to do?
To open to foreign trade, especially to Japan, and to declare independence from China
Who did Japan win over?
What did other European countries do once seeing China’s weaknesses?
Carving spheres of influence and making trade in China open to everyone
Who were the Boxers?
A secret society whose goal was to drive “foreign devils” out of China
With the teamwork of peasants, students, local workers, and politicians, what did they accomplish?
Toppling the Qing Dynasty
What type of government did Sun Xixian rule over?
A republic
What was the motto of the Meiji Restoration?
“Enrich the county and strengthen the military”
What was the Japanese cabinet’s largest concern?
That Japan wouldn’t be able to regain its sovereignty if it didn’t modernize
What were many of Japan’s reforms influenced by? Provide one example.
The West. One example of the abolition of the social hierarchy.
Why did many Meiji reformers believe that such reforms were necessary?
To achieve diplomatic equality and military strength and to begin building a path towards democracy
How did Emperor Meiji reflect Western values?
By wearing Western style military clothes, styling his hair in a Western matter, growing a kaiser mustache, correcting Japanese culture, and civilizing the nation
What are oligarchs?
The emperor’s advisors
What were some reforms that the Japanese emperor and his oligarchs made?
Tax, military, education, banks and railroads, modern printing press
How was the Japanese military reformed?
They adopted Western style military uniforms and took steps toward new models of military education
What did the Prussian and Austrian constitutions influence the Japanese to do?
Establish the Meiji Constitution in 1881, which defined the roles and responsibilities of the emperor, the rights and obligations of citizens, and government