Aerodrome 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Flashcards
When should appropriate aerodrome lighting be displayed?
- Visibility is less than 5km
- Cloud base is less than 700ft
- All times at night
Define Windshear
Sustained change in the wind velocity along the aircraft flight path, which occurs significantly faster than the aircraft can accelerate or decelerate
Where is Windshear most dangerous?
What conditions are conducive to Windshear?
ATCOs should be alert to the possibility of windshear in the following circumstances:
a) Fronts/Squalls/Thunderstorms
b) Low-Level Inversions
c) Local terrain or buildings
What may happen if a windshear alert is generated whilst an aircraft is in a turn?
The crew may level the wings to maximize the climb gradient
What may the pilots reply to an ATC instruction during a windshear event?
What are the times of Windshear alerts generated on aircraft?
Which takes precedence, Windshear or TCAS alerts?
A windshear escape manoeuvre usually means a high rate of climb. What may happen as a result?
- Exceedance of Cleared Level
- Loss of Separation
What should ATCOs be prepared for if a pilot executes a missed approach due to windshear?
- Climb Straight Ahead
- Level Bust
- Loss of Separation
What should ATCOs do upon receipt of a pilot report of windshear?
Relay the information to subsequent inbound and outbound aircraft until confirmation is received that the condition no longer exists
Define Prevailing Visibility
The visibility value that is reached or exceeded within at least half the horizon circle of the aerodrome
These areas could comprise contiguous or non-contiguous sectors
When is minimum visibility reported?
Visibility in any direction is less than 50% of the prevailing visibility or less than 1500 metres
What should happen if significant changes to runway conditions occur?
- Report on ATIS
- Broadcast changes
- Individually tell aircraft for a suitable time
What should happen if a pilot reports braking action to be worse than currently promulgated?
- Pilot report is to be passed to the Aerodrome Operator ASAP
- Reassessment of Runway Condition Code