Aerodrome 1 Aerodrome Control Flashcards
What services shall Aerodrome Control provide?
Aerodrome Control Service
Basic Service
Alerting Service
Who does Aerodrome Control provide services to?
Aircraft flying in the vicinity of the ATZ
Aircraft flying in the ATZ
Aircraft operating on the manoeuvring area
What is the responsibility of Aerodrome Control?
To issue information and instructions to aircraft under its control to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic with the objective of:
(1) Preventing collisions between:
(a) aircraft flying in, and in the vicinity of, the ATZ;
(b) aircraft taking-off and landing;
(c) aircraft and vehicles, obstructions and other aircraft on the manoeuvring area.
(2) Assisting in preventing collisions between aircraft on the apron
Who does Aerodrome Control have authority over?
Aircraft, vehicles and personnel on the manoeuvring area and aircraft moving on the apron
How are responsibilities divided if Aerodrome is split into AIR and GMC?
AIR shall provide services for preventing collisions between:
1) aircraft flying in, and in the vicinity of, the ATZ;
2) aircraft taking-off and landing;
AND has absolute authority over all movements on active runways and their access points.
GMC shall provide services for:
1) Preventing collisions between aircraft and vehicles, obstructions and other aircraft on the manoeuvring area.
2) Assisting in preventing collisions between aircraft on the apron.
EXCEPT on active runways and their access points.
What are the other specific responsibilities of Aerodrome Control?
NIPI PAIN - Notifying, Informing aircraft, Providing, Informing approach, Pertinent, Appropriate, Informing AO, No Approach
1) Notifying emergency services when required
2) Informing aircraft of any depletion of the aerodrome emergency services
3) Providing an Approach Control Service when delegated to do so
4) Informing Approach of
• Pertinent data on IFR, SVFR and VFR (ie. departures, G/A and overdue a/c)
• Appropriate essential aerodrome information.
5) Informing the Aerodrome Operator when aerodrome/facilities deteriorate
6) If No Approach is established, initiating overdue action
Can Approach instruct approaching IFR flights to contact Aerodrome Control before transfer of control has become effective?
When shall control of a departing aircraft be transferred from Aerodrome Control to Approach?
a) in VMC: before a/c leaves vicinity, or before a/c enters IMC
b) in IMC: immediately after a/c airborne
Unless MATS2 specifies otherwise
What are the met conditions at which ATC will advise aircraft intending to operate under VFR with clearance, and request the pilot to specify the type of clearance required?
Ground visibility less than 5km
Cloud ceiling less than 1500ft
What are the met conditions that prohibit ATCOS from issuing new VFR Clearances to aircraft?
Ground visibility less than 5km
Cloud ceiling less than 1500ft
Except for:
Police, Helimed, Rescue, Electricity, Grid, Powerline, Pipeline, SAR
Rail track inspection flights
Aircraft under Aerodrome Control shall be kept informed of what information?
Aircraft under Aerodrome Control and in receipt of information shall be kept informed of:
1) Significant changes in met and runway conditions
2) Changes in essential aerodrome information
3) Changes in the status of approach and landing aids
What is the definition of Essential Aerodrome Information?
Information on the manoeuvring area and its associated facilities that may constitute a hazard to a particular aircraft
Can give way be used with regards to vehicles?
What are the conditions for a conditional runway crossing clearance?
- One movement only
- Contain sufficient information to enable the pilot/vehicle to identify the runway traffic
- For landing aircraft, it must reference the first one on approach
Define a Runway Incursion
Incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the runway
How can ATCOs help to prevent runway incursions?
Issue unambiguous instructions to pilots/vehicles
How may the SMR be used?
Monitor, Advice/Assistance, Clear, Departing, Commenced, Lights, Emergency
When traffic on the aerodrome cannot be adequately seen from the Tower during periods of low visibility or during the hours of darkness to
- Monitor the movements of aircraft and vehicles on the manoeuvring area
- Provide advice and assistance for the safe and efficient movement of aircraft and vehicles on the manoeuvring area
- Determine that a runway is clear of aircraft and vehicles
- Ensure that departing aircraft are lined up on the correct runway
- Ascertain that aircraft have commenced take-off run
- Facilitate switching of taxiway lighting
- Monitor and assist emergency service vehicles when required
What are the methods of establishing SMR identification?
Visually, Another Source, Manoeuvre, Reported Position, Position on Situation Display
By Correlating
* Visually observed aircraft/vehicle position
* An identified SMR position from another ATS source
* An SMR position complying with an ATC instruction for a specified manoeuvre
* Aircraft/vehicle position report
* A known aircraft/vehicle position, e.g. entering a runway or taxiway, holding position or any position marked on the situation display
Can a Heavy aircraft at the holding point be cleared for an immediate takeoff?
What must a airborne route clearance message include to prevent confusion with a takeoff clearance?
“hold position” and “after departure” are to be added
What are the requirements for issuing multiple line-up clearances?
SPAVF - Sunny, Physical characteristics, Ahead, Visible, Frequency
1) Daylight
2) All aircraft are continuously visible to the ATCO
3) All aircraft are on the same RTF frequency
4) Pilots are advised of the number of aircraft ahead in the departure sequence, and the position/runway from which these aircraft will depart
5) The physical characteristics of the runway do not render preceding aircraft in the departure sequence invisible to succeeding aircraft on the same runway
If a pilot requests the instant wind, what word must be included when passing the message?
The word “instant” must be used
Should a take-off clearance include the runway designator?
Can a departing aircraft be given instructions which necessitate a turn below 500ft?
No, unless light, a departing aircraft shall not turn before 500ft
If an ATC clearance could be confused with a instruction, what should precede the clearance message?
“hold position” and “after departure” should precede the message
What will the pilot do when given the instruction “cleared for immediate takeoff”?
From the Holding Point
Taxi immediately on to the runway and commence take-off without stopping the aircraft (Not to be given to HEAVY or SUPER aircraft)
If already lined up on the runway
Take-off without delay
Can a pilot request a delay in takeoff because of the danger of wake turbulence from the preceding aircraft?
How is a takeoff clearance cancelled before the takeoff run has commenced?
The pilot shall be instructed to hold position and acknowledge
”[Callsign], hold position, cancel takeoff, I say again, cancel takeoff, acknowledge”
How is a takeoff clearance cancelled after the takeoff run has commenced?
The pilot shall be instructed to stop immediately and acknowledge.
”[Callsign], stop immediately, I say again, [Callsign] stop immediately, acknowledge”
What are the mandatory reporting points in a circuit?
What are the requirements for issuing a land after?
SLABS - Sunny, Long enough, ATCO satisifed, Backtrack, Separation
1) The runway is long enough and braking is not adversely affected
2) Daylight
3) The preceding landing aircraft is not required to backtrack
4) The ATCO is satisfied the landing aircraft will see the preceding aircraft clearly and continuously until it has vacated
5) The pilot of the following aircraft is warned and responsibility for ensuring adequate separation rests with them
What should the ATCO do if they consider a landing aircraft to be dangerously positioned on final approach?
Can instructions be issued to aircraft on final approach?
Due to the high workload of a final approach, instructions shall not be issued to aircraft on final unless for safety reasons, for example Go-Around
What are the basic uses of the ATM?
LLSC - Landing, Longitudinal, SID, Circuit
1) Determine the landing order, spacing and distance from touchdown of arriving aircraft
2) Assist in applying longitudinal separation for departing aircraft
3) Enable the controller to confirm that the initial track of a departing aircraft conforms with the clearance issued
4) Provide information to aircraft on the position of other aircraft in the circuit or carrying out an instrument approach
What are the advanced uses of the ATM?
VODMAP - Validate/Verify, Overflying, Departure, Missed, Arriving, Pass
Validate SSR and Mode S of departing aircraft and verify Mode C read-outs
Monitor overflying aircraft identified by Approach to ensure that they do not conflict with arriving or departing aircraft
Establish separation between departing aircraft
Establish separation in the event of a missed approach
Assist in taking corrective action when the separation between arriving aircraft becomes less than the minima
Pass traffic information
If a runway change is necessary, after consulting Approach, who should Aerodrome inform?
1) Aircraft under their control
2) Aerodrome Fire Service
3) Contractors working who will be affected
4) Other agencies according to local instructions
What responsibilities does ATC have to the Aerodrome Operator?
Inform the AO immediately when reports or observations indicate that there is a hazard to the movement of aircraft on the apron or manoeuvring area
What should ATCOs do upon receipt of information about an unplanned reduction in RFFS category?
Notify flight crew either via ATIS or directly by RT