Aerobic And Anaerobic Respiration Lesson 18 Flashcards
Aerobic repiration
With oxygen used for long distance running
Aerobic respiration formula
Anaerobic repiration
Use glucose as energy for a 100m sprinter
Anaerobic respiartion formula
Glucos=energy+lactic acid
Major source of energy
Contraption of a musle usualy caused by fatigue
Lactic acid
Produced in muscle tissues during streneus exercise when the body is training anaerobicaly at high intesity
Type 1 muscle fibre
Slow contraction velocity. Resistant to fatigue
Type 2a muscle fibre
Use anaerobic and anaerobic metabolism. More prone to fatige
Type 2x muscle fibre
100 metre runner high intensity. Rapid fatigue, fast muscle fatigue
Slow twitch muscle fibres
Fatigue resistant and are aerobic
Products released while producing energy aerobically
Lactic acid and carbon dioxide
What is the blood pressures in 120/80
120=systolic blood pressure
80-distolic blood pressure
Fast twitch muscle fibre
Contract quickly, but rapidly get tired