Adverbial Time Phrases - Prepositions Flashcards
Ab + dat/akk
Used in the meaning ‘from’ and is an alternative to ‘Von … an’
Eg ab neun Uhr (from Nine o clock)
An + Dativ
Used with nouns denoting days/parts of the day
Am Montag/an Wochentagen
Auf + accusative
Indicates a time from now, corresponding to ‘for’. It is less common than ‘für’
Eg sie fährt auf vier Monate in die Schweiz
Used with nouns which do not themselves express time. So ‘the time when X took/was taking/will take place’
Bei seiner Geburt (at his birth)
Indicates an end point in time and can correspond to ‘until’ or ‘by’. It is never followed by a definite article
Eg bis Freitag (by/until Friday)
It is also used as colloquial leave taking phrases eg ‘bis Morgen’
Indicates a time period extending from now (similar to ‘for’)
Eg ich habe das Haus für sechs Monate gemietet
Usually means ‘towards’ (i.e. Just
before or about)
Eg ‘gegen Mittag/Abend’
In + Dativ
Used to denote periods of time (although not days/times of day when ‘an’ is used). It is always used with dative in time expressions.
Eg im Augenblick (at the moment) or im Jahre 2012
Can also be used to denote a period of time within which something happens
Ich habe die Arbeit in zwei Stunden gemacht
Can also be used to denote time after which something happens/is done
Er kommt in einer halben Stunde zurück
Corresponds to ‘later’ or ‘after’
Eg Nach vielen Jahren
Marks a period of time beginning in the past and continuing to present or more recent point in past. Similar to ‘since’/’for’
Eg er ist seit drei Woche hier
Occurs in a few time expressions as ‘over’ and is always in accusative
Eg sie ist über Nacht/übers Wochenende geblieben
Used with clock times as ‘at’
However with other time words expresses approximation (i.e. ‘Around’ or ‘about’)
Eg um Mitternacht
Indicates start point in time and corresponds to ‘from’ and is often used with following ‘an’.
Eg ‘Von nun an’ (from now on)
Vor + Dativ
Corresponds to ‘ago’ or ‘before’ and is always used with dative
Eg vor einem Jahr (a year ago)
Corresponds to ‘during’
Eg während des letzten Urlaub
However it is not used with words like Tag, Abend, Nacht or Jahr if these words simply have a definite article (then am is used)
Eg am Tag (during the day)
However if there is an adjective, then während is used
Eg während der letzten Nacht (during last night)
Used as ‘at’ and is used with:h
All major festivals (eg zu Weihnachten)
Zu used with Zeit and Stunde to denote one or more specific points/periods of time
Zu der Zeit (at that time)
Whereas in is used to denote period within or after something occurs
Eg In all der Zeit… (in all that time…)
Zu is also used with Mal
Eg ‘Zum Ersten mal’
Used in conjunction with words to indicate periods of the day (yesterday/today/tomorrow)
Eg gestern Morgen (yesterday morning)
Used as ‘before’ for past or future time
Eg ich war ein Jahr vorher/zuvor da gewesen (i had been there a year before)
Corresponds to before but refers to time up to present moment
Eg sie hätten es mir früher sagen sollen.