Adrenergic Transmission Flashcards
cell bodies in the sympathetic chain ganglion end in nerve terminals which appear varicose or beaded
norepinephrine is released here with similar mechanisms to cholinergic neuromuscular transmission

two major differences between cholinergic and adrenergic trasmission
1) NE action is terminated by uptake and not by destruction as with ACh
2) presynaptic receptors for NE are of great functional importance on both adrenergic nerve endings and cholinergic nerve endings
tyrosine and varicosities
tyrosine uptake from the circulation for synthesis of dopamine in the cytoplasm
function of alpha 2 receptors in varicosities
act as auto-inhibitory receptors and depres neurally-evoked NE release and generally depress cellular function
Uptake 1 or NET
transporter in the nerve terminal membrane with rapid, high affinity buy low capacity
requires metabolic energy and Na+
major route of NE inactivation
substrates of Uptake 1
ephendrine derivatives
Uptake 2 or ENT
extraneuronal and low affinity, high capacity
uptake system for all catecholamines of interest
at wide neuro-effector junctions, important for terminating the action of NE
steroids are inhibitors
If MAO and COMT are not terribly important in terminating the action of release NE, why do we have them?
they are important in degrading ingested amines
inhibitors of Uptake 1
tricyclic antidepressants, cocaine, methylphenidate (ritalin)
metabolism of NE
oxidative deamination by monoamine oxidase in the neuron and effector cell mitochondria and methylation by catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) in the effector cell cytoplasm

synthesis of catecholamines
tyrosone -> DOPA -> Dopamine -> norepinephrine -> epinephrine

metabolism of catecholamines
COMT and MAO, order is not important
COMT is a phase II methylation reaction

one of the metabolites of catecholamine
acts as an index of peripheral catecholaminergic activity
one of the tests for pheochromocytoma is elevated VMA levels
for greatest sensitivity, total metabolites as well as catecholamines in the liver are measured
a metabolite of catecholamines
an index of CNS catecholaminergic activity due to an aldehyde reductase in teh CNS
inhibition of MAO and COMT
drugs that act indirectly to displace NE form nerve endings such as tyramine, anmphetamines, and ependrine can have profound sympathomimetic effects when mAO is inhibited
blockers of uptake (especially Uptake I)