34SV-SUV-013-0, “Weekly Breaker Alignment Checks”, is used to confirm or verify offsite power sources are available and supplying the __________.
The MINIMUM qualification level of personnel performing this procedure is a __________.
A. Plant Startup Transformers;
NON LICENSED Plant Operator
B. Plant Startup Transformers;
LICENSED Nuclear Plant Operator
C. 4160 VAC Emergency Buses;
NON LICENSED Plant Operator
D. 4160 VAC Emergency Buses;
LICENSED Nuclear Plant Operator
A. Plant Startup Transformers;
NON LICENSED Plant Operator
4.3.1 2. Perform Attachment 3, indicating two closed circuits from an offsite transmission line to SAT 1C, SAT 1D and SAT 1E.
4.3.2 2. Perform Attachment 3,
indicating two closed circuits from an offsite transmission line to SAT 1C, SAT 1D, SAT 1E, SAT 2C, SAT 2D, and SAT 2E.
System operators will collect the majority of the data for this procedure during rounds.
IAW 34SV-SUV-019-2, “Surveillance Checks”, and Tech Spec 3.4.4, RCS Operational LEAKAGE, which ONE of the choices below identifies the integrator used in determining UNIDENTIFIED leakage rate and its location?
A. Drywell Floor Drain Sump Integrator, 2G11-K601, located on panel 2H11-P602.
B. Drywell Floor Drain Sump Integrator, 2G11-K601, located on panel 2H11-P613.
C. Drywell Equipment Drain Sump Integrator, 2G11-K603, located on panel 2H11-P602.
D. Drywell Equipment Drain Sump Integrator, 2G11-K603, located on panel 2H11-P613.
B. Drywell Floor Drain Sump Integrator, 2G11-K601, located on panel 2H11-P613.
7.24.5 2H11-P613 - 2G11-K601, D/W Floor Drain Leakage
Tech Spec. 3.5.1 requires 34SV-SUV-018-1/2, ECCS Status Checks (SR, to be performed __________.
The purpose of 34SV-SUV-018-1/2, ECCS Status Checks, is to verify, for each ECCS injection/spray subsystem that the __________.
A. once every shift;
valves in the flow path are in the correct position;
B. once every shift;
piping is filled with water from the pump discharge valve to the injection valve.
C. once every 31 days;
valves in the flow path are in the correct position;
D. once every 31 days;
piping is filled with water from the pump discharge valve to the injection valve.
C. once every 31 days;
valves in the flow path are in the correct position;
2.0 Applicability
It is required to be performed once every 31 days by Tech Specs.
This procedure is applicable to the valves in the flow paths of the following ECCS AND safe shutdown systems:
High Pressure Coolant Injection System, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System, LPCI AND Suppression Pool Cooling and Spray Modes AND Drywell Spray Mode of the Residual Heat Removal System AND the Core Spray System.
Procedure steps, series of steps, or actions that, if performed INCORRECTLY, will cause irreversible, intolerable harm to plant equipment, people, or significantly impact plant operation are _________ .
A statement that is contained within a box and appears within a procedure to make the reader or user aware that hazards may be present and personal injury may result if procedural steps
are NOT followed is a __________.
A. Critical Steps;
B. Critical Steps;
C. Continuous Action Steps;
D. Continuous Action Steps;
A. Critical Steps;
- 0 Definitions
- Critical Step – A procedure step, series of steps, or action that, if performed incorrectly, will cause irreversible harm to plant equipment or people or will significantly impact plant operation.
- 0 Definitions
- Warning - A statement placed immediately before applicable steps to warn users of potential for personnel injury, loss of life, or health hazards.
A Unit 2 startup is in progress per 34GO-OPS-001-2, “Plant Startup”.
The shift team has decided to N/A the step in 34GO-OPS-001-2, requiring the Steam Packing
Exhauster to be started prior to placing sealing steam on the Main Turbine.
Per NMP-AP-003, “Procedure and Work Instruction Use and Adherence”:
A. This step can NOT be N/A’d.
B. The step can be marked N/A without explanation.
C. The step can be marked N/A but must be explained.
D. The step can be marked N/A but must be approved by the SM.
A. This step can NOT be N/A’d.
4.2.7 c. Steps without conditional statements or specified conditions may be marked N/A, if ALL the following criteria are satisfied:
• The step is NOT needed for the current mode, condition, or configuration of the plant.
• The intent (method of operation or the results) of the steps or sections does NOT change.
• The initial conditions, precautions, or prerequisites sections are NOT violated.
You are performing a Locked Valve Surveillance when you arrive at 2C41-F031. (Locked Closed Valve)
The MINIMUM procedurally required action(s) to confirm that 2C41-F031 is in the required
position while performing a Locked Valve Surveillance is to __________, and then initial
and date the Locked Valve Surveillance form.
A. verify that the valve remains locked; then
use all available indications and indicators to verify that the valve is in the required position, it is not necessary to attempt to turn the valve handwheel,
B. unlock the valve; then,
attempt to turn the handwheel in the OPEN direction, ensuring it turns < 1/4 turn; then, install the locking device
C. unlock the valve; then,
attempt to turn the handwheel in the CLOSE direction, ensuring it turns < 1/4 turn; then, install the locking device
D. unlock the valve; then,
attempt to turn the handwheel in the CLOSE direction, ensuring it turns < 1/4 turn; then,
turn the handwheel in the OPEN direction, ensure the valve is NOT on its back seat;
then, install the locking device
A. verify that the valve remains locked; then
use all available indications and indicators to verify that the valve is in the required position, it is not necessary to attempt to turn the valve handwheel,
34GO-OPS-001-0 IF the valve to be verified is locked,
the valve SHOULD remain locked and position indicators should be utilized to determine the valve position,
e.g. valve stem position or flow indication, are consistent with the required position. IF the valve to be verified is locked, AND cannot be ensured by the use of a position indicator, e.g. valve stem position or flow indication,
check the position by performing the following: IF the valve is required to be CLOSED,
unlock the valve and:
turn the handwheel in the “CLOSED” direction, using normal force or torque.
The handwheel will normally turn no more than one quarter turn to seat the valve. IF the valve is required to be OPEN,
unlock the valve and:
turn the handwheel in the “CLOSE” direction,
UNTIL there is a small amount of stem movement,
THEN return the valve to the FULL OPEN position.
Unit 1 has experienced a transient.
o HPCI has failed to start and RWL is DECREASING
IAW DI-OPS-59-0896, “Operations Management Expectations”, which ONE of the choices
below completes the following statements?
When reporting the HPCI failure to the Shift Supervisor, the operator __________ required
to use the Shift Supervisor’s name or title.
If the operator provides the exact value of RWL to the Shift Supervisor, then the operator
__________ required to provide the trend direction.
A. is;
is still
B. is;
is NOT
C. is NOT;
is still
D. is NOT;
is NOT
A. is;
is still
- 1.2 3. g. Use 3-Part Communication for all order/directions that involve operation of plant equipment, or exchange of critical information related to the plant or plant equipment, to promote a reliable transfer of information and understanding.
(1) Sender Responsibilities (Direction)
(a) Address intended receiver by name or title.
4.19.2 5. All parameters are communicated with values, units, trends, and, where appropriate, rates
IAW NMP-OS-007-001, “Conduct of Operations, Standards and Expectations”:
Procedure place-keeping __________ required for notes, cautions and warnings for
Reference Use procedures.
Place-keeping for steps containing “multiple actions” will be performed by __________.
A. is NOT;
initialing next to the completed step
B. is NOT;
utilizing the circle/slash method
C. is;
utilizing the circle/slash method
D. is;
initialing next to the completed step
B. is NOT;
utilizing the circle/slash method
References NMP-AP-003
4.4.1 Review and understand the document before performing any steps including the precautions, limitations, and prerequisites sections.
- 7.5 a. (1) (a) IF the step contains multiple actions, circle each action verb within the step.
b. PERFORM the step or specific action.
c. ANNOTATE the procedure step as complete.
(2) IF the step contains multiple actions, individually check or mark each action previously circled after each action is completed.
IAW NMP-OS-007, “Conduct of Operations”, EXCLUDING shift turnover walkdowns:
The Operator at the Controls (OATC) is required to walkdown the front Control Room panels __________.
The walkdowns ______ required to be documented in the Unit Control Log.
A. at least once per shift;
B. at least once per shift;
are not
C. approximately every two hours during the shift;
are not
D. approximately every two hours during the shift;
B. at least once per shift;
are not
- 17 OATC
- Walks down the applicable portions of the control boards and control room displays at turnover and at intervals throughout the shift (mid-shift, and after system manipulations are recommended).
IAW NMP-OS-007, “Conduct of Operations”, EXCLUDING shift turnover walkdowns:
The Unit Shift Supervisor is required to walkdown the front Control Room panels __________.
The walkdowns ______ required to be documented in the Unit Control Log.
A. at least once per shift;
B. at least once per shift;
are not
C. approximately every two hours during the shift;
are not
D. approximately every two hours during the shift;
A. at least once per shift;
- 10 Shift Supervisor
- (Farley, Hatch, Vogtle 1-2) Walks down the control boards and control room displays at turnover and at least once during the shift (preferably with the UO/OATC) to verify component position and system parameters. This walk-down should be recorded in the unit control log.
Per NMP-GM-005-002, “Human Performance Tools Instruction”, which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?
The verification practice used, when the consequences of an incorrect action would lead to
immediate and possibly irreversible harm to the plant or personnel, is __________ Verification.
The primary focus of a Peer Check is __________.
A. Independent;
the performers actions
B Independent;
status control of equipment
C. Concurrent;
the performers actions
D. Concurrent;
status control of equipment
C. Concurrent;
the performers actions
4.2.3 2. b. WHEN to perform Concurrent Verification:
WHEN the consequences of an incorrect action would lead to immediate and possibly irreversible harm to the plant or personnel.
4.2.3 3. b. (1) (g) The peer witnesses the positioning (or check) of the component and physically verifies component position or condition, WHEN applicable.
Unit 2 is performing a reactor startup. Reactor power is at 14% and there are six (6) control rods with substitute positions.
Subsequently the following occurs:
o At 10:00, control rod 22-11 is withdrawn to position 14 where a failed reed switch is encountered
o At 10:05, a substitute control rod position is inserted IAW 34GO-OPS-065-0, “Control Rod Movement”
o At 10:10, control rod 22-11 is withdrawn to position 16 where there is an operable reed switch. No other operator action has been taken.
At 10:07, a total of __________ more substitute control rod position(s) may be inserted.
At 10:11, there are __________ control rods on the substitute control rod list.
A. two (2);
seven (7)
B. two (2);
six (6)
C. one (1);
seven (7)
D. one (1);
six (6)
D. one (1);
six (6)
• The RWM will NOT allow a substitute position to be entered IF there is a functional reed switch for that rod’s position OR IF there are already EIGHT control rods with substitute positions.
• The rod will automatically be removed from the substitute rod list IF it is moved to a position with an operating reed switch OR IF its reed switch is returned to service.
A Unit 1 startup is in progress per 34GO-OPS-001-1, “Plant Startup”.
o Rx Engineering has determined that Control Rod 26-11 is a “fast rod”
IAW 34GO-OPS-065-0, “Control Rod Movement”:
__________ must review AND approve any planned control rod movements (other than routine CRD exercising).
Control rods that have been deemed as “fast rods”, are to be withdrawn in __________.
A. Shift Supervisor;
single notch mode (only)
B. Shift Supervisor;
single notch or continous withrawal mode
C. Shift Manager;
single notch mode (only)
D. Shift Manager;
single notch or continuous withdrawal mode
C. Shift Manager;
single notch mode (only)
34GO-OPS-065-0 The Shift Manager (SM) must review AND approve any planned control rod movements (other than routine CRD exercising).
Additionally, the Shift Supervisor must be made aware of all planned control rod movements PRIOR to their performance.
- 1.8. Control Rods that have been deemed as “fast rods” are to be withdrawn in single notch mode only, EXCEPT while performing the following.
a. Control Rod sequence exchanges
b. Scram time testing
c. Flux tilt testing
d. Any rod movement performed under 34GO-OPS-066-0
e. As approved by Reactor Engineering.
IAW 10AC-MGR-001-0, “Plant Organization Staff Responsibilities & Authorities”:
The order to start up or shutdown the reactor for planned maintenance or refueling is issued
by the __________ or designated alternate.
In an emergency or when it is judged that continued operation would jeopardize plant or
personnel safety, ANY MEMBER of the Operations Department __________ have the
authority to order the reactor shutdown or to shut it down himself.
A. Vice President;
does NOT
B. Vice President;
C. Plant Manager;
D. Plant Manager;
does NOT
A. Vice President;
does NOT
3.3.1. The order to start up or to shut down the reactor for planned maintenance or refueling is issued by the VP or his designated alternate.
3.3.2. In an emergency or when it is judged that continued operation would jeopardize plant or personnel safety, any member of the plant staff holding an operator license has the authority to order the reactor shut down or to shut it down himself.
The following data is from Attachment 8 of 34GO-OPS-001-2, “Plant Startup”.
Reading Time RPV Press(PSIG) RPV Coolant(°F) Metal Temp(°F)
- 0700 95 334 330
- 0715 105 341 339
- 0730 115 347 345
- 0745 205 390 388
Based on the provided data:
The heatup rate __________ violating Tech Specs; AND,
Action to decrease the heatup rate __________ procedurally REQUIRED.
A. is;
B. is NOT;
C. is;
is NOT
D. is NOT;
is NOT
B. is NOT;
34GO-OPS-001-2 Attachment 8
4. Check “RPV Coolant 15 min change” is < 25 °F.
IF it is NOT,
THEN take action to lower the heatup rate such that the heatup limit of 100 °F in any one hour period is NOT exceeded.
A Unit 2 startup is in progress per 34GO-OPS-001-2, “Plant Startup”. The reactor has been
declared CRITICAL.
o All SRM & IRM detectors are FULLY inserted o All IRMs are on Range 1
The following SRM and IRM indications exist:
SRM Indication
A 1x10^5 cps
B 1x10^5 cps
C 3x10^5 cps
D 3x10^5 cps
IRM Indication IRM Indication
A 6/125 B 6/125
C 7/125 D 3/125
E 6/125 F 3/125
G 3/125 H 4/125
At this point in time during the startup, IAW 34GO-OPS-001-2, “Plant Startup”, acceptable overlap has been achieved on ALL IRMs associated with __________ ; AND, control rod withdrawal ___________.
A. 1 SRM channel ONLY;
must be halted
B. 3 SRM channels;
must be halted
C. 3 SRM channels;
can continue
D. 1 SRM channel ONLY;
can continue
A. 1 SRM channel ONLY;
must be halted