Acute inflammation I Flashcards
local reaction of vascularized tissue to injury
timeframe of Acute inflammation
0-2 days
time frame of subacute inflammation
2-14 days
time frame of chronic inflammation
> 14 days
Cells found in acute inflammation
Cells found in subacute inflammation
neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, plasma cells, fibrobalstic elements, angioblastic elements
cells found in chronic inflammation
monocytes, lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, granuloma cells
predominate inflammatory cells in allergic reactions and parasitic infestations
What are the 6 cardinal signs of inflammation
heat, redness, swelling, pain, loss of function, swstemic changes
outpouring of watery, relatively protein-poor fluid, derives from either serum or mesothelial cell secretions
examples of serous inflammation
skin blister from burn
fibrious inflammation
seen in more severe injury, incrased vascular permeability allows leakage of larger molecules, extravascular fibrin accumulates
suppurative (purulent) inflammation
manifested by large amounts of pus
focal collections of pus, central necrotic region surrounded by layer of preserved neutrophils
local defect, excavation produced by sloughing of inflammatory necrotic tissue, can only occur on or near a surface
What are potential outcomes of acute inflammation
progress to chronic inflammation
Alterations in vascular calbier in acute inflammation leads to
increased blood flow
Structural changes in microvasculature in acute inflammation enables what
plasma proteins and leukocytes to leave the circulatoin
In acute inflammation there is emigratino of ____ from microcirculation
Cell adhesion molecules
membrane proteins that promote leukocyte attachement and paritcipation in the inflammatory response
What are the selectins
P, E, L
assists in localization of leukocytes to tissue injury
Where is ICAM-1 expressed
on surface of cytokines stimulated endothelium
What does ICAM-1 bind to
integrins LFA-1 and MCa-1 present on cell membranes of neutrophils and macrophages
binds to integrin VLA-4 molecule on lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
CD-31, bind in a homophilic manner
plays an important role in the diapedesis step of leukocyte emigration
integrin family
group of adhesion molecules composed of heterodimers of alpha and beta subunits which act in regulation of cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion
expressed only on leukocytes, binds to VCAM-1 on endothelium
Beta2 integrins
CD11-CD18 molecules or leukocytes function associated antigens of LFA
What do LFA-1 and complement receptor type 3 and 4 do
bind to ICAM-1 and assist in localization of phagocytes to injury sites and subsequent extravasation