ACE Inhibitors Flashcards
Mechanism of Action
Ref: AMH
ACE inhibitors
- inhibits angiotensin I to angiotensin II conversion
- inhibit the breakdown of bradykinin.
Also inhibit the effect of angiotensin II-induced:
- vasoconstriction
- sodium retention
- aldosterone release
- sympathetic nervous activity
Most common side effects
Hypotension Dizzyness Cough Hyperkalemia Renal Impairment Fatigue Nausea
(Infrequent = Angiodema)
(Ref: AMH)
ACE Inhibitors and Serum Creatinine & eGFR
What is the threshold for Creatinine and eGFR fro
a) continuing ACE
b) discontinuing ACE
(Ref: AMH)
Serum creatinine may increase after starting treatment or increasing the dose (usually stabilises within the first 2 months):
a) if increase is <30% or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) reduction is <25%, there is no need to adjust dose
b) if increase is >30% (or GFR reduction is >25%), investigate other causes and if necessary, reduce dose or stop ACE inhibitor and consider specialist referral.