AC-Ch. 4 Water Management Flashcards
Severe drying out
Method of minimizing evaporation and runoff by applying small amounts of water through small emitters
Drip irrigation
Loss of water by evaporation from the soil surface and transpiration by plants
Group of plants in a landscape with similar water requirements
Downward entry of water into the soil
Entry of fine particles into drainage or aeration systems can lead to system clogging and failure
Downward entry of materials from one soil or fill layer to another as when a gravel road surfaces mixes with underlying soil
Speed at which water penetrates the soil
Infiltration rate
Practice of minimizing irrigation needs through the use of drought tolerant plants and watering only when necessary
Minimum irrigation
Movement of water trough the soil
Speed at which water moves through the soil
Percolation rate
Term to describe a compound that is poisonous to plants
Amount or percentage of salt in the soil
Instrument used to measure soil moisture
Fully hydrated to a normal state of distension
Calculation based on precipitation and environmental factors that establishes the minimum irrigation needed to maintain plant health
Water budget
Ability of a soil to hold moisture
Water-holding capacity
Use of plant materials and practices that minimize landscaping water use. Term for environmentally friendly form of landscaping in dry climates
Water remaining in the soil after gravitational water has drained and before the permanent wilting point has been reached.
Available water