AC-Ch. 14 Urban Forestry Flashcards
Best available industry recognized courses of action, in consideration of the benefits and limitations, based on scientific research and current knowledge
Best management practices
Capturing and long term storage of carbon. Most often used in reference to the capturing of atmospheric carbon dioxide through biological, chemical, or physical processes.
Carbon sequestration
An individual specializing in the fields of Arboriculture and urban forestry and having responsibility for the management of all or part of planted and naturally occurring greenscapes on public land in communities.
City forester
Subjecting organic matter to decay and decomposition processes.
Group of representatives of several tree care and landscape associations that works to research and author the Guide for Plant Appraisal
Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers
Complex system of living organisms and their abiotic environment
Computer application used to store, view, and analyze geographical information typically maps
Geographic information system
Living components within developed areas. Can be incorporated with gray infrastructure to perform important ecological functions such as stormwater management, erosion control, temperature buffering and more
Green infrastructure
Rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere trap energy from the sun
Greenhouse effect
An environment suitable for sustaining a population of a given organism.
Constructed inanimate elements of a landscape such as walls, pathways, and seats made of wood, stone and/or other materials
Suite of software products and management tools that allows the user to inventory the urban forest and analyze its costs, benefits and management needs.
Green building rating system developed by the U.S. Green building council to provide standards for environmentally sustainable construction and building management practices
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
An individual specializing in the fields of Arboriculture and urban forestry and having responsibility for the management of all or part of planted and naturally occurring greenscapes on public land in communities
Municipal arborist
Written order granting permission to do something
Method to appraise the monetary value of trees considered replaceable with nursery or feild grown stock. Based on the cost of replacement with the same or comparable species of the same size in the same place subject to depreciation for various factors
Replacement cost
Measure of the number and variety of different species found in a given area
Species diversity
Person or group that has an interest in or is affected by an activity or decision
An established or widely recognized authority of acceptable performance
Water originating from precipitation that flows above ground rather than infiltrating into the soil. May occur if soils are frozen or saturated or if the rate at which precipitation falls is greater than the infiltration rate of a soil.
Stormwater runoff
The ability to maintain ecological, social, and economic benefits over time
Program created to establish national guidelines and performance benchmarks for sustainable land design, construction, and maintenance practices.
Sustainable Sites Initiative
Record of each tree within a designated population typically includes species, size, location, condition and maintenance requirements
Tree inventory
Tree specific legal document that defines a public agency’s authority, describes required conditions or actions, establishes penalties for non-conformance and identifies who is responsible for enforcement and over sight
Tree ordinance
Method to appraise the monetary value of trees considered too large to be replaced with nursery or field grown stock. Based on developing a representative unit cost for replacement with the same size and in the same place subject to depreciation for various factors.
Trunk formula method
Document that describes how urban forestry goals are to be accomplished within a defined time frame includes tasks, prorities, best management practices, standards, specifications, budgets and staffing analyses.
Urban forest management plan
Management of naturally occurring and planted trees and associated plants in urban areas
Urban forestry
Animals living in a natural undomesticated state
Practice and study of the care of trees and other woody plants in the landscape.