Abnormal growth and pubertal development Flashcards
Main causes of short stature?
under nutrition Chronic- JCA, IBD, coeliac Iatrogenic - steroids psychosocial and social Hormonal (GHD, hypothyroidism, glucocorticoid excess) syndromes (Turner P-W, Noonan, phpt) - skeletal dysplasias
Short and obese child can be?
- thyroxine replacement
Turner syndrome girls karyotype
Features of Turney syndrome in female
- associated disorders?
short stature
ovarian dysgenesis
- cardiac, renal , thyroid, ENT (glue ear)
- learning difficulties
Features of Prader- Will syndrome?
infantile hypotonia feeding problems hyperplasia obesity in childhood short stature developmental delay hypogonadism
-give GH
Prader- Will syndrome has a deletion of what?
Noonan syndrome features
facial features - low set ears, long filtrum, spaced eyes, ptosis
short statures
- congenital heart disease - Pul valve stenosis
- give gh
most common skeletal dysplasia?
Achondroplasia (dwarfism)
what can cause delayed puberty?
late puberty?
Crohn’s, asthma, impaired HPG axis (sept-optic dysplasia, craniopharyngioma, kallman’s syndrome)
primary gonadal disorder (dysgenesis) , turners, Klinefelter’s, DSD, testicualr irradiation
breast development? - hypothalamic activation
- axis activation?
infantile Thelarche
premature Thelarche
- central precocious puberty
older children can present with secondary sexual characteristics such as?
- pubic and axillary hair
sex steroid hormone secretion from adrenal glands
- congenital adrenal hyperplasia
PV bleeding is?
premature menarche
Central (TRUE) precocious puberty children present with ?
breast development
testes growth in males
growth spurt
advanced bone age
need to exclude pituitary lesion - MRI
secondary sexual characteristics development - precocious pseudo puberty - what is this caused by? what must you rule out?
gonadotrophin independent (low LH and FSH) - EARLY adrenarche
- congenital adrenal hyperplasia - need treatment as children will be short - urine and blood test
Assessment of obese child?
weight BMI height waist skin folds history and examination complicaitons
what to look for on examination- what will insulin resistance show as?
Acanthosis nigricans
complications of obesity?
fatty liver disease sleep apnoea GORD stress incontience LVH RSHF
causes of obesity?
simple obesity - food intake
- drugs- anti-epileptics
- endocrine disorders
- hypothalamic damage
hypothalamic causes?
loss of appetite control