ABG Flashcards
5 step approach to interpretation of ABGs
- How is the patient?
- Is the patient hypoxaemic?
the Pa02 on air should be >10 kPa - Is the patient acidaemic (pH <7.35) or alkalaemic (pH >7.45)
- Respiratory component: What has happened to the PaCO2?
PaCO2 > 6.0 kPa suggests a respiratory acidosis (or respiratory compensation for a metabolic alkalosis)
PaCO2 < 4.7 kPa suggests a respiratory alkalosis (or respiratory compensation for a metabolic acidosis) - Metabolic component: What is the bicarbonate level/base excess?
bicarbonate < 22 mmol/l (or a base excess < - 2mmol/l) suggests a metabolic acidosis (or renal compensation for a respiratory alkalosis)
bicarbonate > 26 mmol/l (or a base excess > + 2mmol/l) suggests a metabolic alkalosis (or renal compensation for a respiratory acidosis)
normal pH range
7.35 - 7.45
normal PaO2 range
10.7 - 13.3 kPa
Normal PaCO2 range
4.7 - 6.0 kPa
normal HCO3 range
22 - 26 mmol/L
Base excess normal range
-2 to +2
Lactate normal range
0.5-1 mmol/L
what does a low PaO2 indicate?
A low PaO2 indicates hypoxia and respiratory failure
what is type 1 resp failure? pathophysiology?
low PaO2, normal PaCO2 (1 thing wrong)
pH likely normal
ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch
As a result of the VQ mismatch, PaO2 falls and PaCO2 rises. The rise in PaCO2 rapidly triggers an increase in a patient’s overall alveolar ventilation, which corrects the PaCO2 but not the PaO2 due to the different shape of the CO2 and O2 dissociation curves. The end result is hypoxaemia (PaO2 < 8 kPa /60mmHg) with normocapnia (PaCO2 < 6.0 kPa / 45mmHg).¹
Reduced ventialtion and normal perfusion:
- pulmonary oedema
- bronchoconstriction
- pneumonia
Reduced perfusion with normal ventilation:
- pulmonary embolism
what is type 2 resp failure? pathophysiology?
low PaO2, high PaCO2 (2 things wrong)
alveolar hypoventilation
- Pulmonary disease (COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, obstructive sleep apnoea)
- Reduced respiratory drive – can be a result of sedentary drugs, trauma or CNS tumour
- Neuromuscular disease – e.g. cervical cord lesion, diaphragmatic paralysis, polio, myasthaenia gravis
- Thoracic wall disease - e.g. Flail chest, kyphoscoliosis, hyperinflation, large pleural effusions, obesity, and thoracoplasty
When to suspect resp acidosis? causes?
low pH
raised PaCO2
things that cause type 2 resp failure
- Pulmonary disease (COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, obstructive sleep apnoea)
- Reduced respiratory drive – can be a result of sedentary drugs, trauma or CNS tumour
- Neuromuscular disease – e.g. cervical cord lesion, diaphragmatic paralysis, polio, myasthaenia gravis
- Thoracic wall disease - e.g. Flail chest, kyphoscoliosis, hyperinflation, large pleural effusions, obesity, and thoracoplasty
resp acidosis with metabolic compensation makes you think?
During an acute episode of respiratory acidosis, bicarbonate cannot be produced fast enough to compensate for the rising carbon dioxide.
Raised bicarbonate indicates that the patient chronically retains CO2. Their kidneys have responded by producing additional bicarbonate to balance the acidic CO2 and maintain a normal pH. This is seen in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In an acute exacerbation of COPD, the kidneys cannot keep up with the rising level of CO2, so the patient becomes acidotic despite having higher bicarbonate than someone without COPD.
when to suspect respiratory alkalosis? causes?
high pH
low PaCO2
This is due to hyperventilation
Respiratory alkalosis occurs when a patient has a raised respiratory rate and “blows off” too much CO2. They are breathing too fast and getting rid of too much CO2. There will be a high pH (alkalosis) and a low PaCO2.
Anxiety (i.e. panic attack) - will have high PaO2
Pain: causing an increased respiratory rate.
Hypoxia: resulting in increased alveolar ventilation in an attempt to compensate.
Pulmonary embolism - will have low PaO2
Iatrogenic (e.g. excessive mechanical ventilation)
how to tell the difference between resp alkalosis caused by hyperventilation syndrome vs PE
Patients with a PE will have a low PaO2, whereas patients with hyperventilation syndrome will have a high PaO2.
what helps you differnetiate causes of metabolic acidosis? how do you do it?
calculating anion gap
Anion gap formula: Na+ – (Cl– + HCO3–)
The normal anion gap varies with different assays but is typically between 4 to 12 mmol/L.
High anion gap = increase in organic acids that aren’t accounted for in the equation
anion gap formula
Na+ + K+ – (Cl– + HCO3–)
what is a anion
negatively charged chemical species
what is a cation
positively charged chemical species
when to suspect mixed repiratory and metabolic acidosis
↓ pH
Causes of mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis include:
Cardiac arrest
Multi-organ failure
when to suspect mixed respiratory and metabolic alkalosis
↑ pH
↓ CO2
↑ HCO3–
Causes of mixed respiratory and metabolic alkalosis:
Liver cirrhosis in addition to diuretic use
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Excessive ventilation in COPD
What would an ABG show acute asthma
The more severe the obstruction, the lower the PaO2 will be
Low CO2 and resulting respiratory alkalosis suggests that the patient is breathing hard and blowing of CO2
Normal CO2 suggests the patient may be tiring and is a sign of life-threatening asthma
High CO2 is a sign of near-fatal acute asthma as the patient is no longer breathing well. if the patient becomes hypercapnic they are likely to become acidotic. In very severe cases this can result in metabolic acidosis.
signs of co2 retention
Confusion – as a result of peripheral vasodilation
Asterixis (renal failure, type 2 resp failure, liver failure)
Warm extremeties
Bounding pulse
Morning headache – CO2 particularly high at these times.
if someone with copd and co2 retention needs treatment for type 2 resp failure
in an acute setting, if unknown or very unwell give 15L 100% O2 NRM
if known retentive:
Give controlled oxygen therapy, starting at 24% O2
Recheck the ABG after 20 minutes – if the PaCO2 is steady or lower, then you can increase the O2 to 28%.
If the PaCO2 has risen >1.5kPa– then consider giving a respiratory stimulant such as doxapram (1.5-4mg/min IV) or assisted ventilation.
You can also see CO2 retention as physical signs – the patient will become drowsy and confused
If this fails consider intubation / ventilation
pathophysiology respiratory failure in copd
Significant ventilation/perfusion mismatching with a relative increase in the physiological dead space leads to hypercapnia and hence acidosis. This is largely the result of a shift to a rapid shallow breathing pattern and a rise in the dead space/tidal volume ratio of each breath. This breathing pattern results from adaptive physiological responses which lessen the risk of respiratory muscle fatigue and minimise breathlessness.
how may diuretics cause metabolic alkalosis
Normal kidneys are very effective at excreting bicarbonate. Diuretics prevent the re-absorption of sodium from the renal tubule, and thus they promote sodium loss. The normal mechanism for recovering this sodium, involves an exchange with bicarbonate, and thus the ability of the renal tubule to excret bicarbonate is reduced.
aldosterone and metabolic pH disturbance
aldosterone is responsible for the resorption of Na and H2O, and the excretion of K+ and Cl-
sodium reabsorption in the distal tubule is linked with acid/hydrogen ion (H+) secretion
high aldosterone –> lots of H+ secreted = metabolic alkalosis
low aldosterone eg addisons–> H+ not secreted = metabolic acidosis
when to suspect metabolic alkalosis? cuases?
high pH
high HCO3- or high base excess
loss of H+
- diarrhoea + vomiting
- burns
- increased action of aldosterone (conns, liver cirrhosis, HF)
excess of HCO3-
- diuretics esp loop and thiazide
- ingestion of alkalotic substances
when to suspect metabolic acidosis? causes?
low pH
low HCO3 / low BE
Normal anion gap:
Renal tubular acidosis
Renal failure (can’t excrete H+ well)
Bicarbonate loss (diarrhoea / renal failure)
Chloride excess
Drugs (acetazolomide diuretic)
raised anion gap:
when to be concerned about type 2 resp acidosis? when not to be?
acute ie no raise in HCO3-
acute on chronic ie raised HCO3- but still low pH
not concerned if chronic type 2 resp failure ie fully compensated resp acidosis - make target sats 88-92