Abdomen: Surface anatomy and ant. abdominal wall Flashcards
Name the 9 regions of the abdomen.
- Right hypochondrium
- Epigastric
- Left hypochondrium
- Right flank
- Umbilicus
- Left flank
- Right groin
- Pubic
- Left groin
In which region are these organs found:
1. Liver (3)
2. Spleen (2)
3. Pancreas (3)
4. Stomach (3)
5. Appendix (1)
- Right hypochondrium, epigastric, right lumbar
- Left hypochondrium, epigastric
- Epigastric, left hypochondrium, umbilical
- Epigastric, umbilical, left hypochondrium
- Right groin
If there is a pathology in the … where will pain be initially felt?
1. Hindgut
2. Foregut
3. Midgut
- Pubic region
- Epigastric region
- Umbilical region
What are the five occurrances at the transpyloric plane?
- 2nd part of the duodenum.
- Hilum of the left kidney.
- Hilum of the spleen.
- Neck of the pancreas
- Root of the transverse mesocolon.
Where do we find the McBurney’s point with reference to the ASIS and umbilicus?
-It is found 1/3 away from ASIS and 2/3 away from the umbilicus.
Which part of a visceral organ do we find at the McBurney’s point?
The appendix
Which point do we have 2/3 away from ASIS and 1/3 away from umbilicus?
Ureteric point
Name and describe the two fasciae that we find above the abdominal muscles?
- is a superficial fascia that continues above the inguinal ligament.
- In men, it continues over the penis, loses fat and fuses with the scarpa’s fascia.It continues into the scrotum where it forms the dartos fascia.
-In women it retains its fat and forms the labia majora.
-It continues over the inguinal ligament where it fuses with the deep fascia of the thigh to form the tensor fascia lata.
-It continues over the perineum and form the superficial perineal fascia called the colles fascia.
What are the ant. abdominal m. we have?
-External oblique
-Internal oblique
-Transversus abdominis
-Rectus abdominis
What do we call the vertical line that divides the rectus abdominis?
Linea alba
What do we call the horizontal lines that are found in btwn the rectus abdominis muscle?
Tendinous intersections
Two nerves with the nerve root L1?
Ilio-inguinal and ilio-hypogastric nerves
What do we call the layer that covers the rectus abdominis muscle?
Rectus sheath
What do we call the fascia found underneath the abdominal muscles?
Transversalis fascia
Flat-like tendon of muscles?
From which vessel does the inf. epigastric a. arise?
External iliac artery
Course of the inf. epigastric artery.
-It arises from the external iliac artery, enters the rectus sheath and anastomose with the sup. epigastric a. which arises from the internal thoracic artery.
Name the three peritoneal folds and their relations?
-Median umbilical fold, urachus.
-Medial umbilical fold, umbilical artery and medial umbilical ligament.
-Lateral umbilical fold- Inferior epigastric vessels.
What are the contents of the inguinal area from lateral to medial.
-Femoral nerve
-Femoral artery
-Femoral vein
-Femoral canal
-Lacunar ligament
List the boundaries of the inguinal canal (4)
POST. - Transversalis fascia, reinforced medially by the conjoint tendon.
-ANT. -Aponeurosis of the EO, reinforced laterally by the IO.
-Roof- Arches of the IO and TA, reinforced by the conjoint tendon.
Floor-Inguinal lig, reinforced medially by the lacunar lig.
What are the 3 nerves, 3 arteries, 3 fasciae and 3 other structures of the spermatic cord?
-Sympathetic autonomic plexus.
- Genito-femoral nerve
- Ilio-inguinal nerve
-Cremasteric artery
-Artery to ductus deferens
-Testicular artery
-External spermatic fascia
-Cremasteric fascia
-Internal spermatic fascia
-Lymphatic vessels
-Pampiniform venous plexus
-Ductus deferens
Borders of the hesselbach triangle (3)
Lateral border: Inferior epigastric triangle.
Medial border: Lateral border of the rectus abdominis m.
Inferior border: Inguinal ligament.
What are the contents of the hesselbach triangle? (3)
-Ilio-inguinal n.
-Genital branch of the genito-femoral n.
-Spermatic cord (men), round ligament of uterus (women).
What are the differences btwn the direct and indirect hernias? (5)
-Caused by weakness of the ant. abdominal wall (aging).
-Less common
- Structures exit from the abdominal cavity via the peritoneum and transversalis fascia.
-Courses through or around the inguinal canal, usually only medial 1/3 of the canal.
-Structures exit from the ant. abdominal wall via superficial inguinal ring, rarely goes to the scrotum.
INDIRECT HERNIA (congenital):
- Caused by a patent vaginal process in younger people.
-More common
-Structures exit the abdominal cavity via the peritoneum of the vaginal process and all three fasciae covering the cord.
-Hernia courses through the inguinal canal within the vaginal processes.
-Structures exit from the ant. abdominal wall via the superficial ring, commonly passing into scrotum/ labia majora.
Site for direct inguinal hernia?
Hesselbach’s triangle