Abdomen: 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 Flashcards
What are some of the differences between the jejunum and ileum?
-Deeper red
-Greater vascularity
-Long vasa recta
-Few large loops of arcades
-Few lymphoid nodules
-Paler pink
-Less vascularity
-Short vasa recta
-Many short loops of arcades
-Many lymphoid nodules
Differences between the large and small intestines (5)
-Teniae coli
-Omental appendices
-Semi-circular folds
-Large diameter
-No teniae coli
-No haustra
-No omental appendices
-Circular folds
-Small diameter
Are the ff structures intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal:
1. Ascending colon
2. Hepatic flexure
3. Transverse colon
4. Splenic flexure
5. Descending colon
6. Sigmoid colon
- Retro
- Retro
- Intra
- Intra
- Retro
- Intra
What is the most common position of the appendix?
What are the four lobes of the liver?
Right lobe
Left lobe
Caudate lobe
Quadrate lobe
What are the ligaments found in the liver?
-Anterior and posterior coronary ligaments.
-Left and right triangular ligaments.
-Ligamentum venosum
-Round ligament
What are the branches of ducts of the liver and bile duct?
-Left and right hepatic ducts join to form the common hepatic duct.
-Common hepatic duct joins with the cystic duct from the gall bladder to form the common bile duct, which joins with the main pancreatic duct from the pancreas.
What to go through.
-The blood supply, venous drainage and nerve supply of the intestines.
-Blood supply, drainage and innervation of the liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas.
-Portal system and systemic circulation table.
What do we call the ligament we find in the ascending duodenum and what does it do?
-Suspensory ligament of duodenum (lig. of treitz).
-It suspends the duodenal junction.
Which structures deposit their secretions into the major duodenal papilla?
-Major pancreatic duct and the common bile duct.
Which structures deposit their secretions into the minor duodenal papilla?
-Accessory pancreatic duct