abdomen 2 scrotal and penile sonography final review Flashcards
The remnant of what structure is known as the scrotal ligament?
The scrotum is divided into two compartments: externally by _____ and internally by ______
contractions help testicles drop from inguinal canal into scrotum
The cremaster muscle surrounds each testicle and performs what important function?
contractions regulate internal temperature of testicles
This dense, white fibrous tissue covers the testis and forms the mediastinum testis and interlobar septa:
tunica albuginea
The septa of the mediastinum radiate into the tesicle and separate into how many lobules?
The epididymis is composed mostly of this single convoluted tubule:
Ductus epididymis
This structure is divided into globus major, corpus and globus minor:
The corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum are three cylindrical masses of tissue of what structure?
Sonographically, normal testicular parenchyma is homogeneous and similiar in appearance to:
This is a network of fibrous connective tissue continuous with the tunica albuginea that invaginates the posterior aspect of the testis and encloses the rete testis:
mediastinum testes
The testis are classified as:
exocrine and endocrine glands
The epididymis empties into the:
ductus deferens
The epididymal head is connected to which portion of the testis?
The median raphe divides the:
scrotum into two testicles
Convoluted semineferous tubules connect to straight tubules, which empty into the:
rete testis
Normal intratesticular arterial flow should exhibit:
low vascularity
Excess fluid between the two layers of the tunica vaginalis is termed:
The temperature of the testis is regulated by the:
pampiniform plexus
Which of the following is a branch of the testicular artery that courses between the septa and supplies the testicular parenchyma?
a. centripetal artery
b. capsular artery
c. cremasteric artery
d. deferential artery
what is the echogenicity of the mediastinum testes?
high echogenicity
You receive a request to evaluate a child with a history of undescended testis. Where are the majority of undescended testes located?
in the inguinal canal
Which of the following is NOT located within the scrotum?
a. testes
b. seminal vesicles
c. spermatic cord
d. epididymis
While performing a sonographic examination of the scrotum, you suspect a varicocele is present. What is the normal measurement of the veins in the pampiniform plexus?
less than 2 mm
Which of the following is NOT part of the anatomical division of the epididymis?
a. tail
b. body
c. neck
d. head
While obtaining a patient’s history, you learn that he has had a vasectomy. Which of the following scrotal pathologies is NOT more common in patients who have had a vasectomy?
a. spermatocele
b. epididymal cyst
c. seminoma
d. dilatation of the rete testis
Which of the following is the fibrous sheath that covers and protects the testis and also makes up the mediastinum testis?
a. tunica albuginea
b. tunica vaginalis
c. tunica gubernaclum
d. tunica parietalis
Which of the following undergoes tubular ectasia caused by dilatation of the semineferous tubules and is associated with epididymal cysts and spermatoceles?
a. mediastinum testis
b. rete testis
c. tunical vaginalis
d. tunica albuginea
e. dilatation of the semineferous tubules is refrred to as tubular ectasia of the rete testis. This is often seen bilaterally and is assocatited with epididymal cysts and spermatoceles
which of the following statements regarding the testicular veins is FALSE?
a. The testis is drained by the veins of the pampiniform plexus
b. The veins of the pampiniform plexus emply into the testicular veins
c. the right testicular vein drains directing into the IVC
d. The left testicular vein drains directly into the IVC
A patient with a history of undescended testis is NOT at an increased risk for which of the following?
a. seminoma
b. testicular torsion
c. infertility
d. teratoma
What is the most common cause of acute scrotal pain
epididymitis and epididymo-orchitis
between what ages is testicular torsion most common
12 to 18
In young men, what is the most common cause of epididymitis
sexually transmitted disease
What is a collection of serous fluid located between the layers of the tunica vaginalis called?
A patient presents for a scrotal sonogram with a history of vasectomy and scrotal discomfort. Multiple cystic structures are seen in both testes along the mediastinum testis. Color Doppler does not demonstrate any flow in these cystic structures. What is the likely diagnosis?
tubular ectasia of the rete testis
A 26-year-old man presents with fever, scrotal pain, and swelling. The sonogram shows an enlarged hypoechoic epididymis with hyperemia. A small hydrocele is noted. The testis appear normal. What is the likely diagnosis?
What is the most common correctable cause of male infertility?
A 42 year old patient presents with a painless right scrotal mass. Sonographically, a 2.5 cm, irregular, hypoechoic mass is seen in the mid-right testis. Color Doppler demonstrates hyperemia. The remainder of the scrotum, including the scrotal wall, appears normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A patient presents for a scrotal sonogram with a history of infertility. The testes appear normal bilaterally. Superior to the testes, multiple cystic structures are seen. The largest of these structures measure 4 mm. Color Doppler demonstrates flow within these structures and increased flow is seen when the patient is asked to perform the Valsalva maneuver. What is the likely diagnosis?
What is the most common sonographic appearance of a malignant testicular mass?
cystic mass with ring calcifications
Which of the following lab values may be elevated with a testicular malignancy?
The length of each seminal vesicle measures approximately
5 cm
With age, the prostate sometimes
Of the glandular prostate, the transition zone accounts for about
Seminal vesicles in the long axis are seen using which scanning plane?
The prostate gland is sonographically
True or false
The prostate gland and seminal vesicles contribute to sperm viability by secreting alkaline fluids
true or false
The fluid secreted by the seminal vesicles constitutes about 33% of semen volume
true or false
The seminal vesicles empty into the distal ductus deferens to form the ejaculatory ducts
The transabdominal approach is superior for scanning the seminal vesicles and prostate
The prostate gland consists of a small anterior verumontanum and a much larger posterior glandular region
The remnant of what structure is known as the scrotal ligament?
The scrotum is divided into two compartments: externally by ______and internally by ______
median raphe; tunica dartos
The cremaster muscle surrounds each testicle and performs what important function?
contractions regulate internal temperature of testicles
This dense, white fibrous tissue covers the testis and forms the mediastinum testis and interlobar septa:
tunica albuginea
The septa of the mediastinum radiate into the testicle and separate into how many lobules?
The epididymis is composed mostly of this single convoluted tubule
ductus epididymis
this structure is divided into globus major, corpus, and globus minor
The corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum are three cylindrical masses of tissue of what structure
Sonographically, normal testicular parenchyma is homogeneous and similiar in appearance to
This is a network of fibrous connective tissue continuous with the tunica albuginea that invaginates the posterior aspect of the testis and encloses the rete testis
mediastinum testis
Which statement is incorrect about the seminal vesicles?
a. they are paired glands
b. they are posterior to the urinary bladder and inferior to the prostate
c. each gland empties into the distal ductus vas deferens
d. they help form the ejaculatory duct
Denonvillier’s fascia
lies between the prostate and rectum
The prostate is supported by
the obturator internus and levator ani muscles
The area close to the center of the prostate is called
When imaging or describing the glandular prostate, the best technique to describe the prostate is to use
The biggest portion of the glandular prostate is the
peripheral zone
The peripheral zone comprises what percentage of the glandular prostate?
70 %
Semen is composed of
60% alkaline fructose, 13-33% alkaline fluid, and sperm
The part of the prostate that provides an exit from the urethra is:
the apex
The cyst that is associated with genital anomalies such as hypospadias?
utricle cyst