Abdomen 2 final Chest review Flashcards
Which of the following is an advantage of interventional and intraoperative procedures?
a. nonvisualization of needle placement
b. needle or tube tracking
c. need for ionizing radiation
d. limited to biopsies
Intraoperative ultrasound is NOT limited by:
the need for ionizing radiation
A biopsy site is scanned before the biopsy to determine the best point of entry with the shortest distance and the:
smallest angle
During an ultrasound-guided aspiration, _____
any change in the shape or size of a fluid filled structure can be visualized
Ultrasound is used during _____ to determine accurate needle placement for tissue sampling.
percuteaneous biopsies
True or False
Percuteaneous aspirations obtain tissue samples by applying suction through a needle attached to a syringe
True or false
Ultrasound-guided biopsies use ultrasound to determine accurate needle placement for fluid suction.
true or false
An option for a sterile transducer sheath during interventional ultrasound is an alcohol bath
true or false
Ultrasound-guided aspirations assist needle placement for small organ or stone extraction
true or false
Chorionic villus sampling is considered a percuteaneous biopsy procedure
value used to standardize prothrombin time results between institutions
international normalized ratio
collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity between the lung and chest wall that creates pressure on the lung
complication that can occur after cardiac catheterization or angioplasty in which a hematoma is formed by a leakage of blood from a small hole in the femoral artery
a defect in the body’s mechanism for blood clotting
lab value that can indicate the presence of prostate conditions such as prostate cancer, BPH, and prostatitis
prostate-specific antigen
PT; lab test used to evaluate for blood clotting abnormalities; the time it takes the blood to clot after thromboplastin and calcium are added to the sample
prothrombin time
procedure that uses a hollow core biopsy needle to remove a sample of tissue
core biopsy
PTT; laboratory test used to evaluate for blood clotting abnormalities
partial thromboplastin time
A form of blood plasma that contains all of the clotting factors except platelets that is used to treat patients with a coagulopathy prior to the interventional procedures
fresh frozen plasma
A procedure that uses a small needle attached to a syringe; a vacuum is created and sample cells are aspirated for evaluation
fine-needle aspiration
Which of the following is NOT a contraindication to needle biopsy?
a. uncooperative patient
b. lesion deeper than 5 cm
c. uncorrectable coagulopathy
d. unsafe biopsy rate
Which of the following is NOT included in a coagulation study?
a. PT
b. INR
c. WBC
d. PTT
Which test standardizes the results of the other coagulation studies as it adjusts for variations in processing and is expressed as a number?
Which of the following CANNOT cause a coagulopathy?
a. blood thinners
b. aspirin use
c. certain antibiotics
d. vitamin K
Which of the following is a procedure that uses a 20- to 27-gauge needle attached to a syringe to obtain a sample of cells for cytologic examination?
a. core biopsy
b. nephrostomy
c. fine-needle aspiration
d. paracentesis
Which of the following needle gauges will produce the largest specimen size?
a. 14 G
b. 16 G
c. 22 G
d. 27 G
Which of the following statements regarding needle visualization is FALSE?
a. larger caliber needles are more readily visualized than smaller caliber needles
b. the needle may appear as a dot or a line depending on the image plane
c. the needle and transducer should be in the same plane to produce the best visualization
d. the more parallel the needle is to the transducer, the easier it is to visualize
What is the purpose of the time-out during a procedure?
verify the correct patient is present and confirm the procedure and procedure site
Which of the following is NOT one of the most common complications to occur following a biopsy?
a. infection
b. pain
c. vasovagal reaction
d. hematoma
which of the following procedures is performed to remove an accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity?
a. thoracentesis
b. abscess drainage
c. nephrostomy
d. paracentesis
What is the greatest advantage of sonography-guided biopsy procedures over other imaging modalities?
real-time visualization of the needle tip
What is a contraindication to needle biopsy?
unsafe biopsy route
What laboratory test should be documented prior to biopsy procedure?
coagulation study
What is the range of needle gauges used for a core biopsy?
14 G to 16 G
What determines if the sonographic appearance of a needle is a hyperechoic line or a hyperechoic dot?
imaging plane
What procedure is used to remove infected fluid?
abscess drainage
What sonography-guided biopsy procedure is easier to complete using a transhepatic approach?
right adrenal gland
What condition is an indication for the patient to have a prostate biopsy?
palpable nodule
What can occur when an arterial puncture site fails to seal?
Where does prostate cancer occur most frequently?
peripheral zonej
Where does prostate cancer occur most frequently?
peripheral zone
what is the term used to describe fluid collection around the lung?
pleural effusion
What procedure is performed to remove an accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity?
A biopsy site is scanned before the biopsy to determine the best _____ with the shortest _____ and the ____ angle.
point of entry, distance, least
the term percuteaneous means
to perform through the skin
ultrasound guided aspirations assist needle placement for
fluid sampling
a percuteaneous cholangiogram is an ultrasound-guided procedure for
bile drainage
endoluminal ultrasound is
used to evaluate vessels and grafts during surgery
the optimal transducer to use during introoperative ultrasound when the near field is the area of interest is a
linear array probe
What is an advantage of interventional and introperative procedures
needle or tube tracking
intraoperative ultrasound is NOT limited by
the need for ionizing radiation
a biopsy site scanned before the biopsy to determine the best point of entry with the shortest distance and the ______
smallest angle
During an ultrasound guided aspiration
any change in the shape or size of a fluid filled structure can be visualized
ultrasound is used during _____ to determine accurate needle placement for tissue sampling
percuteaneous biopsies
True or False
Percuteaneous aspirations obtain tissue samples by applying suction through a needle attached to a syringe