Abdomen 2 final review The Lower Urinary System Flashcards
presence of red blood cells in the urine
out-pouching of the bladder wall
procedure in which a scope is used to evaluate the urethra, bladder, and pelvic ureters
irregular bladder wall frequently seen in patients with longstanding obstruction or neurogenic bladder
trabeulated bladder
fluoroscopic exam used to evaluate for urinary reflux
Congenital anomaly in which part of the urinary bladder is located outside the abdominal wall
inflammation of the urinary bladder
The bladder is lined with a mucous membrane. What tissue that allows for expansion makes up this membrane?
transitional epithelium
Which of the following statements regarding the urethra is FALSE?
a. The female urethra is 3 to 4 cm long and transports urine from the body
b. The male urethra is longer than the female urethra and has double function
c. The internal urethral sphincter is formed by a thickening of the detrusor muscle
d. The external urethral sphincter is formed of skeletal muscle and is under involuntary control
what term describes the involuntary emptying of the bladder
what term describes the inability to empty the bladder even when it is full of urine
while evaluating the urinary bladder in a patient with a history of lower urinary tract infection, you suspect the bladder wall may be thickened. What is the normal measurement of the bladder wall when it is distended?
less than 3 mm
A 26 year old woman presents with dysuria, fever, and pelvic pain. The bladder wall is diffusely thickened and hypoechoic. The kidneys appear normal. What is the most likely cause of these findings?
while evaluation the bladder with color Doppler, you visualize ureteral jets on the left side but are unable to detect a jet on the right. What might this indicate?
ureteral obstruction
Which of the following statements regarding bladder diverticula is FALSE?
a. A bladder diverticula will always empty completely with voiding
b. a diverticula may be the result of a chronic bladder obstruction
c. Stones or tumor may occur in a bladder diverticula
d. A large bladder diverticula may mimic an ovarian cyst
You receive a request to evaluate the urinary system in a male newborn with suspected bladder outlet obstruction. What is the most common cause of bladder outlet obstruction?
posterior urethral valves
Which of the following CANNOT cause bladder outlet obstruction?
a. congenital urethral stricture
b. stone at the ureteropelvic junction
c. ureterocele
d. posterior urethral valves
What is a condition in which the bladder is herniated through a defect in the anterior abdominal wall called?
bladder exstrophy
A female infant presents with a low grade fever and palpable abdominal mass just superior to the urinary bladder. Sonographically, a cystic mass is seen in this area. A connection to the bladder cannot be identified. What does this structure likely represent?
urachal cyst
You are performing an examination of the urinary tract on a male infant with a history of urinary tract infections. You visualize a round cystic structure within the bladder lumen. With color Doppler you are able to detect a consistent ureteral jet coming from the area. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Foley catheter in the bladder
A patient presents with a history of lower urinary tract infections. The bladder wall appears normal, however, a small echogenic area is seen along the posterior wall of the bladder. Acoustic shadowing is present posterior to the area and the echogenic foci moves with a change in patient position. What does the echogenic foci represent?
a bladder calculi
What is of the following statements regarding reflux is FALSE?
a. The vesicoureteral junction normally protects the kidney from the backflow of infected urine
b. The vesicoureteral junction normally allows the flow of urine both into and out of the bladder
c. High-pressure reflux is a major cause of chronic renal failure
d. When reflux is in process, dilation of the ureter may be seen with sonography
The ureterovesical junction describes what anatomic location?
distal ureter joins the urinary bladder
A patient presents with a history of right ureterovesical junction obstruction. Which of the following would NOT be an expected finding?
a. right megaureter
b. right-sided hydronephrosis
c. ectopic ureterocele
d. left-sided hydronephrosis
On sonographic examination, your patient is noted to have a thickened bladder wall. Which of the following CANNOT cause bladder wall thickening?
a. bladder outlet obstruction
b. neurogenic bladder
c. overhydration
d. cystitis
What term describes a fluid collection that occurs as a result of bladder trauma?
What is the most common type of bladder malignancy?
transitional cell carcinoma