A4 Flashcards
The purpose of workplace health and safety regulations
-to maintain the safety and well-being of both the individual and healthcare workers
-to reduce risks to the individual and healthcare professionals
-to provide a duty of care to the individual and healthcare professionals
Health and safety (First Aid) regulations 1981
Set legal guidelines for employers within the health sector to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or ill at work
(First Aid regulations). An employer will carry out a needs assessment, this will cover aspects such as:
-the nature of the work done
-any workplace hazards and risks
-the characteristics and size of the workforce
-staff work patterns
-the history of accidents
On the basis of this needs assessment, the employer will then have to:
-ensure that there is an appointee person to take charge of first aid arrangements
-provide adequate facilities
-a suitability stocked first aid kit
-give all employees information about the first aid arrangements o
Care Act (2014)
The purpose of the care act is to improve peoples independence and well-being
Local authorities are required to provide services that make sure that people who live in their areas!:
-are less likely to develop the need for care
-receive services that prevent their need for care and support becoming more serious
-get the information and advice they need to make good decisions about their care
-have a range of provision of high quality, appropriate services to them
Ionising radiation includes
- X-rays
- gamma rays
- radiation emitted by radioactive substances
Ionising radiation regulations (2017)
Requires employers o keep exposure to ionising radiation as low as reasonably practicable
It makes employers responsible for protecting people from exposure to:
- radiation arising from their work
- radioactive substances in the working environment
- any other forms of ionising radiation they encounter while at work
Exposure to ionising radiation is likely to be from:
- X-rays
- CT scans
- PET scans
- use of radioactive isotopes
Medicine and healthcare products regulatory agency (MHRA)
Responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work and are acceptable and safe for use
Some types of medial device can be bought and used by the general public
-blood pressure monitors
-clinical thermometers
-contact lenses and solutions
-pregnancy tests
Medical device
A healthcare product or piece of equipment that someone uses for a medical purpose. They can diagnose, monitor or treat disease
Medical devices used in healthcare environment
-tongue depressors used when examining the mouth and throat
-stethoscopes used for listening to heart and chest sounds
-hypodermic syringes used for giving injections or taking blood
-X-ray machines
-diagnostic test strips, testing glucose concentrations in the blood or urine
Medicines can be either prescribed by doctors or bought from supermarkets or pharmacies
-hormones such as insulin
-vaccines against the flu or COVID-19
Roles of a trained first aided include:
-providing first aid treatment for minor injuries and illnesses
-ensuring where necessary that the casualty is referred for further treatment
-ensuring that the first aid box is kept clean, tidy and appropriately stocked
-any support provided reflects an individuals needs and doesn’t discriminate against them in any way
When providing first aid you must assess the situation quickly and calmly, this involves:
-protecting yourself first
-preventing infection
-comforting and reassuring the casualty
-treating the casualty with respect at all times
-assessing the casualty and giving first aid treatment as required
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Resuscitation council helps to save lives by:
-promoting and publishing high quality informed resuscitation guidelines
-developing educational materials for learning resuscitation methods
-supporting research into resuscitation
Resuscitation guidelines
Ensures healthcare professionals share the same knowledge around teamwork and best practice for resuscitation
Guidelines include detailed information about basic and advanced life support for all individuals (adults, newborns and practitioners)
Information for the use of external defibrillator
Uses a jolt of electrical energy to the heart to help restore the hearts rhythm do that it starts beating normally again
First course of action is someone suffers a cardiac arrest
-call 999
-call handler guides you through CPR
-call handler tells you the location of the nearest AED
Automated external defibrillators
Poor practice of manual handling can lead to:
-back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders that can make you unable to work
-moving and handling accidents that can injure the person being moved and the mover
-discomfort and lack of dignity for the person being moved
Why you must receive training for manual handling for reasons such as:
-protecting individuals and healthcare professionals from harm
-comply with the requirements of health and safety law and regulations as well as policy and guidance of the organisation