A3 Flashcards
Name some legislations in health and science sectors
Health and safety at work Act 1974
Management of Health and Safety at work regulations 1999
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 1994 and subsequent amendments 2002
Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992 (updated 2018)
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR)
Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1990
Special Waste Regulation 1996
Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations (WEEE) 2012/19
How to deal with situations that can occur in a health or science environment that could cause harm to self or others
-following organisational health and safety policies
-keeping oneself and others safe, including evacuation as appropriate
-securing the area
-reporting and/or escalating as appropriate
-debriefing and reflecting on the root causes ti prevent the situation from recurring
How health and safety at work is promoted
-encouraging individuals to take reasonable care of their own and others safety
-modelling good practice
-following organisational policies and SOPs
-ensuring there is clearly visible information and guidance
-following processes for recording and reporting issues and concerns
-ensuring working environments are clear, tidy and hazard free
-appropriately storing equipment and materials
-completing statutory training
How to asses and minimise potential hazards and risk
Step 1 - identify the hazard
Step 2 - decided who might be harm and how
Step 3 - evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
Step 4 - record findings and implement them including completing risk assessment documentation
Step 5 - review your assessment and update if necessary
Health and safety at work act 1974
Sets out the duties of employers and employees to ensure the health of anyone at work
Employers duties (health and safety at work act 1974)
-provide and maintain safe equipment
-give the right training and information to ensure health and safety
-provide and maintain a safe working environment
Management of health and safety at work regulations 1999
-Reduce the number of accidents in the workplace
-Undertake risk assessments to identify potential hazards
-The employer must ensure effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of measures taken to prevent risk
Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 1994
Protect people against risks to health arising from work related exposure to hazardous substances
COSHH steps
-carry out an assessment
-assess the factors
-determine the control approach
-implement and review
Personal protective equipment regulations 1992
Reduce harm to employers, employees, clients and visitors
Appropriate PPE
Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 2013
Employers duties to report serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and near misses
When to report (RIDDOR)
-the death of any person
-specified injuries to workers
-injuries to workers that result in absence
-injuries to non workers that result in them going to hospital
Environmental protection act 1990
Aims to improve control of pollution to the air, water and land by regulating the management of waste and control of emissions
Special waste regulations 1996
To provide an effective system of control for wastes that are dangerous and have special requirements placed on their handling
Hazardous waste regulations 2005
Controls the storage, transport and disposal of hazardous waste to ensure it is appropriately managed and any risks are minimised
Waste electrical and electronic equipment regulations 2012/19
Aims to reduce the amount of electronic and electrical equipment sent to landfill sites
Manual handling operations regulations 1992
Employers must assess and minimise the risk to health of employees involved in manual handling, moving and positioning if an object, animal or person
Health and safety (display screen equipment) regulations 1992
Define employers responsibilities in carrying out risk assessments of work stations used by employees
Risks -> tiredness, eye strain
Regulatory reform (fire safety) order 2005
Aims to reduce death, damage and injury caused by fire
Something that has potential to cause harm
How likely a hazard is to cause that harm
Securing the area
To prevent people from getting injured/hurt
Reporting and/or escalating as appropriate
Still need to inform your manager about the situation no matter what
Debriefing and reflecting on the root causes to prevent the issue from recurring
People involved need to review what happened and why.
Must learn a lesson
Keeping oneself and others safe, including evacuation as appropriate
Dealing with a situation the priority isn’t to make things worse
Following organisational health and safety procedures
All organisations should have health and safety procedures that everyone can follow if something goes wrong
Modelling good practice
Management must lead by example such as washing hands and wearing appropriate PPE
Following organisational policies and SOPs
Ensuring there is clearly visible information
Shows and lists clear and simple ways employers and employees much do to ensure safety in the workplace
Following processes for recording and reporting issues
Employees must be free to raise issues and report their concerns.
Only effective if there are procedures in place to record and act on those concerns
Maintaining equipment and removing faulty equipment
Badly maintained equipment increases the likelihood of failure and can become a serious hazard
Following correct manual handling techniques
If not followed can result in serious injuries
Should assess the route and put measures into pkace
Ensuring working environment is clean, tidy and hazard free
Prevents injuries to safety and health
Hazards in work environments
-items in the floor can be a trip hazard
-unnecessary items can conceal other hazards
-the need to move items to get at other items can be a hazard
-dirty work areas can be a source of chemical or bacteria contamination
Appropriately storing equipment and materials
It’s the responsibility of the employer to ensure that appropriate storage facilities are provided
Completing statutory training
HSWA 1974 requires employers to provide all information, instruction and training needed to ensure the health and safety of employees
Encouraging individuals to take reasonable care of their own and others safety
Everyone must play apart in keeping themselves and others safe but this starts with them having the correct knowledge and information