第99回 Flashcards
I (masculin)
**me: person….in a row upside down….husband….
The person who is out of line with everyone else is me, realizes the husband. He spends so much time on work he is never with his family. 1933
great, grand
**(1st) admirable: person…locket.,…
Instead of wearing a locket with pictures of loved ones, this person wears one full of pictures of people that they find admirable as inspiration. 1772
**ALL: admirable….big….
When something is admirably big, it is grand.
(pronunciation) い(い)だい
great, eminent
**admirable: person…locket.,…
Instead of wearing a locket with pictures of loved ones, this person wears one full of pictures of people that they find admirable as inspiration. 1772
manners, customs, public morals
**(2nd) vulgar: person….valley….
The people of the valley did not have access to high class/elite things, so everything they engaged in was vulgar/popular/common. 1042
**ALL: wind…vulgar….
When it is windy it is common manners to bring anything inside that might blow away and cause others trouble.
folklore/ folkloristics
**(2nd) vulgar: person….valley….
The people of the valley did not have access to high class/elite things, so everything they engaged in was vulgar/popular/common. 1042
**ALL: people…vulgar…study/learning….
Folklore is written by the common people
invade, aggress
**(1st) encroach: person…(broom…crown….crotch…)
The queen of the witches (broom, crotch) was known for being promiscuous. She was always encroaching on other people’s significant others. 1231
**(2nd) abbreviation: field…each….
Each academic field has its own abbreviations, not only for their own name (chemistry, philosophy, psychology, etc.), but also within the discipline itself too. 314
**ALL: encroach…abbreviation…
When you invade, you encroach on something that belongs to someone else, and abbreviate their ownership of it.
(pronunciation) when you invade somewhere, lots of people 死ぬ(しん)and you rock (りゃく)their their world.
invade, violate, infringe on
**encroach: person…(broom…crown….crotch…)
The queen of the witches (broom, crotch) was known for being promiscuous. She was always encroaching on other people’s significant others. 1231
visit, ask/inquire, hear/be told [humble]
**pay respects: person…director….
Whenever people came and paid their respects to the director, they noticed the assistant staring intently at his mouth. 2008
(right part) director: clothes hanger…one…mouth….
The director was the one mouth she really wanted to kiss, but he was restricted, as his assistant she just hung up his clothes, etc. 2007
stretch, lengthen, grow, extend
**expand: person…monkey/speaketh….
People/humans were able to expand away from monkeys once they were able to speaketh words. 1199
(right side) speaketh/monkey: tongue wagging in mouth…walking stick….
The old prophet with a cane began wagging his tongue at me and saying he speaketh only the truth.
Also, think the image of a monkey who speak no evil. 1198
postscript, P.S.
**(1st) chase: maestro…road…
The maestro’s baton waving attracted the attention of a dog in the crowd, who then chase him all the way down the road. 1359
**(2nd) expand: person…monkey/speaketh….
People/humans were able to expand away from monkeys once they were able to speaketh words. 1199
(right side) speaketh/monkey: tongue wagging in mouth…walking stick….
The old prophet with a cane began wagging his tongue at me and saying he speaketh only the truth.
Also, think the image of a monkey who speak no evil. 1198
**ALL: chase…expand….
The postscript chases after the reader to tell them one last thing that expands on what they were saying.
(pronunciation) the story will soon (つい) be done (think死ぬ)
imitation, an imitation
**(1st) imitation: tree…graveyard….
The oldest tree in the graveyard tried to imitate the cherry attitude of the new younger trees, but he remained a traditional spooky graveyard tree. 244
(right side) graveyard: flowers…sun…dog….
This is the good kind of graveyard with flowers at every grave, sunny, and a dog standing guard at the gate. pg. 99
**(2nd) emulate: person…set free…
Emulating Cara’s care free and accepting attitude towards her own sexuality really set me free. 1053
(right side) set free: compass…taskmaster….
The taskmaster set his students free to find their own raw materials, with just a compass to find their way back to the pottery studio. 535
**ALL: imitation…emulate…
(pronunciation) if everyone immitates the people they see in magazines and on TV, there will be もre (more) ほうes (hoes) in the world.
in the same manner as the example
**(1st) example: person…file/line…
When a person is giving examples to make a point, they need to present them in a linear way to draw a strait line to their point. 1046
(right side) file/line: bones…saber….
Soldiers in a single file line are just a bunch of bone bags with sabers in a line. 875
**(2nd) emulate: person…set free…
Emulating Cara’s care free and accepting attitude towards her own sexuality really set me free. 1053
(right side) set free: compass…taskmaster….
The taskmaster set his students free to find their own raw materials, with just a compass to find their way back to the pottery studio. 535
**ALL: example…emulate….
hold (an event)
**(1st) open: gates….two hands….
The gates to heaven opened and the faithful raised their hands in prayer. 1750
**(2nd) sponsor: hermit…turkey….
The neighboring town to the mountains sponsored a turkey cookout on the boarder to the mountains to try and encourage the hermit to come and join them. 1062
**ALL: open…sponsor…
The gates to the event will open only if there is a sponsor for it.
hold (an event), feel (sleepy, cold, etc.)
**sponsor: hermit…turkey….
The neighboring town to the mountains sponsored a turkey cookout on the boarder to the mountains to try and encourage the hermit to come and join them. 1062
**ALL (pronunciation): when you hold and event, you get out the special decorations with the celebration/party pattern (もよお)on them.
debt, liabilities
**(2nd) bond: person…blame…
Cara, who has never had financial trouble, suggests you put your money in bonds because they are safer, but they also don’t grow, so you blame her for why you are still poor. 1664 OR Cara got you into bondage, but it is an expensive habit so now you blame her for you being in debt.
(right side) blame: grow up…oyster…
Can you really blame me or growing up and being afraid of shell fish? 1661
**ALL: defeat…bond….
You were defeated by the idea of putting your money in bonds and now you have a lot of debt.
When you are bound up in debt you lose.
merge, consolidate
**(2nd) join: person…puzzle…
When someone meets their soulmate, they often say they feel like they found their missing puzzle piece. Finally joining with their other half. Cara for me? 1107
(right side) puzzle: horns…two hands….
The pieces of the nature (horns) picture puzzle were slowly interlocking themselves, like the fingers of two hands clasped together. pg. 269 OR When King used both of his hands to reconnect his broken horn, suddenly the puzzle of his past came together and he understood.
**ALL: fit….join….
(pronunciation) “got paid” (がっぺい) more after the merger?
put together, combine
**join: person…puzzle…
When someone meets their soulmate, they often say they feel like they found their missing puzzle piece. Finally joining with their other half. Cara for me? 1107
(right side) puzzle: horns…two hands….
The pieces of the nature (horns) picture puzzle were slowly interlocking themselves, like the fingers of two hands clasped together. pg. 269 OR When King used both of his hands to reconnect his broken horn, suddenly the puzzle of his past came together and he understood.