第105回 Flashcards
**(1st) cord: chapel….thread…
A thread that is used in a chapel absorbs the holy power and gets stronger becoming a cord. 1465
**ALL: cord…pull…
Imagine an index with a bunch of labeled cords, and you pull one to be taken to that information.
(pronunciation) you refer to an index when you are writing a さく(ぶん)and you need more いんformation on a topic.
(grand) total
**(1st) accumulate: rice field…threads…
It is hard to distinguish the different sections of rice fields, so they are marked with thread. But each year it gets buried, so the threads are accumulating below the rice fields. 1464
**(2nd) plot: words…needle…
An evil plot: to say the words of an incantation and stick needles in a voodoo doll. 359
**ALL: accumulate…plot…
The grand total is the result of you accumulating everything you had plotted to get.
**tatami mat: rice field…crown…shelf….
Tatami mats are sectioned like rice fields, they are the crowning jewel of a traditional house, no heavy shelves are allowed on top of them. 1923
(counter for number of tatami mats in a room)
**tatami mat: rice field…crown…shelf….
Tatami mats are sectioned like rice fields, they are the crowning jewel of a traditional house, no heavy shelves are allowed on top of them. 1923
fold up
**tatami mat: rice field…crown…shelf….
Tatami mats are sectioned like rice fields, they are the crowning jewel of a traditional house, no heavy shelves are allowed on top of them. 1923
the right wing, rightist
**(2nd) wing: feathers…uncommon….
It is very uncommon for people to have wings (feathers), those few people who do are called angels. 1937
**wing: feathers…uncommon….
It is very uncommon for people to have wings (feathers), those few people who do are called angels. 1937
nude, naked
**naked: cloak…fruit….
Under their cloaks they were totally naked. His berries and her melons were fully exposed. 1205
nude pictures
**(1st) naked: cloak…fruit….
Under their cloaks they were totally naked. His berries and her melons were fully exposed. 1205
**(3rd) brush-stroke: ceiling…sprout…shovel…
The sprout watched from inside as with every stroke/strike of the shovel a hole was dug for it outside. 1254
**All: naked…body…brush-stroke….
orbit, (railroad) tracks
**(1st) rut: car….baseball/nine….
Combine the images of a car whose tires are stuck in a rut and can’t move, and a baseball team that is stuck in a rut of losing. 306
**ALL: rut…road….
An orbit or a track is a rut-like road. It never goes anywhere new.
(pronunciation) きep it on this specific path.
publish, carry an article
**(1st) put up a notice: fingers….siesta/nap….
They had to put up (fingers) notices in the train about not taking naps because people kept missing their stops. 726
(right side) siesta/nap: sun…aroma…
It is noon/lunchtime, so the sun is directly overhead, the aroma of the lunch you just ate is in the air, and you are drifting off to sleep in the warm sun. pg. 171
(bottom right) aroma: bound up…spoon….
The aroma of the curry you could spoon into your face all day? Just want to bind it up and capture it. 478
**(2nd) load: Thanksgiving….car…
On Thanksgiving we load the car up with all the food we are contributing to the family dinner. 383
**ALL: put up a notice…load…
When you publish something online, you first put it up and then it loads.
(pronunciation) if you have been published before other people think “Oけい this person has さい(のう)”
place (on)/load, publish
**load: Thanksgiving….car…
On Thanksgiving we load the car up with all the food we are contributing to the family dinner. 383
soft (not used with people, fluffy image, if squished it bounces back)
**soft: car…yawning…
“If the cushions of one’s car are too soft, one may begin yawning at the wheel.” 509
flexible, limber, supple
**(1st) tender: Halberd axe…tree…
A good quality halberd axe can cut through even the most sturdy of trees like it is a piece of tender meat. 1312
**(2nd) soft: car…yawning…
“If the cushions of one’s car are too soft, one may begin yawning at the wheel.” 509
**ALL: tender…soft…
weak, feeble
**(1st) soft: car…yawning…
“If the cushions of one’s car are too soft, one may begin yawning at the wheel.” 509
**(2nd) weak: two bows…ice….
Bows are made weak and brittle when they are frozen and icy. 1323
**ALL: soft…weak…
hard, solid, stiff
**stiff: rocks…grow late…
As it grows late your joints get tired and become as stiff as if they were made from rock. 750
firm (attitude), stubborn, uncompromising
**(1st) strong: vast….insect….
A truly strong person can handle being covered in a vast number of insects. 1321
(left/top) vast: bow…elbow…
If the shooter has a good strong elbow, a bow can shoot an arrow over vast distances. 1320
**(2nd) stiff: rocks…grow late…
As it grows late your joints get tired and become as stiff as if they were made from rock. 750
**ALL: strong…stiff….
soft, tender, gentle (can use with people’s personalities, if you squish it it does not return to its shape)
**tender: Halberd axe…tree…
A good quality halberd axe can cut through even the most sturdy of trees like it is a piece of tender meat. 1312
**(1st) tender: Halberd axe…tree…
A good quality halberd axe can cut through even the most sturdy of trees like it is a piece of tender meat. 1312