第100回 Flashcards
metropolitan area
**(2nd) metropolis: someone…city walls….
A metropolis is a walled area full of people. 1989
**(3rd) sphere: pent in….scroll….
Only the monks pent in/within the head monk’s inner sphere know the hiding places of the four pieces of the snake demon summoning scroll. 1293
(inside) scroll: quarter….snake….
There is an ancient scroll that tells how to summon the old snake demon. But it is too dangerous, so it was split in quarters and hidden. 1292
**ALL: neck….metropolis…sphere….
the universe, space
**(1st) eaves: house…two…barb….
The eaves stuck out on either side of the roof like two barbs. 1785
**(2nd) mid-air: house….shoot…
Jack was climbing the beanstalk, and as he hung from the shoot mid-air he peered up at the house that sat at the very top. 1190
**ALL: eaves….mid-air….
The eaves of a house hanging mid-air would only happen in outer space.
**(1st) pluck: fingers….sprout…
I have a bad habit of plucking my brows and lashes only just after they have sprouted. They don’t even get a chance to grow back in. 1187
**ALL: pluck…elephant….bull’s eye….
When you are trying to make something abstract, just pluck up an elephant from somewhere and add it in. It hits the bull’s eye every time.
(pronunciation) Think: what is more abstract than space(ちゅう)?
clap one’s hands, applaud
**(1st) clap: fingers…white…
Sometimes during standing ovations you are clapping until your fingers turn white. 704
tempo, time/chance, the moment
**(1st) clap: fingers…white…
Sometimes during standing ovations you are clapping until your fingers turn white. 704
**ALL: clap…child…
We often clap to teach children tempo. That was the moment I realized I was not good with tempo.
してき point out **(1st) finger: finger...delicious.... Finger lickin' good! 711 **(2nd) pinch: finger...antique... Pinching is an antiquated way of flirting. 709 **ALL: finger....pinch.... When you point someone out with your finger, they flinch like you pinched them or something.
pick (flowers, berries, etc.)
**pinch: finger…antique…
Pinching is an antiquated way of flirting. 709
あくしゅ shake hands **(1st) grip: fingers....roof.... Santa has to have really good grip in his fingers to do the job because he is always almost slipping and falling off roofs. 1139 **ALL: grip...hand...
grip, grasp, take hold of
**grip: fingers….roof….
Santa has to have really good grip in his fingers to do the job because he is always almost slipping and falling off roofs. 1139
look for, look up (a word)
**grope: fingers…paper punch…tree…
This man was reaching to get the paper punch, when he accidentally groped his neighboring colleague. Embarrassingly, he immediately got wood. 1425
grope for, probe, search
**grope: fingers…paper punch…tree…
This man was reaching to get the paper punch, when he accidentally groped his neighboring colleague. Embarrassingly, he immediately got wood. 1425
search for, pursue
**(1st) grope: fingers…paper punch…tree…
This man was reaching to get the paper punch, when he accidentally groped his neighboring colleague. Embarrassingly, he immediately got wood. 1425
**(2nd) request: arrowhead…(combined with) grains of rice…
Native Americans request that you stop digging up their arrow heads and leave their rice growing land alone. 1004
**ALL: grope…request (something you want)….
Groping for something you want (would request if you could).
dig, excavate
**dig: fingers…yield…
This is a very primitive form of digging. No tools, just fingers digging into the earth as the ground yields under the pressure. 1141
(right side) yield: flag…exit…
Team A yielded to team B. They waved their flag and were able to exit. 1140
**(2nd) dig: fingers…yield…
This is a very primitive form of digging. No tools, just fingers digging into the earth as the ground yields under the pressure. 1141
(right side) yield: flag…exit…
Team A yielded to team B. They waved their flag and were able to exit. 1140
ALL: discharge…dig…
(pronunciation) you have to はく some special くつ for excavation.
**ditch: soil…yield….
A ditch is a spot where the soil has yielded to some kind of pressure. 1142
(right side) yield: flag…exit…
Team A yielded to team B. They waved their flag and were able to exit. 1140
bury, inter, fill up (a hole)
**bury: soil/ground…..computer….
You are burying a “friend”. But maybe they aren’t a friend. It’s hard to tell. It is the computer that hosts the crazy AI AIDEN. 191
be buried
**(1st) bury: soil/ground…..computer….
You are burying a “friend”. But maybe they aren’t a friend. It’s hard to tell. It is the computer that hosts the crazy AI AIDEN. 191
**(2nd) drown: water…missile….
How did all the people on the boat die? The water came rushing in after a missile that hit the boat. 763
**ALL: bury….drown…
When you are buried you drown in soil, not water.