第116回 Flashcards
letter of recommendation
**(1st) conjecture: fingers…turkey..
The detective dipped his fingers in the turkey blood, and based off its temperature he conjectured when it had been killed. 716
**(2nd) recommend: flowers…deer…one…tail feathers…
If your local deer seem sad, I recommend putting one flower in their “tail feathers”. It will make them feel much more cheerful. 2156
**(3rd) status quo: turtle…chihuahua…
The turtle and Chihuahua bucked the status quo and were friends anyways. 254
**ALL: conjecture…recommend…status quo….
You conjecture that you would be able to recommend a person based off the institutions’s status quo of what they want.
letter of recommendation
**(1st) conjecture: fingers…turkey..
The detective dipped his fingers in the turkey blood, and based off its temperature he conjectured when it had been killed. 716
**(2nd) recommend: flowers…deer…one…tail feathers…
If your local deer seem sad, I recommend putting one flower in their “tail feathers”. It will make them feel much more cheerful. 2156
**(3rd) status quo: turtle…chihuahua…
The turtle and Chihuahua bucked the status quo and were friends anyways. 254
**ALL: conjecture…recommend…status quo….
You conjecture that you would be able to recommend a person based off the institutions’s status quo of what they want.
**recommend: flowers…deer…one…tail feathers…
If your local deer seem sad, I recommend putting one flower in their “tail feathers”. It will make them feel much more cheerful. 2156
**recommend: flowers…deer…one…tail feathers…
If your local deer seem sad, I recommend putting one flower in their “tail feathers”. It will make them feel much more cheerful. 2156
はいし abolish, repeal **(1st) abolish: cave...discharge... In a cave, setting up a tent and discharging has been abolished. 1841 **ALL: abolish...stop...
abolish, repeal
廃止 はいし **(1st) abolish: cave...discharge... In a cave, setting up a tent and discharging has been abolished. 1841 **ALL: abolish...stop...
go out of fashion, fall into disuse
**(1st) abolish: cave…discharge…
In a cave, setting up a tent and discharging has been abolished. 1841
**ALL (pronunciation): once something is out of fashion you must すたp (stop) wearing it.
go out of fashion, fall into disuse
**(1st) abolish: cave…discharge…
In a cave, setting up a tent and discharging has been abolished. 1841
**ALL (pronunciation): once something is out of fashion you must すたp (stop) wearing it.
しょみん common people **(1st) commoner: caverns...oven fire... The commoners were relegated to living in the caverns where they had to set fires to stay warm. 1275 **ALL: commoner...people....
common people
庶民 しょみん **(1st) commoner: caverns...oven fire... The commoners were relegated to living in the caverns where they had to set fires to stay warm. 1275 **ALL: commoner...people....
(narcotic) drugs
**(1st) hemp: cave…grove…
Growing a grove of hemp in a secret underground cave. 637
(narcotic) drugs
**(1st) hemp: cave…grove…
Growing a grove of hemp in a secret underground cave. 637
hemp, flax, linen
**hemp: cave…grove…
Growing a grove of hemp in a secret underground cave. 637
hemp, flax, linen
**hemp: cave…grove…
Growing a grove of hemp in a secret underground cave. 637
rubbing, friction, trouble / to rub against
**(1st) chafe: hemp…hand….
There were harvesters in the secret hemp cave, and as they harvested the leaves chafed against their hands. 689
(top half) hemp: cave…grove…
Growing a grove of hemp in a secret underground cave. 637
**(2nd) grate: fingers…guess…
The annoying Korean guy held up all his fingers and put one down for every time I guess wrong. It was really grating on my nerves.
**ALL: chafe…grate….
When there is too much rubbing or friction, the sound annoys me to the point where I think I will totally(ま)lose it and turn into a さつ(じん)