第98回 Flashcards
manuscript, draft
**(1st) meadow: cliff….spring….
There is a beautiful meadow on the top of the cliff that is watered by natural springs, and runs right up to the edge. But be careful not to get too distracted by its beauty and fall off the edge! 142
**(2nd) draft: wheat….tall….
This farmer noticed his wheat was growing extraordinarily tall. He immediately starting the first draft of what would be a book on his methods in growing them. 958
**ALL: meadow….draft….
There is a meadow full of opportunities in a manuscript/draft?
earn money
**earnings: wheat…house….
With the earnings you made from your hard work growing wheat, you were able to finally buy a house. 959
Pronunciation: think, you can buy a “kasa” after you earn money
work, operate
**(1st) earnings: wheat…house….
With the earnings you made from your hard work growing wheat, you were able to finally buy a house. 959
**ALL: earnings…work….
You make your earnings by working. What do you do at work? Work/operate machinery to harvest wheat.
(pronunciation) think かどうか。Whether I know how to operate/work this machinery or not is questionable.
rice plant
**rice plant: wheat….vulture….olden times…
The rice plant was originally a replacement for the wheat crop that was completely decimated by vultures in the olden times. 976
gentle, calm, peaceful, tranquil (used with places)
**calm: wheat…vulture….broom….heart…
The wheat farmers were finally able to experience calm again after they set up “vulture brooms”, aka scarecrows, to scare the vultures away from their wheat crop. Their hearts were finally calm. 1230
peaceful, uneventful
**(2nd) calm: wheat…vulture….broom….heart…
The wheat farmers were finally able to experience calm again after they set up “vulture brooms”, aka scarecrows, to scare the vultures away from their wheat crop. Their hearts were finally calm. 1230
**ALL: even…calm…
hide, disappear
**conceal: pinnacle…vulture….broom….heart….
At the very pinnacle of the “vulture brooms”, aka scarecrows, that allowed the farmer’s hearts to be calm, there was a small concealed gun that would shoot any vultures that were not scared away. 1410
retirement, a person retired from active life
**(1st) conceal: pinnacle…vulture….broom….heart….
At the very pinnacle of the “vulture brooms”, aka scarecrows, that allowed the farmer’s hearts to be calm, there was a small concealed gun that would shoot any vultures that were not scared away. 1410
**(2nd) reside: flag…old…
A lot of the residents in Totsuka are old. They planted their flag of residence a long time ago. 1143
**ALL: conceal…reside….
(pronunciation) when you are retired you say, I am going to stay in (いん)today(きょ)う
space, interval
**(2nd) isolate: pinnacle….ceiling….mouth….glass canopy….human legs….spike…..
Though Rapunzel was already isolated at the pinnacle of her tower, she was always painting her ceiling while singing. The sound was attracting potential rescuers, so she isolated her (human legs) even more by putting her in a glass canopy and nailing the door shut. 1409
**ALL: interval…isolate….
An interval is isolated. It is only that specific period of space or time.
(pronunciation) you かんかく (can write/draw) in this designated space/period of time only.
part, separate, partition, screen
**isolate: pinnacle….ceiling….mouth….glass canopy….human legs….spike…..
Though Rapunzel was already isolated at the pinnacle of her tower, she was always painting her ceiling while singing. The sound was attracting potential rescuers, so she isolated her (human legs) even more by putting her in a glass canopy and nailing the door shut. 1409
**ALL (pronunciation): think へた, if you are bad at something they will separate you and put you in a remedial group.
financial institutions
**(2nd) dissolve: ceiling…mouth…glass canopy…human legs….spike….bug…
Rapunzel was being too loud when she was painting her ceiling and singing, so she was isolated in a glass canopy with the door nailed shut. How did she survive? By dissolving insects that wandered in with her magic hair and eating them.
**(3rd) mechanism: tree…abacus….
The abacus is a mechanism used for counting that is made of wood. 1482
(Right side) abacus: two cocoons….person….fiesta….
The number of people participating in the fiesta this year was larger than most, so the chief mathematician used an abacus to figure out how many cocoons each person would get to crack open. 1481
**(4th) connection: gates…golden calf…
After the golden calf’s sacrifice, he went through the gates and made a connection with heaven. He put in a good word for his tribe. 2173
**ALL: gold…dissolve….mechanism….connection…
(first two) financing: gold…dissolve….
Financing involves gold being dissolved and redistributed.
(last two) agency/institution: mechanism….connection….
Institutions are mechanisms that connect many people.
**(pronunciation) can you (きんゆう)help me with my financial situation?
a residence, mansion
**(1st) residence: calling card…city walls…
Someone’s residence is usually written on their calling card, which will tell you where within the city walls they live. 1984
(left half) family name/calling card: drop…fishhook…one…fishhook…
Drop a fishhook in with everyone else’s, and whichever one other fishhook you catch, you take that person’s family name. 1970
**ALL: residence…home…
(pronunciation) at a ていたくthere are たくさん 手 on hand to help
corner, nook
**corner: pinnacle…Talking Cricket….
At the pinnacle of the Talking Cricket’s anger Pinnocchio would back into a corner and try to hide. 2108
(right side) Talking Cricket: brain…(combined with) bug….belt…
When Pinnocchio wasn’t listening to him, the talking cricket would pull off his belt and hit him, again. 2105
by chance, coincidence
**(1st) Accidentally: person…brain…(combined with) bug….belt…
When Pinnocchio (the person) accidentally lied or wasn’t listening to him, the talking cricket would pull off his belt and hit him, again. 2105
**ALL: accidentally….that sort of thing…