第111回 Flashcards
診察 (two kanji)
medical examination, examine (a patient)
**(1st) checkup: words….umbrella…shape…
During a checkup, if you bring up a concern, the doctor takes their words and shapes them into some broad umbrella answer that doesn’t help. 1860
**(2nd) guess: house…ritual…
Guessing the future is a ritual called divination that is usually performed in a special house. 1184
(bottom part) ritual: flesh…crotch…altar…
The coven had a grotesque ritual in which the body for sacrifice was laid with their flesh bare, crotch visible, on the alter, and killed. 1183
**ALL: checkup…guess…
A medical examination is where they do a general checkup and then guess what is wrong with you.
(pronunciation) I want a doctor to beしんせつ during the しんさつ
examine (a patient)
**checkup: words….umbrella…shape…
During a checkup, if you bring up a concern, the doctor takes their words and shapes them into some broad umbrella answer that doesn’t help. 1860
medical treatment, therapy/to treat, cure, remedy
**(1st) reign: water…pedestal….
Those up high on the pedestal always get free-reign on all the resources (water). 807
**(2nd) heal: sickness…pup tent….
Those who were on their way to healing from the sickness were moved to pup tents outside so the hospital rooms could be used for the sickest patients. 1845
(bottom part) pup tent: dog+teepee….sun….little….
This is a pup tent (teepee for dog) that has a little opening at the front for the sun to shine through in the morning. pg.373
**ALL: reign…heal….
Getting medical treatment is having those who reign over you heal you.
(pronunciation) think blood
a symptom, the condition of a patient
**(1st) symptoms: sickness….correct….
Symptoms are what you use to identify a sickness correctly. 1816
**(2nd) status quo: turtle…chihuahua….
The turtle and chihuahua bucked the status quo and were friends anyways. 254
**ALL: symptoms…status quo…
Recognizing symptoms that are the status quo for a certain sickness helps identify he condition of a patient.
(personal) habit
**mannerism: sickness….ketchup….
Americans have this mannerism that you could almost call a sickness of putting ketchup on everything. 1826
cleanly, scrupulous
**(1st) undefiled: water….grow up…dagger…thread….
To be undefiled means you are as pure as water. To have grown up with your life (thread) untouched by a dagger. 1668
**(2nd) mannerism: sickness….ketchup….
Americans have this mannerism that you could almost call a sickness of putting ketchup on everything. 1826
(bottom part) ketchup: flag…mouth…spicy….
“One way American (flag) children learn to cope with food they are forced to eat against their will is to smother it with ketchup.” Trying to “spice up” the food. pg. 341
**ALL: undefiled….mannerism…
When someone is cleanly they have a mannerism of wanting to keep everything undefiled.
(pronunciation) かんぺき
take refuge, take shelter
**(1st) evade: ketchup…road…
This guy is trying to evade the Chicago police. He is in a car chase on a big road. What did he do? Put ketchup on his hot dog. 1618
(bottom part) ketchup: flag…mouth…spicy….
“One way American (flag) children learn to cope with food they are forced to eat against their will is to smother it with ketchup.” Trying to “spice up” the food. pg. 341
**(2nd) difficult: scarecrow…turkey…
It is difficult for me to let go of the Halloween (scarecrows) season and move on to the Thanksgiving (turkey) season. 1703
**ALL: evade….difficult….
When you are taking shelter, you are evading something, and it is a difficult thing to endure.
avoid, evade, shrink
**evade: ketchup…road…
This guy is trying to evade the Chicago police. He is in a car chase on a big road. What did he do? Put ketchup on his hot dog. 1618
(bottom part) ketchup: flag…mouth…spicy….
“One way American (flag) children learn to cope with food they are forced to eat against their will is to smother it with ketchup.” Trying to “spice up” the food. pg. 341
be embarrassed, ashamed
**shame: ear…heart…
When others hear what you did, you feel shame. But the fact that you still feel shame means your heart is in the “right” place. 886
shame, disgrace, dishonor
**shame: ear…heart…
When others hear what you did, you feel shame. But the fact that you still feel shame means your heart is in the “right” place. 886
feel shame/embarrassment
**shame: ear…heart…
When others hear what you did, you feel shame. But the fact that you still feel shame means your heart is in the “right” place. 886
a patient
**(1st) afflicted: shish kebab…heart…
Whatever I am afflicted with, it feels like someone has shish kebabed my heart. 650
suffer (illness), worry
**afflicted: shish kebab…heart…
Whatever I am afflicted with, it feels like someone has shish kebabed my heart. 650
菌 (one kanji)
germs, bacteria, fungus
**germ: flowers….pent in….wheat…
The wheat is isolated because a germ was discovered in them that they don’t want to spread to the flowers. 985
細菌 (two kanji)
germs, bacteria
**(1st) dainty: thread…brains….
She may look like a dainty lady doing her needle work (thread), but she has more brains than you can believe. 1463
**(2nd) germ: flowers….pent in….wheat…
The wheat is isolated because a germ was discovered in them that they don’t want to spread to the flowers. 985
**ALL: dainty…germ….