第117回 Flashcards
lie on one’s stomach
**prostrated: person…dog…
A person prostrating themselves kinda looks like a person doing down dog. 1035
lie on one’s stomach
**prostrated: person…dog…
A person prostrating themselves kinda looks like a person doing down dog. 1035
incubation period, latent period
**(1st) submerge: water…exchange….
When you submerge something, the air that was in the object is exchanged for water. 907
**(2nd)prostrated: person…dog…
A person prostrating themselves kinda looks like a person doing down dog. 1035
**(3rd) period: bushel basket…month….
Every month, mother nature sends a bushel basket of pain and exhaustion in the form of a period. It is the worst period of time in the month. 1902
**ALL (first two) incubation: submerge…prostrated….
When the virus incubates, it submerges itself in you body and prepares to have you prostrate yourself before it.
incubation period, latent period
**(1st) submerge: water…exchange….
When you submerge something, the air that was in the object is exchanged for water. 907
**(2nd)prostrated: person…dog…
A person prostrating themselves kinda looks like a person doing down dog. 1035
**(3rd) period: bushel basket…month….
Every month, mother nature sends a bushel basket of pain and exhaustion in the form of a period. It is the worst period of time in the month. 1902
**ALL (first two) incubation: submerge…prostrated….
When the virus incubates, it submerges itself in you body and prepares to have you prostrate yourself before it.
cut/hew down, fell
**(1st) fell (cut down tree): person….fiesta….
Cara Delevingne was at a fiesta, as she always is, and some guy was pushing her to fell a tree, so she says “I’ll fell your tree”, and cuts off his d instead. 1069
**(2nd) pick: finger….grab….
The vulture picks roadkill off the road like we pick fruit off trees. 792
(right side) grab: vulture…tree….
The vulture grabs its already dead prey off the road and sits in a tree devouring it. 791
**ALL: fell (a tree)…pick….
Cara felled the “tree” to show how much of a boss (ば) she is.
cut/hew down, fell
**(1st) fell (cut down tree): person….fiesta….
Cara Delevingne was at a fiesta, as she always is, and some guy was pushing her to fell a tree, so she says “I’ll fell your tree”, and cuts off his d instead. 1069
**(2nd) pick: finger….grab….
The vulture picks roadkill off the road like we pick fruit off trees. 792
(right side) grab: vulture…tree….
The vulture grabs its already dead prey off the road and sits in a tree devouring it. 791
**ALL: fell (a tree)…pick….
Cara felled the “tree” to show how much of a boss (ば) she is.
accompany, go with
**consort: person…half….
I want to be Cara’s other half, her consort, because she is royalty. 1287
accompany, go with
**consort: person…half….
I want to be Cara’s other half, her consort, because she is royalty. 1287
accompany, go with, bring (one’s spouse to a party, etc.)
**(2nd) consort: person…half….
I want to be Cara’s other half, her consort, because she is royalty. 1287
accompany, go with, bring (one’s spouse to a party, etc.)
**(2nd) consort: person…half….
I want to be Cara’s other half, her consort, because she is royalty. 1287
brilliant person
**(1st) sagacious/wise: person…license….walking legs…
Cara finally got her driver’s license, but she was wise enough to still walk most places because she is often drunk and didn’t want to get it taken away. 1089
**ALL: sagacious/wise….genius….
brilliant person
**(1st) sagacious/wise: person…license….walking legs…
Cara finally got her driver’s license, but she was wise enough to still walk most places because she is often drunk and didn’t want to get it taken away. 1089
**ALL: sagacious/wise….genius….
be thrifty, economize
**(1st) frugal: person…awl…
Cara was living frugally because of the virus, so she used an awl to make new holes in the straps of her X swing. 1804
**(2nd) promise: thread…ladle….
When you promise yourself to someone and “tie the knot” (thread) you often get gifts of kitchen utensils like ladles. 1462
*ALL: frugal…promise…
You made a promise to yourself that you would be frugal aka being thrifty.
be thrifty, economize
**(1st) frugal: person…awl…
Cara was living frugally because of the virus, so she used an awl to make new holes in the straps of her X swing. 1804
**(2nd) promise: thread…ladle….
When you promise yourself to someone and “tie the knot” (thread) you often get gifts of kitchen utensils like ladles. 1462
*ALL: frugal…promise…
You made a promise to yourself that you would be frugal aka being thrifty.
sumo ring
**(2nd) bag: person…surface….
Cara left her bag sitting out on an open surface in the airport, she got in a lot of trouble. 1667
**ALL: soil…bag….
(pronunciation) the Sumo wrestlers go ど(ん)with their feet and then fight their best to try and get into the ひょう, the chart of people moving on to the next round.
sumo ring
**(2nd) bag: person…surface….
Cara left her bag sitting out on an open surface in the airport, she got in a lot of trouble. 1667
**ALL: soil…bag….
(pronunciation) the Sumo wrestlers go ど(ん)with their feet and then fight their best to try and get into the ひょう, the chart of people moving on to the next round.
straw rice bag
**(2nd) bag: person…surface….
Cara left her bag sitting out on an open surface in the airport, she got in a lot of trouble. 1667
straw rice bag
**(2nd) bag: person…surface….
Cara left her bag sitting out on an open surface in the airport, she got in a lot of trouble. 1667
annual salary
**(2nd) stipend: person…dedicate….
The midwestern man got so good at bonsaiing cornstalks that he was able to get a living stipend to a gardening school. 1696
**ALL (pronunciation): your annual salary makes you a little less poor (ぽう)
annual salary
**(2nd) stipend: person…dedicate….
The midwestern man got so good at bonsaiing cornstalks that he was able to get a living stipend to a gardening school. 1696
**ALL (pronunciation): your annual salary makes you a little less poor (ぽう)
imitation, fake
**(1st) falsehood: person….do….
Falsehoods are things that only people do. 2068
imitation, fake
**(1st) falsehood: person….do….
Falsehoods are things that only people do. 2068
tell a lie, deceive, feign
**falsehood: person….do….
Falsehoods are things that only people do. 2068
**ALL (pronunciation): telling a lie is いつ(でも)わる(い)
tell a lie, deceive, feign
**falsehood: person….do….
Falsehoods are things that only people do. 2068
**ALL (pronunciation): telling a lie is いつ(でも)わる(い)
ぎめい fake name, alias **(1st) falsehood: person....do.... Falsehoods are things that only people do. 2068 **ALL: falsehood...name...
fake name, alias
偽名 ぎめい **(1st) falsehood: person....do.... Falsehoods are things that only people do. 2068 **ALL: falsehood...name...
attend/listen to (a court trial, etc.)
**(1st) bystander: person…stand…crown…compass…
Bystanders are people who stand on the sidelines when something bad is happening with a metaphorical crown on thinking they are the good guys because they aren’t participating. But really their moral compasses are off. 1090
**(2nd) listen: ear…needle…eye…heart…
Listen to someone with ears, eyes, and heart. That way they will feel your attention like pinpricks of needles. 890
**ALL: bystander….listen….
When you attend a court trial you are just a bystander who listens.
(pronunciation): you sit there seriously (ちょう) spacing out (ぼう)
attend/listen to (a court trial, etc.)
**(1st) bystander: person…stand…crown…compass…
Bystanders are people who stand on the sidelines when something bad is happening with a metaphorical crown on thinking they are the good guys because they aren’t participating. But really their moral compasses are off. 1090
**(2nd) listen: ear…needle…eye…heart…
Listen to someone with ears, eyes, and heart. That way they will feel your attention like pinpricks of needles. 890
**ALL: bystander….listen….
When you attend a court trial you are just a bystander who listens.
(pronunciation): you sit there seriously (ちょう) spacing out (ぼう)
the side
**bystander: person…stand…crown…compass…
Bystanders are people who stand on the sidelines when something bad is happening with a metaphorical crown on thinking they are the good guys because they aren’t participating. But really their moral compasses are off. 1090
the side
**bystander: person…stand…crown…compass…
Bystanders are people who stand on the sidelines when something bad is happening with a metaphorical crown on thinking they are the good guys because they aren’t participating. But really their moral compasses are off. 1090
Buddhist priest/monk
**Buddhist priest: person…increase….
The Buddhist priest is the person who has most increased their chances of reaching enlightenment. 1057
Buddhist priest/monk
**Buddhist priest: person…increase….
The Buddhist priest is the person who has most increased their chances of reaching enlightenment. 1057
**(1st) greatness: person…sunglasses…tree…
Cara knew she had finally achieved true greatness, so she put on her coolest pair of sunglasses and showed off her felled “tree”. 1074
**ALL: greatness…make….
(pronunciation) it is け(して)the bestさく(ひん)
**(1st) greatness: person…sunglasses…tree…
Cara knew she had finally achieved true greatness, so she put on her coolest pair of sunglasses and showed off her felled “tree”. 1074
**ALL: greatness…make….
(pronunciation) it is け(して)the bestさく(ひん)
vomit, spew, spit
**spit: mouth….dirt….
Why do people spit on the ground? It is so gross. 162
vomit, spew, spit
**spit: mouth….dirt….
Why do people spit on the ground? It is so gross. 162
vomit blood
**(1st) spit: mouth….dirt….
Why do people spit on the ground? It is so gross. 162
vomit blood
**(1st) spit: mouth….dirt….
Why do people spit on the ground? It is so gross. 162
suggest, hint at
**(1st) show: two…little….
Her boobs were too small to be shown off during the sacrifice ceremony. 1167
**(2nd) tempt: mouth…license…walking legs…
What is a temptation? A pair of nice lips, a girl so drop dead gorgeous you would think she has a license to kill, and a pair of long walking legs. 828
**ALL: show…tempt….
When someone is trying to suggest/hint at that something has happened they show you their evidence and tempt you into believing them.
(pronunciation) し is such(さch) a ____
suggest, hint at
**(1st) show: two…little….
Her boobs were too small to be shown off during the sacrifice ceremony. 1167
**(2nd) tempt: mouth…license…walking legs…
What is a temptation? A pair of nice lips, a girl so drop dead gorgeous you would think she has a license to kill, and a pair of long walking legs. 828
**ALL: show…tempt….
When someone is trying to suggest/hint at that something has happened they show you their evidence and tempt you into believing them.
(pronunciation) し is such(さch) a ____
instigate, coax into, entice
**(2nd) tempt: mouth…license…walking legs…
What is a temptation? A pair of nice lips, a girl so drop dead gorgeous you would think she has a license to kill, and a pair of long walking legs. 828
instigate, coax into, entice
**(2nd) tempt: mouth…license…walking legs…
What is a temptation? A pair of nice lips, a girl so drop dead gorgeous you would think she has a license to kill, and a pair of long walking legs. 828
blackmail, intimidate
**(1st) fear: craft….mediocre….heart….
My biggest fear is being mediocre at the craft I put my whole heart into. 660
**(2nd) hoarse: mouth….siesta….
The man taking the siesta has been in the sun for so long that when he opens his mouth to talk his voice is very hoarse. 491
**ALL: fear…hoarse….
People blackmail you with fear and intimidate you by screaming at you until they are hoarse.
(pronunciation) きょう I will かつ through blackmail and intimidation.
blackmail, intimidate
**(1st) fear: craft….mediocre….heart….
My biggest fear is being mediocre at the craft I put my whole heart into. 660
**(2nd) hoarse: mouth….siesta….
The man taking the siesta has been in the sun for so long that when he opens his mouth to talk his voice is very hoarse. 491
**ALL: fear…hoarse….
People blackmail you with fear and intimidate you by screaming at you until they are hoarse.
(pronunciation) きょう I will かつ through blackmail and intimidation.
summons of a witness
**(3rd) yell: mouth…bound up…four…dog/St. Bernard dog…
Four St. Bernard dog were bound together and they were yelling “four” help. 1121
**ALL: evidence….person…yell…question….
summons of a witness
**(3rd) yell: mouth…bound up…four…dog/St. Bernard dog…
Four St. Bernard dog were bound together and they were yelling “four” help. 1121
**ALL: evidence….person…yell…question….
かんたん admire, marvel at **(2nd) sigh: mouth...scarecrow... The scarecrow was bored. He did the same thing all day everyday. He let out a long sigh. 1702 **ALL: feeling...sigh....
admire, marvel at
感嘆 かんたん **(2nd) sigh: mouth...scarecrow... The scarecrow was bored. He did the same thing all day everyday. He let out a long sigh. 1702 **ALL: feeling...sigh....
grieve, lament, deplore
**sigh: mouth…scarecrow…
The scarecrow was bored. He did the same thing all day everyday. He let out a long sigh. 1702
grieve, lament, deplore
**sigh: mouth…scarecrow…
The scarecrow was bored. He did the same thing all day everyday. He let out a long sigh. 1702
entrust (someone with a matter)
**(1st) committee: wheat…woman….
Committee meetings are so boring. What would get people to come? Food and women. 979
**(2nd) entrust: mouth…belong….
A man walked up to his friend and said (mouth) that he was going to entrust him with something valuable that had belonged to his ancestors. 2104
**ALL: committee….entrust….
The committee entrusts their director with a lot of power.
(pronunciation) it would be a good shock (い(い)しょく)if you entrusted someone with something who you thought was incompetent but they did good.
entrust (someone with a matter)
**(1st) committee: wheat…woman….
Committee meetings are so boring. What would get people to come? Food and women. 979
**(2nd) entrust: mouth…belong….
A man walked up to his friend and said (mouth) that he was going to entrust him with something valuable that had belonged to his ancestors. 2104
**ALL: committee….entrust….
The committee entrusts their director with a lot of power.
(pronunciation) it would be a good shock (い(い)しょく)if you entrusted someone with something who you thought was incompetent but they did good.
five-storied pagoda
**(3rd) pagoda: dirt…flower…fit…
You have the golden pavilion, the silver pavilion, now you have the dirt and flower pagoda. The body of the building is dirt, and each roof is a large upside-down flower head. All five levels fit together perfectly. 270
five-storied pagoda
**(3rd) pagoda: dirt…flower…fit…
You have the golden pavilion, the silver pavilion, now you have the dirt and flower pagoda. The body of the building is dirt, and each roof is a large upside-down flower head. All five levels fit together perfectly. 270
wall, fence
**fence: soil…flag…(nature) puzzle…
You put down flags at even intervals in the soil to mark the sections, and then you put the pieces of the fence together like a puzzle. 1136
wall, fence
**fence: soil…flag…(nature) puzzle…
You put down flags at even intervals in the soil to mark the sections, and then you put the pieces of the fence together like a puzzle. 1136
flower bed
**(2nd) podium: soil/ground…top hat…-times….nightbreak…..
The politician was nervous to give his first speech behind the official podium the next day, so he went and stood on the actual ground where he would be giving it, got all dressed up in his top hat and everything, and practiced many times until nightbreak. 631
flower bed
**(2nd) podium: soil/ground…top hat…-times….nightbreak…..
The politician was nervous to give his first speech behind the official podium the next day, so he went and stood on the actual ground where he would be giving it, got all dressed up in his top hat and everything, and practiced many times until nightbreak. 631