9.1 Survivors of Abuse and Neglect Flashcards
Sexual Abuse
- Usually occur before the age of 25 for both men and women
- Abuse/neglect can increase risk for MI, asthma, diabetes, CAD, depression, disability, unemployment, mental distress.
Human Trafficking
- Commercial sex induced by force, fraud or coercion
- If the person induced to preform the act is under the age of 18
- Recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining person for labor services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion
- Abusers were often victims themselves of abuse.
Intimate Partner Violence
- Coercive control supported by physical or sexual violence OR threat of violence of an intimate partner
- Most of the victims are women aged 23-34
Victim Profile
- All age, race, socioeconomic class can be a victim
- Low self esteem
- Inadequate support systems
- Some grew in abusive homes
- Commonly adhere to feminine sex-role stereotypes.
- Often accept blame for the battering actions
Feelings of guilt, anger, fear, and shame are common.
Victimizer Profile
- Low self esteem
- Pathologically jealous
- Dual personality (one to their partner and one to the rest of the world)
- Limited coping ability
- Severe stress reactions
- Views spouse as personal possessions (very possessive)
- Becomes threatened at partner signs of independence or attempts to share time with others.
- Very degrading against partner and insults them. Tries to isolate them from the world.
Cycle of Battering
Phase 1
- Tension building phase - Mans tolerance for frustration declines, becomes angry with little provoking, woman may try to stay out of his way. Minor battering may occur and abuser begins to fear partner may leave them.
Phase 2
- Acute Battering Incident - Most violent but also the shortest (24 hours). Control is lost and abuser may or may not realize what happened.
Phase 3
- Honeymoon Phase - Batterer becomes extremely loving, kind, and contrite. He believes he now can control his behavior. Woman relives original dreams of ideal love.
Why do women stay in abusive relationships?
- Most common reason is fear of their and their children’s lives.
- Fear of retaliation
- Children
- Finances
- Lack of support network
- Religious
- Hopefulness that things will improve
- Lack of attention to danger
When a victim leaves an abusive relationship they are 75% greater risk of being killed by the partner.
Types of Abuse
Emotional Abuse
- Behavior of caretaker that results in impairment of child’s social, emotional, or intellectual functioning
Emotional Neglect
- Failure of parent to provide child with hope, love and support necessary for healthy personality
Physical Abuse
- Any non-accidental injury caused by parent
Physical Neglect
- Refusal or delay in seeking healthcare, abandonment, expulsion from home, inadequate supervision.
Physical Abuse Indications (Child)
- Unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bones, black eyes
- Fading bruises noticeable after absence of school
- Frightened of parents or protests going home
- Shrinks at the approach of adults
- Reports injury by parents
- Abuses animals or pets
Physical Abuse Indications (Adult)
- Conflicting stories or no explanation of child injury
- Describes child as evil or in negative way
- Uses harsh physical discipline with the child
- History of abuse
- History of abusing animals
Emotional Abuse Indications (Child)
- Extreme behaviors (overly compliant or demanding) - Extremely passive or aggressive.
- Inappropriately adult (parenting other children) or inappropriately infantile (frequently rocking or headbanging)
- Delayed physical/emotional development
- Has attempted suicide
- Reports lack of attachment to parents
Emotional Abuse Indications (Adult)
- Constantly blames/belittles child
- Refuses offers of help for their child’s problems
- Overtly rejects child
Physical Neglect
- Refusal to seek healthcare
- Abandonment
- Expulsion from home or not allowing runaways to come back
Indicators of Neglect
- Frequently absent from school
- Steals money or food
- Lacks medical/dental care, immunizations, glasses
- Consistent body odor
- Abuses alcohol/drugs
Parent may seem apathetic or depressed
Indicators of Sexual Abuse (Child)
- Difficulty walking/sitting
- Refuses physical activity or gym
- Nightmares and bedwetting
- Sudden change in appetite
- Unusually bizarre knowledge of sex
- Becomes pregnant under age of 14
- Runs away
- Attaches very quickly to strangers or new adults in environment
Indicators of Sexual Abuse (Adult)
- Extremely protective or child and limits child’s contact with other children (especially opposite sex)
- Secretive and isolated
- Jealous and controlling of family members
- Sex of close relatives
- Father daughter incest usually occurs due to improper communication with the other parent
- Onset happens when daughter turns 8-10
- Oldest daughter usually most at risk
Survivors of Incest
- Lack of Trust
- Low Self Esteem
- Poor sense of identity
- Absence of pleasure from sex
- Promiscuity (many sex partners)
Sexual Assault
- Any sexual act against will
- Act of aggression
- Expression of dominance
Acquaintance rape
- Date Rape
- Rapist is acquainted with the victim
- College campus is common area
Marital Rape
- Sexual abuse against married partner
Statutory Rape
- Sex with anyone not above the age of consent
- Varies from state to state between 14-18
Rape Victimizer Profile
Sexual Sadist
- Aroused by inflicting pain
Exploitative Predator
- Use victim to gratify need for dominance
Inadequate Men
- Obsessed with fantasies of sex and believe it cannot be achieved without force
Anger and Rage
- Displace these emotions through rape
- Rape is majority premeditated
- Includes seeking out vulnerable victims and drugs to increase vulnerability
Rape may be more common in societies that encourage aggressiveness in males, have distinct gender roles, and regard women as inferior.
- Most often the rape offender knows the victim. 1/10 have a weapon involved.
Rape Trauma Syndrome
Evident days/weeks after event
- Contusions/abrasions about various parts of body
- Headache/fatigue/sleep pattern disturbance
- Stomach pain, n/v
- Vaginal discharge, itching, burning upon urination, rectal bleeding, pain
- Rage, humiliations embarrassment, desire for revenge, self blame
- Fear of physical violence and death
Rape Trauma Syndrome
- Feelings of anger, anxiety, fear through crying, restlessness, tension
- Feelings can be controlled and hidden (may seem calm, composed, or subdued affect)
- Compound rape reaction (depression and suicide may occur, substance abuse and psychotic behavior)
- Silent rape reaction where survivor tells no one about the event (may reveal itself later when woman has another sexual crisis)
- Controls impulse control
- Low levels play a part in aggression
- Increased dopamine may also be linked to aggression and low levels of serotonin