Our risk management principles are to (5)
- Develop a culture of risk awareness and continuous improvement. Risk recognised as natural and necessary.
- Provide a supportive environment were risks are openly discussed.
- Consider Te Ao Maori views
- Incorporate the views and perspectives of the communities
- embed risk management behaviours and practices
How do we define risk?
Any potential future, uncertain event that may affect the achievement of our objectives
Responsibility of all staff regarding risk (4)
- Understand role of managing risk
- Help managers identify risk
- Escalate and report risk - 1-Up
- Seek support from assurance group
Exec leaders and management responsibilities regarding risk (6)
- identify risk and commit to reviewing regularly
- Ensure processes to manage risk are in place
- Ensure risk is considered
- Receive and/or share risk info
- Support and encourage teams to escalate and report risk
- Seek support from assurance group
What are the risks in the risk oversight framework (4)
- strategic
- Portfolio
- Corporate
- Operational
What are strategic risks and how are they managed?
- Affect strategic objectives
- High level, thematic, long term (5-10 years)
- Strategically important
Responsibility of commissioner and ELT
What are organisational risks and how are they managed?
- systemic and affect one or more work work groups
- Risk to people, legal, regs….
Responsibility of service centres and districts..
Safer people oversee
What are operational risks and how are they managed?
- Risk to day to day ops/
- Risks to BAU who deliver to public
- Responsibility of staff at all levels.
- Often dealt with at time but can mean symptomatic of higher level risk.
- Info shared
What are portfolio risks and how are they managed?
- Risk to programme or project
- responsibility of project manager. should be reports to SRO.
- For large projects Treasury requires RPA
- Risks captured in Sentient overseen by IPO
What are the 3 levels of risk?
First line: Police staff.
~ Identify risks
~ sharing info
~ integrated in decision making
~ managing and reporting
~ Recording in appropriate place.
Second line: Districts/service centres/PNHQ
~ discussing, acting upon and escalating risk
Third line: Assurance group
~ Reviews
~ audits
~ advice
What are the 5 steps of the risk management process?
1) Establish context
2) Identify risk
3) Analyse risk impact
4) Evaluate Risk
5) Take action