ECC C2 of incidents
Initial command of response to all incidents reported to ECC is responsibility of ECC shift commander.
Holds incident controller until formally passed to suitable field supervisor.
Where possible sgt or above.
If Incident control retained by ECC. Forward command should be passed to suitable field supervisor.
What is forward command?
Relates to person in charge of a task or group:
- senior/most qualified person present at initial response
- An officer in charge of an element (aos / cordons / arrest etc..)
Immediate actions for FC (9)
- Attend
- Assume command
- Ascertain situation
- ID hazards
- Provide Sit Rep
- Appreciation develop immediate response
- Plan contingies
- Brief staff
- Record decisions
Considerations for FC (8)
- Immeidate staff welfare
- continually assess situation
- community impact
- briefing or arriving staff
- facilities
- Ongoing comms with ECC and staff
- Liaison with other agencies
- Hot debrief
Process for ECC exercising command (5)
- Authority of SC delgated to TL and dispatcher
- Field units must comply with direction
- Dispatches and TLs must consider resource priorities
- Any queries re: op matters must be referred to field supervisors or ECC TL
- ECC has final decision in ops matters
Matters to consider prior to transfer of incident control (3)
- Early stages ECC best equipped
- Highest ranking - not necessarily most appropriate to assume control
- Designated IC should not be delegated control until an ICP is established, they are familiar with incident and have formulated a response plan.
Transfer of IC from ECC to field (6)
- Determine when
- Determine unit
- Notify unit
- When FC ready to assume control, formally appoint, 10/1, record assume, ensure all staff aware
- ECC adopts support role
- Shift commander maintains oversight.
Revocation of control
if shift commander deems appointed FC or IC is no longer most appropriate may revoke appointment of FC. May undertake themselves, delegate other, or delegate multiple (if mutliple phases)