Definition of emergency
- any happening
- Natural or otherwise
- Causes loss of life or injury, illness, distress, endangerment to public or property
- Cannot be dealt with by emergency services or otherwise requires a significant and coordinated response
Summary of Police powers - CDEM (7)
Evacuate or exclude people and vehicles from any place. Preserve life
Enter / break in if necessary preserve life, provide relief
Totally / partially restrict access on public road / place
remove aircraft / vehicle / transport mode if impeding. Break in.
Requisition resources for preservation of human life
Direct people to stop activity-if cause or contributes to emergency - verbal or written
Examine, Mark, Seize, sample, secure, disinfect, destroy property or animal to prevent or limit emergency
Who is authorised to declare a local SOE
Appointed person from CDEM group
If more than one appointed must state if equal status to make declaration
For person appointed by CDEM not available a group rep can declare
Mayor can declare - for their territory.
If Mayor absent - person designated
Minister can declare.
When can declaration be given?
(What is an emergency)
Result of any happening, natural or otherwise
Causes or may cause loss of life, injury, distress, endangerment
Cannot be dealt with by emergency services
What needs to be considered about the area affected?
Declarations should be limited to areas affected.
Declaration does not need to occur for entire area if emergency only affects some districts within.
person appointed by CDEM can declare one or more district within area.
Mayor can declare SOE of district that covers their territorial authority.
How is SOE terminated?
person authorised to declare SOE can terminate.
Does not need to be the person who declared.
Form 10 must be used. Must specify time and date that termination will come into effect
Time limits of SOE
Comes into effect immediately after declared.
Expires after 7 days unless extended or terminated earlier.