#2 STAFF MANAGEMENT 1 - S4 Employment relations Act Flashcards
What is required of the parties to an employment relationship according to subsection (1)?
They must deal with each other in good faith
This includes not misleading or deceiving each other.
What does the duty of good faith in subsection (1A) require of the parties?
They must be active and constructive in establishing and maintaining a productive employment relationship
This includes being responsive and communicative.
What must an employer provide to employees affected by a decision that could adversely affect their employment according to subsection (1A)(c)?
Access to information and an opportunity to comment on the information
This is before the decision is made.
Under what conditions does subsection (1B) not require an employer to provide access to confidential information?
If it involves unwarranted disclosure, is subject to statutory confidentiality, or for other good reasons
Examples include avoiding unreasonable prejudice to the employer’s commercial position.
What is defined as confidential information under subsection (1D)?
Information provided in circumstances where there is a mutual understanding of secrecy
This understanding can be express or implied.
List the types of employment relationships specified in subsection (2).
- An employer and an employee
- A union and an employer
- A union and a member of the union
- A union and another union bargaining for the same collective agreement
- A union and another union parties to the same collective agreement
- A union and a member of another union where both unions are bargaining for the same agreement
- A union and a member of another union where both are parties to the same agreement
- An employer and another employer bargaining for the same collective agreement.
Does subsection (1) prevent a party to an employment relationship from communicating a statement of fact or opinion about an employer’s business?
No, it does not prevent such communication
The communication must be reasonably held.
What matters does the duty of good faith in subsection (1) apply to?
- Bargaining for a collective agreement
- Any matter under a collective agreement
- Consultation about collective employment interests
- Proposals that impact employees
- Making employees redundant
- Pay equity claims
- Access to a workplace by a union representative
- Communications between a union and employer regarding secret ballots.
Is the list of matters specified in subsection (4) exhaustive?
No, they are examples and do not limit subsection (1)
Other matters may also fall under the duty of good faith.
What constitutes a breach of subsection (1) for an employer?
Advising or inducing an employee not to be involved in bargaining for a collective agreement
Or not to be covered by a collective agreement.