#4 FAMILY HARM - Policy And Procedure Flashcards
When attending family harm episodes police aim to:
1) slow and eventually stop the family harm cycle/cumulative harm across generations
2) restive serious harm such as the use of physical violence, sexual abuse and Childs abuse and neglect
3) reduce family harm related deaths (homicides and 1X)
Police will provide an effective response to family harm which involves (7)
1) taking an eyes wide open approach
2) being culturally responsive
3) ensuring all parties kept safe (vics, children, police)
4) taking action with predominant aggressors/offenders through a prompt and comprehensive response
5) collecting specific risk information to enable effective assessment, planning and risk management and to guide decisions around appropriate action with an offender
6) working collaboratively across police
7) working with partners - multi agency response
An effective police response to family harm is based in the following principles (6)
1) early intervention
2) Culturally appropriate
3) safety (vics, children, police)
4) collecting risk info
5) accountability
6) working collaboratively
What is family violence (a subset of family harm) (3):
1) physical abuse
2) sexual abuse
3) psychological abuse
Can include coercive or controlling behaviours and causes cumulative harm
Types of family other than intimate partner and child abuse (4)
1) teen dating / teen harm
2) elderly abuse
3) honour based harm
4) LGBQTI harm
10 stages of quality FH investigation
Overarching (active case management)
1) initial response
2) investigation and crime scene exam
3) Interviewing subjects
4) child protection protocol (pol 350)
5) considering arrest
6) charging
7) bail
8) prosecution or case disposition
9) longer term safety, support and intervention
10)monitoring and evaluation
FH initial response - a quality FH investigation involves (7)
1) Establishing circumstances
2) completing dynamic assessment
3) completing a frontline safety plan
4) recording a quality narrative
5) submitting and approving a FH investigation
6) providing info to others/agencies
7) appropriate coding