What is Conn’s syndrome?
Primary Hyperaldosteronism
2/2 excessive adrenal gland secretion ➜ polyuria and polydipsia
[Plasma aldosterone : Plasma Renin ACTIVITY] > 30
What type of acid base disturbance does TB cause? Why?
TB is a common cause of Addison’s primary adrenal insufficiency which –> ⬇︎Aldosterone –> Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
How is Allopurinol used to prevent kidney damage during CA tx?
Allopurinol prevents [tumor lysis-associated urate crystal nephropathy] in pts receiving tx for lymphoma/leukemia
Which drugs cause renal tubular obstruction and ➜ [Crystalline nephropathy Acute Tubular Necrosis]? - 5.0
“crystal MAPES obstruct kidneys!”
- Acyclovir IV
- Protease inhibitors
- Ethylene glycol
- Sulfonamides
Uremia constitutes a BUN of ⬜
Name the classic s/s (3)
> 50
Lethargy | Anorexia with vomiting | Confusion
Why are DM pts who take SGLT2 inhibitors at ⇪ risk for DKA?
because [SGLT2 inhibitors] prevent Glucose reabsorption ➜ easier/faster for [fasting, exercise, abrupt insulin ∆] to activate ketogenesis = ketogenesis may occur in setting of [euglycemic DKA < 250 BG]
(normally: DKA is observed
Hemodialysis via tunneled catheter is a/w high rates of catheter-related bloodstream infxn
Typical management for catheter-related bloodstream infxn involves leaving tunneled Catheter in place and what else? (2)
When is immediate removal of [infected tunneled Catheter] indicated ? (5)
{Vancomycin + [cefepime|gentamicin]} ➜ [once afebrile, change catheter over guidewire]
Severe Sepsis | HDUS | pus at site | sx > 72h after abx | metastatic infxn
Demeclocycline MOA
blunts Collecting Duct resposne to ADH during SIADH ➜ water excretion
preferred over lithium which is similar
How do you determine if renal artery stenosis is the underlying cause of HTN in Kidney transplant patients?
Give [ACEk2 inhibitor]. If Creatinine INC ➜ Renal Artery stenosis was the cause of HTN
(2/2 improper surgical anastomosis), renal artery stenosis (BL or solitary uL) causes DEC GFR and when [ACEk2 inhibitor] is given ➜ even lower DEC GFR. This very low GFR activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system ➜ INC [Angiotensin 1 and 2] HAVDEN ➜ ultimately resistant hypertension, flash pulm edema
How do you workup hypOnatremia?
Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease develop ⬜ anemia that is treated with ⬜
Prior to giving this treatment, why must iron be assessed first?
normocytic; Erythropoietin
[EPO ➜ vigorous hematopoiesis ➜ rapid depletion of iron stores ➜ IDAfn]
so MD must ensure iron stores are sufficienct prior to giving EPO
Erythrocytosis in patients with hematuria and smoking hx should always make you think of (and rule out) ⬜
RCC (HAWF) = GET CT abd!
RCC ➜ Erythropoietin secretion ➜ Erythrocytosis
HAWF= Hematuria/Abd mass/Wt loss/Flank Pain
⬜ is the most common cause of nephrOtic syndrome in kids and presents with ⬜
Minimal change disease; [CLag]
[CLag = ⇪ Coagulation/Lipidemia /⬇︎albumin/gammaglobulin]
rapid remission with CTS but has HIGH relapse rate = frequent UA
Both AiN and Pyelonephritis involve intrusion of the tubulointerstitium. What’s the major difference?
[AiN = mononuclear cell]
[Pyelonephritis = neutroPhil]
[RiPAN –mo–> FAPES]
hypersensitivity to [RiPAN antigen] ➜ moNONUCLEAR CELLS infiltrating tubulointerstitium➜ FAPES
RiPAN = Rheum/iNfection/PPI/Abx/NSAIDs
FAPES = FEVER / AKI intrarenal / [Pyuria +/- WBC cast] / [Eosinophilia (blood +/- urine)] / Skin rash]
[AiN] sx (5)
FAPES = FEVER / AKI intrarenal / [Pyuria_sterile+/- WBC cast] / [Eosinophilia (in blood +/- urine)] / [Skin rash]
[RiPAN –mo–> FAPES]
RiPAN = Rheum/iNfection/PPI/Abx/NSAIDs
[⬇︎renal perfusion] ➜ [Acute Tubular Necrosis of tubular epithelium] ➜ sloughing of necrotic medullary cells ➜ [mBGC and/or rTEC/C]
[💢flank]+/- hematuria (more common in GN)
💢= pain
🔎mBGC = muddy Brown Granular cast
🔎rTEC/C = renal Tubular Epithelial Cell/cast
clinical presentation of [radioContrast associated AKI]
24-48h after contrast ➜ = [contrast induced nephropathy] = nonoliguric intrarenal AKI⼀ATN⼀mBGC
🔎mBGC = muddy Brown Granular Cast
How do you determine cause of an AKI? -4
clinical features (6)
Orthostatic hypOtension
([Catecholamine & Metanephrine 24h urine] or [free plasma metanephrine] = dx)
a patient with positive labs for PHEOCHromocytoma has negative imaging results
What’s the next diagnostic used?
When can surgical removal occur?
[MIBG scan]
Adrenalectomy only after [10 day preOp BP control with αB➜ (+ BB)]
MIBG = MetaIodoBenzylGuanidine (resembles NorEpi ➜ will be taken up by rogue adrenergic tissue = locates tumors not seen by imaging) // [αB = α R Blocker]
PHEOCHromocytoma patients undergoing adrenalectomy may experience hypOtension and HYPERtension intraoperatively
How is [PHEOCHromocytoma-related_hypOtension] treated?
[PHEOCHromocytoma-related_HTN] treated?
PHhypOtension ➜ [NS IV bolus]
PHHYPERtension ➜ give [phentolamineα1🟥 IV bolus]
Dopamine/Dobutamine can’t be used in PHEOCHromocytoma hypOtension 2/2 chronic α R Blockade
clinical features of BrIAn (3)
Berger IgA nephropathy
- [URI ➜ Recurrent GROSS hematuriia]
- [NORMAL COMPLEMENT (PSGN-PiG = low complement)]
- [POOR PROGNOSIS if Cr ⇪ / BP ⇪ / persistent prOteinuria]*
*BP>140/90 / [pp> 1 gm per day]
Why is rapidly worsening kidney function (⬇︎GFR or ⇪[urine albumin/Cr ratio]) highly concerning for Diabetic Kidney Disease?
Rapid Deterioration suggest ANOTHER ETX➜ WARRANTS RENAL BIOPSY
Dx for Rhabdomyolysis (2)
[⊕gross blood on UA](2/2 [hgb lab test’s] cross reactivity with myoglobin)
[⊝RBC actually seen on Umicro](indicates ⊕UA likely from presence of myoglobinwhich → rhabdomyolysis dx)
rhabdoM dx= {[⊕blood_UA] but [⊝RBC_UMicro]}
[Mixed Cryoglobulinemia Syndrome] etx
How is it diagnosed?
[(most common: chronic HepC) vasculitis] that involves [polyclonal IgG and (Rheumatoid Factor IgM)] depositing in vascular walls of small & medium vessels ➜ [PAW-CPR-GNC]
dx = ⇪ serum cryoglobulins
[Mixed Cryoglobulinemia Syndrome] etx
How do you treat Mixed Cryoglobulinemia Syndrome ? (2)
[(most common: chronic HepC) vasculitis] that involves [polyclonal IgG and (Rheumatoid Factor IgM)] depositing in vascular walls of small & medium vessels ➜ [PAW-CPR-GNC]
Tx = [Immunosuppressants (CTS/rituximab)] ➜ [treat underlying cause (common HepC]
[Mixed Cryoglobulinemia Syndrome] etx
Mixed = [Type 2 vs Type 3] = [(chronic HepC > chronic HBV|autoiummune) ] –> [B cell hyperactivation] –> {mixed [polyclonal IgG and (Rheumatoid Factor IgM)] Immune Complex} depositing in small & medium vasc walls ➜ [PAW-CPR-GNC]
[Mixed Cryoglobulinemia Syndrome]
Name the clinical features (9)?
Palpable purpura **
Arthralgias **
Weakness Fatigue **
Complement is low
Peripheral neuropathy
[Rheumatoid factor IgM elevated]
[Glomerulonephritis (RBC cast, RBC, prOteinuria)]
Chronic HCV
⬜ is an important cause of secondary HTN in adults < 30 yo. How is this a/w Glomerulonephritis?
[Renal parenchymal disease] ; Glomerulonephritis (nephritic or nephrOtic) can ➜ secondary HTN because of INC renal Na+ reabsorption
telltale clinical sign of Rhabdomyolysis
[⊕gross blood on UA]
but also has
[⊝/min actual RBC on UMicro]
= (indicates myoglobinuria instead of hgburia)
rhabdoM dx= {[⊕gross🩸UA] but [⊝RBCUMicro]}
etx of Rhabdomyolysis?
MUSCLE INJURY ➜ release of intracell components of muscle cell ([CPK > 10K] & [myoglobin ➜ AKI])
tx = aggressive IVF to prevent intratubular cast formation
rhabdoM dx= {[⊕blood_UA] but [⊝RBC_UMicro]}
What is Orthostatic prOteinuria? (2)
How is it diagnosed?
- [OAIP- Orthostatic adolescent isolated prOteinuria] = most common cause of teenage prOteinuria
- exaggerated [angiotensin II] response to upright posture (especially during day when pt stands more) ➜ ⇪ GFR ➜ prOteinuria
[Split 24H urine collection (12H Day + 12H Night)] ⼀demonstrating elevated prOteinuria during Day but normal at night ]
OAIP treatment?
Orthostatic Adolescent isolated PrOteinuria
self limited with age
Both concentric LVH and Eccentric LVH are common in CKD
Explain why for each
▶poor volume regulation ➜ pressure overload ➜ Chronic Systemic HTN ➜ concentric LVH
▶CKD ➜ anemia ➜ myocardial hypoxia/necrosis/fibrosis ➜ compensatory remodeling ➜ Eccentric LVH
Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (such as ⬜2) are used to treat ⬜
▶When is it beneficial to give ESA to these patients?
▶▶ Name the benefits (3)
Epoetin | darbEpoetin ; [CKD's severe anemia hgb\<10]
▶ hgb\<10
Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (such as ⬜2) are used to treat ⬜
▶When is it Risky to give ESA to these patients?
▶▶ Name the potential Risk (3)
Epoetin | darbEpoetin ; [CKD's severe anemia hgb\<10]
▶ hgb\>13
Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (such as ⬜2) are used to treat ⬜
How do you manage Anemia 2/2 Chronic Kidney Disease?
Epoetin | darbEpoetin ; [CKD’s severe anemia hgb<10]
Treatment of [CKD’s severe anemia hgb<10] with [Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents] improves ⬜ and reduces ⬜
What are the common precipitants of SIADH? (11)
- Neuro (stroke, hemorrhage, trauma)
- Lung (PNA, SOLC)
- Somatic (Pain, Nausea)
- Meds (SSRI, Carbamazepine, Valproate, NSAIDs)
tx = [fluid restriction +/- salt tablets]
What is one of the telltale signs of analgesic induced nephropathy?
NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin production (prostaglandins preferentially vasoDilate Afferent arteriole ➜ ⇪ GFR) = [NSAIDs ultimately➜ DEC GFR] and NSAIDs directly cause AiN
⬜ is a telltale sign of analgesic induced nephropathy
How does NSAIDs actually cause Renal damage? (2)
▶NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin production (prostaglandins preferentially vasoDilate Afferent arteriole ➜ ⇪ GFR) = [NSAIDs DEC GFR]👎🏾
▶▶NSAIDs also directly cause AiN
What are the 4 major complications of any NephrOtic syndrome
- ⬆︎Lipidemia –>loss of lipoproteins = [Fat oval body Maltese crosses] in urine
- ⬇︎albumin
- ⬇︎gammaglobins –> infection
Why are pts with nephrotic syndrome at increased risk for accelerated Atherosclerosis?
⬆︎Lipidemia from loss of lipoproteins
5 main serum electrolyte changes due to Chronic Kidney Dz
- ⬆︎ K+
- ⬆︎Mg
- ⬆︎H+
- ⬆︎ Phosphate
- DEC Ca+
What agents induce Renal dysfunction via Afferent Arteriole vasoconstriction-5
- Amphotericin B
- Radiocontrast (also causes oxidant injury)
- Cyclosporine
- tacrOlimus
Identify the type of cast and associated Disease
[muddy Brown Granular Cast] = Acute Tubular Necrosis
Identify the type of cast and associated Disease
RBC Cast = [Acute Glomerulonephritis_nephritic]
Identify the type of cast
what 2 Disease is it associated with?
WBC Cast =
AiN (Acute allergic interstitial nephritis)
or Pyelonephritis
UA for Acute Tubular Necrosis - 3
- [mBGCmuddy Brown Granular Cast]
- [RTEC/C (Renal Tubular epithelial cells/cast)]
- Hematuria
UA for AiN (2)
(Acute allergic interstitial Nephritis)
[Sterile WBC Pyuria]
[EosinophilicWBC Cast]
UA for
[Acute Glomerulonephritis nephritic syndrome] -3
- [Hematuria dysmorphic RBCs]
- Proteinuria
- [RBC Cast]
These pts will also have HTN
What type of cast are seen in [Acute Glomerulonephritis nephrOtic syndrome]? (3)
- [Hematuria dysmorphic RBCs]
- Proteinuria
- [Fatty OvalBody cast]
What type of cast are seen in Chronic Renal Failure?
Waxy broad cast
Why does Chronic Kidney Disease cause anemia? (4)
- DEC renal EPO
- [IDAfn 2/2 ACD] ⼀ [Chronic Disease (CKD)]➜ inflammation ➜ INC hepcidin ➜ prevents macrophages from releasing iron into plasma ➜ iron sequestration = [inadequate iron stores (low ferriTin)] due to ACD
- [IDAfn 2/2 ESA mismatch] ⼀occurs when, despite nml iron stores, there’s still not enough iron to keep up with the accelerated erythropoiesis from ESA
- Uremia ⼀➜ DEC RBC lifespan
[IDAfunctional (nml ferriTin)] / [IDAABSOLUTE (low ferriTin)] / ESA=Erythropoietin Stimulating Agent
What is the potential long term effect of donating your kidney?
Gestational complications
(preeclampsia, gestational DM, gestational HTN) = women should complete child bearing prior to donating kidney
MOD for [PSGN PiG]
PostStreptococcal GlomeruloNephritis PostInfectious Glomerulonephritis
1-2 weeks after [Strep or Staph infection] immune complex deposit in the [glomerular Basement Membrane subepithelium] ➜ permitting protein and RBC to cross into urine= [AGN nephritic] ➜ prOteinuria→ edema, HTN and hematuria→ RBC cast
Early diabetic Kidney Disease is characterized by ⬜
Explain MOD
glomerular hyperfiltration
DM-related hormonal mediators cause renal afferent vasoDilation and efferent vasoconstriction ➜ [⇪ GFR(glomerular hyperfiltration)] –(over time)–> glomerular sclerosis = Diabetic Kidney Disease
ACEk2 inhibitors and ARBS ⬇︎Angiotensin (which normally vasoconstricts efferent arteriole) ➜ efferent arteriole vasoDilation ➜ ⬇︎ GFR and prevents DKD
How do you manage an obstructive ureteral stone (ureterolithiasis) that’s causing hydronephrosis? -2
DECOMPRESS UPPER URINARY TRACT BY DRAINING THE HYDRONEPHROSIS (proximal to the ureteral stone ) via Percutaneous Nephrostomy > retrograde ureteral stent
any [complicated ureterolithiasis] = a/w infxn, AKI, severe pain, hydronephrosis or failed initial tx] ➜ [Proximal Ureteral Decompression by PQ Nephrostomy]
list the main features of Shock-wave lithotripsy (3)
- indicated for UNCOMPLICATED proximal ureteral stones
- does not immediately relieve obstruction
- = complicated ureterolithiasis (unstable/infection/AKI) must first have [Proximal Ureteral Decompression via PQ nephrostomy] before having Shock wave Lithotripsy
⬜ such as Tamsulosin have been shown to facilitate Kidney stone passage with stones size ⬜
[ α1🟥 ] ; [small < 10 umm]
Clostridioides Difficile
Recite the 4 *SYMPTOM GRADES* for CDiff \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
What are the 2 treatment regimens?
(see image)
Clostridioides Difficile Infection
GRADE 1 = initial presentation = CDITxA
1. [Cdiff ⊕stool test +/- RF]
2. [ Diarrhea WATERY x ≥3 per day]
3. [ Intestinal abdP]
GRADE 2 = severe CDITxA
GRADE 3 = Fulminant CDITxA
TxA = {[(fidaXomicin PO10d) or (Vancomycin PO10d)] –if fail–> (PO metro)}
TxB: [fecal microbiota transplant | Surgery]
🔎abdP = abdominal Pain
chronic Giardia cp (2)
Tx? (2)
-watery diarrhea
-[weight loss (2/2 malabsorption)]
Tinidazole (or nitaZoxanide)
non-inflammatory diarrhea = negative fecal leukocytes
Tx options for Cellulitis -6
Cellulitis Can Be Decreased Via PipTazo
- Clindamycin **
- Cephalexin
- Bactrim
- Doxy
- Vancomycin
- [Piperacillin/Tazobactam (PipTazo)]
List the best abx options for aspiration PNA - 3
foul sputum, fever, cough
- [amox/clav]
- [amox/metronidazole]
What disease should you suspect in a [DM pt with DKA who’s just developed a fever, nasal congestion, HA and sinus pain]?
[ROC mucormycosis]
ROC: Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral
[ROC Mucormycosis] is mostly seen in patients with ⬜.
Treatment includes ⬜2
ROC: Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral
[(Amphotericin BLiposomal IV) + surgical debridement]
uncontrolled HIV+ patient with [widespread papules containing central umbilication and central hemorrhagic necrosis] suggest ⬜
cryptococcus neoformans cutaneous
Immunocompromised patient with ⬜(description) skin lesions has just been diagnosed with [Cryptococcus Neoformans ⼀cutaneous]
How is this diagnosed?
[widespread papules containing central umbilication & central hemorrhagic necrosis]
[BIOPSY of lesion revealing hyperplasia of dermis overlying granulomas with encapsulated yeast]
⬜ (caused by ⬜) is the leading cause of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Central/South America
⬜ is the main Sx, but what are the other 5 sx?
[Chagas Heart Disease] ; [Trypanosoma Cruzi protozoa]
[L Vt apical aneurysm] in the absence of coronary disease
2) [HF (R>L)]
3) Mural thrombosis
4) [Conduction ∆ 2/2 fibrosis (complete heart block/VT)]
5) Dilation of Esophagus
6) Dilation of Colon
What are the guidelines regarding [Active TB infection] and Healthcare Personnel who’ve been exposed? (5)
- [Active TB infection] can transmit Mycobacterium Tuberculosis to close contacts starting 3 mo before sx onset = Healthcare Personnel are at risk!
- exposed HCP should receive [TST or IGA] screening
- –(if negative)–> Repeat [TST or IGA] in 8 weeks
- –(if positive)–> [CXR and Sx review] to determine ATBI or LTBI.
5.- ATBI = confirm with sputum mycobacterial acid-fast if + ➜ ATBI tx
if *neg ➜ LTBI tx
Diagnostic criteria for [LTBI (Latent TB Infection)] -3
[NO sx(cough>3mo, wt loss, night sweats, fever)]
[NO CXR findings(cavitation/infiltrate)]
determine LTBI tx using susceptibility from the initial TB source
Diagnostic criteria for ACTIVE PULMONARY TB -3
[⊕TBSx (cough>3 mo, wt loss, night sweats, fever)]
[⊕ CXR (cavitation/infiltrate)]
What is the treatment regimen for ACTIVE PULMONARY TB -2
+TST/IGA with [+CXR and/or +TBSx]
[RIPE]2 ➜ [RI]4
RIPE = Rifampin/Isoniazid/Pyrazinamide/Ethambutol
tx for [LTBI (Latent TB Infection)] -4
1st line: [( Ri ) qd]3
- 3 LTBI tx Alternatives: (see image)*
- determine LTBI tx using susceptibility from the initial TB source*
What is the treatment for ACTIVE TB in pregnant patients? (3)
( [RIE2 ➜ RI7] + [Pyridoxine B6] )
- [2 mo RIE”Ree2”] ➜ [7 mo RI”Ry7”]*
- pregnant women with ACTIVE TB should be treated*
Normally, positive TST = induration ⬜ mm
Which patients only need > 5 mm induration to be considered positive TST? (5)
TST = Tuberculin Skin Test
> >15 mm
pts below only require > 5 mm induration:
1. HIV⊕
2. Transplant recipient⊕
3. Immunocompro
4. [⊕ Recent TB exposure]
5. [⊕CXR showing fibrotic ∆ c/f TB]
Normally, positive TST = induration ⬜ mm
Which patients only need > 10 mm induration to be considered positive TST? (4)
TST = Tuberculin Skin Test
> >15 mm
pts below only require > 10mm induration:
1. [kids < 4 yo]
2. [HIGH RISKpersonnel healthcare|jail|homeless shelter]
3. [recent immigrant from TB_country]
Normally, positive TST = induration ⬜mm after ⬜hours
What does
[⊕(TST or IGA)]
[⊝(CXR or TB sx)] indicate?
>15 mm ; 48h
⊕[Latent TB infection] = pt has been exposed to TB sometime in the past and was never treated ➜ (non-infectious) [Latent “dormant” TB infection]
STI screening depends on gender, sex orientation, behavior
Especially in ages 13-75, which STI should you routinely screen for regardless of sexual risk factors?
[HIV p24 antigen] and [HIV-1 / 2 Ab screen]
tx for Mycobacterium Avium Complex-3
Which organisms usually cause UTI-associated Sepsis?-4
KEEP away, UTI!
Why are pts Suspected of bacterial meningitis placed on ⬜ precaution?
Droplet precaution
“BANGIR needs to drop what he’s doing and don a basic facemask, right now!”
empiric Tx for Meningitis in pts [<1 months] (4)
B-E-Lag |a🅇
[Amp/Gent(any aminoglycoside)] or
DDx for Meningitis in pts [<1 months] (3)
[Amp/Gent(any aminoglycoside)] or
empiric Tx for Meningitis in pts [1 mo- 23 mo] (2)
[Vanc + (CefTriaXone | cefoTaXime)]
DDx for Meningitis in pts [1 mo- 23 mo] (5)
empiric Tx for Meningitis in pts [2 yo - 50 yo] (2)
[Vanc + (CefTriaXone | cefoTaXime)]
DDx for Meningitis in pts [2 yo - 50 yo] (3)
empiric Tx for Meningitis in pts [>50 yo] (4)
+ Ampicillin
+ [(CefTriaXone | cefoTaXime))]
+ [Steroids CTS](Dexamethasone) ⬇︎ hearing loss and death a/w Strep Pneumo
DDx for Meningitis in pts [>50 yo] (4)
ALL DM pts require [Diabetic Kidney Disease] screening every ⬜ with ⬜.
Normal urine albumin excretion is ⬜.
[⬜ = moderately INC albuminuria] and [⬜ = severely INC albuminuria]
[year ([DM1: starts 5y after dx] / [DM2: starts 1y after dx])]
[Urine a/c ratio]
[<30 mg/day] ;
[30-300 mg/day] ; [>300 mg/day]
a/c: albumin/creatinine
Opioids are dangerous for pts with Kidney dysfunction
Why is giving morphine to pts with Kidney dysfunction even more dangerous than if giving any other opioid? (2)
> a. Morphine undergoes 2-step metabolism–1st: catabolism into {m3G and [m6G(MORE POTENT)]}2nd: both kidney excretion
b. Kidney dysfunction→ DEC kidney excretion → accumulated m6G→ [INC risk OPIOID TOXICITY/OD (especially if postop)]
* * *
* m6G: [morphine-6-glucuronide]*
[exogenous EPO abuse (AKA doping)]
▶ ⬜ hematocrit
▶can be detected via ⬜
▶causes what 2 potential complications?
INC; [urine recombinant EPO];
- Hyperviscosity (HA, visual ∆ )
- Thrombosis (MI, CVA/TIA)
How are staghorn calculus formed? (3)
▶[Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella Pneumoniae] produce Urease which hydrolyzes [urea → Ammonia]
▶▶[Ammonia alkalinizes urine pH>8] → precipitates crystallized [MAPS kidney stones]
▶▶▶ MAPS exposed to lrge amounts urea rapidly expand → [STAGHORN CALCULUS (*also seen with uric acid & cysteine kidney stones)]
MAPS: Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Struvite
What is a staghorn calculus?
tx? (2)
[MAPSLARGE KIDNEY STONE] that fills entire renal pelvis → unable to pass in ureter = [severe colicky flank pain + fever + dysuria]
MAPS: Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Struvite
- Describe how Kidney Stone size determines management
- and list the medical mgmt for Kidney stones (4)
[spontaneous ← 4mm–(Rx PASS)–10mm →Surgical]
Rx = [Pain control, {Alpha R blockers}4w, Strain urine, Solvent(IV Hydration)]
Kidney Stone size determines management
When all should you consult surgical (Urology) mgmt? (5)
a. ≥10mm
b. uncontrolled pain
c. ⊕AKI
d. ⊕UTI
e. [no stone passage in 4-6 wks]
Patient presents for Kidney Stone with symptoms
How do you manage this?
Pt pmhx BPH, lumbago s/p Baclofen for pain, p/w suprapubic fullness and discomfort
What is the Diagnosis?
▶Acute Urinary Retention 2/2 [bladder outlet obstruction (INC Risk with [Rx: baclofen/anticholinergics], GU trauma, UTI)](dx confirmed via bladder US > 300cc)
▶Bladder decompression [Catheterization (URETHRAL(if no GU trauma) → suprapubic(if urethral unsuccessful))]
pts with ⬜ have INC risk for [ROC mucormycosis], and usually presents with what sx? (5)
ROC : Rhino-Orbital-Cerebral
[DKA(likely 2/2 poorly controlled DM)] ;
- nasal necrosis
- facial swelling
- fever
- HA
- sinusitis
How does Calcium travel in the blood? (3)
and How does this affect lab interpretation in patients with Liver Failure?
[ALBUMIN-Ca+]45% > [FREE ionized Ca+]40% > [anion(O&iO)-Ca+]15%
serum Ca+ concentration DEC by 0.8 for every DEC of 1 by Albumin =
{[Albumin ⬇︎ 1] = [Ca+ ⬇︎0.8]}
- [O&iO: Organic&inOrganic] | [Albumin]g/dL | [Calcium]mg/dL*
Name the 7 dietary interventions (and their mechanism of action) for preventing CalciumCa +Phosphate | Ca+Oxalate Kidney Stones
“⇪Fluids Plus Citrate|⼀Can⼀ | ⬇︎Overall Agonizing Stones*| 💊r Take Pills”
🍴(⇪ FPC 🄲 ⬇︎OAS )🆚 💊TP
⇪ [Fluids > 2L urine/day](INC urine flow/DEC urine concentration)
⇪ [Potassiumcitrateavailable via🍌and💊!](INC urinary Citrate → binds urinary Ca+ → DEC Ca+ kidney stone formation)
⇪ [Citrate fruits/vegetables](binds urinary Ca+ → DEC Ca+ kidney stone formation)
__ __ __
(maintain)⼀ [dietaryCalcium intake 1200 mg/day]([GI dietary Ca+] binds [GI dietary Oxalate] → DEC reabsorption of [GI dietary Oxalate] → [DEC renal Oxalate] available → {[DECREASED [Ca+♉XALATE (only!)] kidney stone formation} )
__ __ __
⬇︎ [dietary (Spinach)Oxalate]DEC reabsorption of [GI dietary Oxalate] → [DEC renal Oxalate] available → {[DECREASED [Ca+♉XALATE (only!)] kidney stone formation} )</sup>
⬇︎[Animal protein](DEC renalCa+ excretion)
⬇︎[Sodium < 2300 mg/day](→ INC renalCa+ reabsorption → DEC urinaryCa+ available → DEC Ca+ kidney stone formation)
♉= DEC [Ca+♉XALATE] *kidney stone formation* only!
All other methods apply to both [Ca+_Phosphate and Ca+_Oxalate stones]
Name the 2 pharmacologic interventions (and their mechanism of action) for preventing Calcium Kidney Stones
- [ThiazideINC renal Ca+ reabsorption → DEC urinary Ca+ available →DEC Ca+ kidney stone formation]
- [Potassiumcitrateavailable via🍌and💊!](INC urinary Citrate → binds urinary Ca+ → DEC Ca+ kidney stone formation)]
“⇪Fluids Plus Citrate|⼀Can⼀ | ⬇︎Overall Agonizing Stones</sub>| 💊rTake Pills”
( ⇪FPC 🄲 ⬇︎OAS)🆚 TP
[PSGN-PiG] is a complication of (and presents 1-4 weeks after..) ⬜. It presents as a [⬜ nephritic | nephrOtic] syndrome]
Name the [PSGN-PiG] Laboratory Findings UA-3 vs Serum-5
[GASP > Staph infxn]; nephriiiitic
🔬 prOteinuria
🔬[RBC dysmorphic]hematuriiia,
🔬[RBC cast]hematuriiiia
🔬⬇︎C3 complement
🔬[↧C4 complementnormal or low]
🔬⬇︎CH50 complement
🔬[⊕STREPTOZYME4= (∀streptolysinO 🆚 ∀DNAseB 🆚 ∀hyaluronidase 🆚 ∀streptokinase)]
🔎 ∀= [Anti___]
🧠PSGN-PiG etx: 1-4 weeks s/p [GASP>Staph] immune complex(Ig+antigen+[C3, C4, CH50]) deposit in GBMsubEpi] ( with pgn inverse to age)➜
1. [AGN AKInephritic]→ 🔬⇪ Creatinine, [🔬⬇︎C3, 🔬↧C4, 🔬⬇︎CH50 ], 🔬⊕STREPTOZYME4 = [💊Hemodialysis prn refractory, [💊supportive]
2. [🔬prOteinuria UA]→ edema, volume overload, HTN = [💊diuretics], [💊antiHTN]
3. [hematuriiia cola-urine🔬RBC dysmorphic UA and 🔬RBC Cast UA</sup]
Treatment (4)
🧠PSGN-PiG etx: 1-4 weeks s/p [GASP>Staph] immune complex(Ig+antigen+[C3, C4, CH50]) deposit in GBMsubEpi] ( with pgn inverse to age)➜
1. [AGN AKInephritic]→ 🔬⇪ Creatinine, [🔬⬇︎C3, 🔬↧C4, 🔬⬇︎CH50 ], 🔬⊕STREPTOZYME4 = [💊Hemodialysis prn refractory, [💊supportive]
2. [🔬prOteinuria UA]→ edema, volume overload, HTN = [💊diuretics], [💊antiHTN]
3. [hematuriiia cola-urine🔬RBC dysmorphic UA and 🔬RBC Cast UA</sup]
[PSGN-PiG] is a complication of (and presents 1-4 weeks after..) ⬜. It presents as [⬜ syndrome] and is most common in ⬜.
Young Kids recover from [PSGN-Pig] in weeks = Good PGN. Adults do NOT.
What Adult demographics have Poor [PSGN-PiG] Prognosis (develops ESRD) ? (4)
initial[GASP infection]; [nephritic (AKI, prOteinuria/edema/volumeOverload/HTN, hematuriiia/RBC/RBC cast/cola urine)]
- 40% Adults in general
- CKD Adults
- [Metabolic Syndrome X] Adults
- DM Adults
Pt p/w cola-colored urine after exercise
Despite being ⬜ , [Exercise-Induced Hematuria] is 1 of 3 DDx for [hematuria after exercise]
◭What’s the pathophysiology for [Exercise-Induced Hematuria] ? (2)
Name the other 2 DDx
diagnosis of exclusion;
[hematuria after exercise] DDx:
1. [ExerciseContact&NonContact-induced hematuria] =
A. [bladder jarring: repetitive up/down mvmt or trauma to bladder +
B. [kidney shunting:* exercise shunting of blood away from visceral organs like kidney**]→ hematuria*
- = **1 week follow up to confirm [self-limited spontaneous hematuria resolution] on repeat UA*
- *
2. [myoglobinuria 2/2 rhabdomyolysis]
3. [March hgburia 2/2 RBC trauma]
- *
C & NC: Contact & NonContact
(acute HCV) infection frequently presents as ⬜ but may also present with ⬜3.
How is (acute HCV) dx confirmed?
2. malaise
3. nausea
4. [RUQ pain with transaminitis]
* * *
* acute HCV:* [**⊕HCV<sub>RNA PCR</sub>**→ ⊕antiHCV ab within 12w]
(acute HCV) infection frequently presents as ⬜ but may also present with ⬜3.
How is (Chronic resolved HCV) dx confirmed? (3)
2. malaise
3. nausea
4. [RUQ pain with transaminitis]
* * *
[⊕<sub>anti</sub>HCV ab]
[**NEG** HCV<sub>RNA PCR</sub>]
[**NEG** transaminase]
Rabies is a ⬜ primarily acquired via ⬜
[T or F] :[postexposure Rabies Prophylaxis] can prevent development of Rabies infection
fatal virus ; [rabid animal’s bite/scratch’s saliva]
[viP(O)RIC] can prevent development of Rabies infection
**[V-i-P-(O)-RIC] [(VARID/ipris) Prophylaxis pOst-exposure Rhabdovirus Immunization Course)]
Rabies is a ⬜ primarily acquired via ⬜
What is the prescription for preexposure Rabies prophylaxis?
fatal virus ; [rabid animal’s bite/scratch’s saliva]
[viP(e)RIC] =
**[V-i-P-(e)-RIC] [(VARID/ipris) Prophylaxis prE-exposure Rhabdovirus Immunization Course)]
[(VARID) Vaccine ⼀ACTIVE RABIES IMMUNIZATION (Delayed-Ab)] → virus-neutralizing Ab Delayed available within 10d
K4X = 4 doses of
Rabies is a ⬜ primarily acquired via ⬜
What is the prescription for postexposure Rabies prophylaxis? -2
fatal virus ; [rabid animal’s bite/scratch’s saliva]
[viP(O)RIC] can prevent development of Rabies infection =
**[v-i-P-(O)-RIC] [(VARID/ipris) Prophylaxis pOst-exposure Rhabdovirus Immunization Course)]
[(VARID) Vaccine ⼀ACTIVE RABIES IMMUNIZATION (Delayed-Ab)] → virus-neutralizing Ab Delayed available within 10d
[(ipris) Ig ⼀passive rabies immunization (STAT-Ab )] → virus-neutralizing Ab STAT IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE
K4X = 4 doses of
In addition to [Rabies Physical Prophylaxis(⬜ wound cleaning)],
the 2 types of [Rabies Chemical Prophylaxis (⬜ and ⬜)] are
used in the [⬜ Regimen for preexposure Rabies Prophylaxis] and [⬜ Regimen for postexposure Rabies Prophylaxis]
[(VARID)] ; [(ipris)]
viP(e)RIC ; viP(O)RIC
Rabies is a ⬜ primarily acquired via ⬜
In addition to [Rabies Physical Prophylaxis(⬜ wound cleaning)],
the 2 types of [Rabies Chemical Prophylaxis]
Describe the 2 types of [Rabies Chemical Prophylaxis]
fatal virus ; [rabid animal’s bite/scratch’s saliva]
[(VARID) Vaccine ⼀ACTIVE RABIES IMMUNIZATION (Delayed_Ab)] → virus-neutralizing Ab Delayed available within 10d
[(ipris) Ig ⼀passive rabies immunization (STAT_Ab )] → virus-neutralizing Ab STAT IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE
Primary CNS lymphoma is a common CA in advanced HIV and strongly related to ⬜ virus
For this CA, what is the major determinant for how well these pts will survive?
[degree of immunosuppression (CD4 count)]
[T or F]
Live Vaccines (MMR, varicella) should be avoided in patients with CD4<200
*“Got HIV? get the TIMP APB Vaccine!”
Name all Vaccines HIV+ adults should receive? (7)
*“Got HIV? get the TIMP APB Vaccine!”
- TDaP
- Influenza
- Meningococcus
- Pneumococcus
note: any Live Vaccines(MMR,Varicella) are c❌d if CD4<200
Tx for Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis (2)
Fluoroquinolone6w vs TMpSMx6w
“CBP=PENIS PAIN! PP: when you Pee! when you Cum! on paper! & just to be!”
Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis
clinical presentation (4)
“CBP=PENIS PAIN! PP: when you Pee! when you Cum! on paper! & just to be!”
- [> 3 mo UTI]…PP when you Pee!
- [> 3 mo pain with ejaculation]…PP when you Cum!
- [UApyuria+bacteriuria & Prostate XMnml|hypertrophy|TTP|edema]PP…on Paper!
- [> 3 mo GU pain]… & PP just to be!
“CBP=PENIS PAIN! PP: when you Pee! when you Cum! on paper! & just to be!
Tx[Fluoroquinolone6w vs tMpSMX6w]
Schistosomiasis is a ⬜ most commonly seen in ⬜.
What are the sx?-4
parasitic fluke worm infxn; [sub-Saharan Africa]
- terminal hematuria
- dysuria
- urinary freq
- peripheral eosinophilia
A patient p/w blood in his urine (at the end of his stream), accompanied with dysuria.
This raises s/f ⬜ which is diagnosed by ⬜ and treated with ⬜
urinarySchistosomiasis ; [identification of eggs on urine sediment microscopy] ; praziquantel
How do you workup gross hematuria?
PSGN-PiG and BrIAN are similar, both presenting as gross hematuria s/p URI
Name 2 major discernible factors
[PSGN-PiG ⼀PostStreptococcal Glomerulonephritis Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis] and [BrIAN⼀Bergers IgA Nephropathy]
Onset & [LabsC3 complement]
P: [O: 1-4WEEKS after infxn] [L: C3DECREASED]
B: [o: 1-4days after infxn] [L: C3normal] ⼀C3 normal due to weak complement fixing by IgA
PSGN-PiG & BrIAN are similar, both presenting gross hematuria s/p URI
Compare their Pathogenesis
[PSGN-PiG ⼀PostStreptococcal Glomerulonephritis Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis] and [BrIAN⼀Bergers IgA Nephropathy]
PSGN-PiG & BrIAN are similar, both presenting gross hematuria s/p URI
Compare their [LabsUA & Serum]
[PSGN-PiG ⼀PostStreptococcal Glomerulonephritis Postinfectious Glomerulonephritis] and [BrIAN⼀Bergers IgA Nephropathy]
Contrast Induced Nephropathy (3)
🩻phenomena in which _R_adiocontrast*(NA_R_CO)* (1-2d after exposure) induces vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole → ⬇︎GFR → [AKI7 days ]
🩻preexisting renal dysfxn and/or preexisting renal hypOperfusion = CIN risk factors
🩻give high risk CIN pts [aggressive IVFNaCl or NaHCO3] before and after radiocontrast
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction refers to [sx ⬜7] that develop [⬜ hours] after patient takes treatment for ⬜.
Etiology involves ⬜, and JHR treatment = ⬜
- fever
- HA
- myalgia
- rigor
- diaphoresis
- hypOtension
- [rash progression (if 2º syphilis)]
▶[infection from ANY spirochete (Treponema Syphilis , Borrelia Lyme, Leptospirosis)]
▶[widespread bacterial lysis → massive release of bacterial degradation lipoproteins → transient inflammatory response]
▶[supportive (JHR is self limited to 48h)]
After UA/UCx, your next step in working up Gross Hematuria is ⬜
How can you do this? -2
[evaluate Upper and Lower urinary tract]
Upper: CT urogram > [US(alt for CKD)]
Lower: Cystoscopy > [urine cytology(low risk pts)]
Risk factors for [Urinary Tract Malignancy (renal/bladder/prostate CA)] (5)
- 40+ yo
- male
- smoking
- pelvic radiation
- aniline dyes
Salmonellosis gastroenteritis (2/2 salmonella enteritidis) - is typically treated with ⬜ .
What mitigating factors warrant adding abx(Cipro | Bactrim | Ceftriaxone) ? (2)
- immunoCompromised
- < 12 yo
80 yom with poor functional status and low quality of life, p/w decompensated CKD, but is NOT candidate for hemodialysis
What do you do for this patient?
[Nondialytic Conservative CKD Management]
- [severe CKD + poor functional status + low QOL] → [Nondialytic Conservative CKD Management (focus on palliative, uremia, mineral-bone disease, electrolyte ∆, bp]
- HD can actually worsen QOL in these pts
T or F
In Patients with poor functional status and low quality of life, HD is likely to improve symptoms and prolong survival
Pts with preexisting poor functional status and low QOLS are UNLIKELY to get improved sx and/or improved survival with HD = [Nondialytic Conservative CKD mgmt] instead
clinical presentation for [Disseminated histoPLASmosis] - 4
“histoPLASma spreads to PLAS”
- [Pulmonary*→ Granulomas! *]
- [Lymphatic RES involvement(LymphNodes/Spleen/Liver)]
- [Aplastic Anemia pancytopenia2/2 histoPLASma bone marrow infiltration]
- [Skin (Mucocutaneous papules/nodules)]
Dx =[serum histoPLASma Ag] | [urine histoPLASma Ag] immunoassay
Pt s/p penile circumcision develops postprocedural bleeding
apply compressive elastic dressing (direct pressure) to bleeding surgical site, BUT ONLY FOR SHORT TIME (to avoid necrosis)
and then remove [compressive elastic dressing] after hemostasis … and prior to discharge
What new onset comorbidity should you anticipate following renal transplant?
INC insulin excretion and gluconeogenesis by healthy transplanted kidney
Diagnosis? Tx?
candida Intertrigo
(occurs in inguinal/perineal/genital/intergluteal/inframammary)
Topical Antifungals
⬜ can be confirmed with ⬜
(⬜3) are major risk factors
candida Intertrigo ; KOH exam
obestiy / DM / immunosuppresion