13 ⼀PEDIATRICS Flashcards
What is the treatment for Developmental Dysplasia of Hip?
Pavlik Harness that holds hip in flexion and ABduction

What demographic is affected by Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis ?
[3-6 week old boys]
describe Puberty timeline for females (3)
[8-12 yof: breast + pubic hair]
[–(within 2.5y)–> growth spurt] ->
[MENARCHEby 13y or [by 15y if ⊕F∆]]
1º amenorrhea = NO MENSES by 13y or ([15y if ⊕F∆])*
What does Constitutional Short Stature refer to
“late bloomer” but will attain normal adult height later
pts have normal birth wt and ht but ht velocity slows between 6 mo-3 yo, picks back up after and slows again at adolescence. bone radiographs will show delayed bone age
[Genu Varum] is normal during age ⬜ and presents as (⬜3) . When should this correct by?
0-2 yo ; [BL symmetric bow leg, normal stature, no lateral thrust]
should correct by 2 yo
[varum is nml 0-2 yo] [ValGus = nml in 4-7 yo]

obtain XR if > 2 yo, short stature or uL
Newborn failure to pass meconium within 48 hours of birth likely indicates ⬜
MOD -5
Hirschsprung Disease
[RET gene mutation vs Trisomy 21] →
failure of neural crest cell migration → absence of ganglion cells from [Auerbach/Meissner enteric nervous plexus] in rectosigmoid (confirmed by rectal suction biopsy)]
= transition zone cutoff between
[narrow aganglionic rectosigmoid] and [markedly dilated innervated descending colon]

Craniopharyngioma etx
[Calcified low grade malignancy] dervied from epithelial remnants of Rathke pouch within the pituitary stalk of the SUPRAsellar region
Marfan Syndrome and Ehlers Danlos can present similarly
How do you discern the two?-2 ; What is the etx for Ehlers Danlos?
“Marfan BAATHES a lot! “
BUT Ehlers Danlos does NOT have
- Ectopia Lentis
- Arm-to-Height Ratio that’s INC
Ehlers Danlos etx = defective collagen production
diagnostic criteria for suspected septic joint
empiric abx for septic joint
[WBC >50Kneutrophil predominance] in [joint aspirated_synovial fluid]
Vanc IV
cp for [Measles rubeOla] -6
[fever + conjunctivitis + coryza + Koplik spots + cough] prodrome –(2-4days)–> [maculopapular rash sspreading head to body]
tx = supportive +/- [Vitamin A if hospitalized]

After successfully treating Acute Otitis Media, how should you manage a patient who p/w persistent middle ear fluid build up?
Explain why
WATCHFUL WAIT X 3 MO after treatment
serous fluid may persist in middle ear self-limited to 3 mo after AOM treatment (= [SOME - serous otitis media with effusion] )
further w/u if: infection / BL effusion / sx > 3 mo

Risk factors for Developmental Dysplasia of Hip - 3
when should you stop screening for this?

- Fam hx
12 months old

Dx Criteria for Kawasaki Disease
{[4/5 CRASH] + [Burning HIGH Fever ≥ 5 days]}
- Conjunctivitis
- Rash
- Adenopathy uL in cervical region (least likely)
- Strawberry tongue/oral mucosa changes
Hand/Feet redness or swelling
Meckel’s Diverticulum etx -4
tx = surgery
👶failure of [pre-gastropancreatic_vitelline duct] to obliterate during first 8 WG
👶 ➜leaves behind RLQ [gastropancreatic ectopic tissue] in blind pouch
👶this blind pouch ectopically produces gastric acid that irritates mucosal lining → mucosal bleeding
also could be: asx / [Intussusception] / Diverticulitis / Bowel obstruction
Malrotation and Volvulus are both diagnosed with ⬜
Describe how both would look on this diagnostic?
[UGSBS- Upper GI Series barium swallow]
Malrotation = Ligament of Treitz on the R side of the abd in a gasless abd
Volvulus = corkscrew image

management of
pediatric functional constipation (3)
1st: dietary ∆
2nd: Osmotic Laxatives
dietary ∆ = [⇪ fiber/water] | [cow’s milk< 24oz]
How do you manage infants born to Mothers with Active Hepatitis B (4)
How do you determine if the infant was vertically infected?
infant receives @:
- [BIRTH⼀within 12h of delivery: {obtain[HBV 🅂Ag]🧪1 → administer[HBVIG with HBV💉1]}
_________________ _________________
- [2 mo: HBV💉2]
_________________ _________________
- [6 mo: HBV💉3]
_________________ _________________
- {–(3 months later)–> [9 mo: obtain🧪[HBV 🅂Ag]🧪2 }
[HBV 🅂Ag] = [HBV “🅂”urface antigen]

🧪 = labs || 💉=vaccine
Annual Influenza vaccine is recommended for kids age ⬜ for what purpose?
≥6 month old ; prevent [infection and spread of infection] to at-risk populations (asthma/chronic illness/<2 yo)
Hypetrophic Pyloric Stenosis cp (6)
- age 3-6 weeks old
- [“Hungry Vomiter” (hunger immediately after vomiting)]
- [Epigastric Palpable Olive mass]
- Visible peristalsis
- [hypOchloremic hypOkalemic metabolic alkalosis]
[dx = US] | [tx = IVF ➜ Pyloromyotomy]

FPIAP is a ⬜ reaction to ⬜ that presents in normal infants as ⬜ . The treatment in formula-fed infants is ⬜
FPIAP = Food Protein Induced Allergic Proctocolitis
[non-IgE allergy] ; [milk protein (cow’s milk or soy protein)] ; blood-streaked stools ; Extensively Hydrolyzed Formula

FPIAP = non-IgE rxn to milk protein (casein/whey) = no skin/pulm rxn
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis is a complication of childhood obesity
When does this present?
How does this present?

puberty (most common hip disorder in fat teens!)
[M: [CHRONIC vague hip/knee pain]
pelvis XRay

“Fat teen Slipped on [ASS, broke Neck] [PIS off Heads]”
[Fat teenchild obesity] during [Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis]
–(gradually)– > [ANT SUP Slip femNeck]
which → [POST INF Slip femHead]
➜ [CHRONIC vague hip/knee pain]</sub>
Oligohydramnios –> ⬜ sequence.
Name the 3 most common causes of Oligohydramnios
Oligohydramnios –> POTTER Sequence
POSTERIOR URETHRAL VALVES are the most common cause of obstruction in newborn boys (which causes renal damage –> Oligohydramnios during utero)

What is [Impetigo Diaper Dermatitis]? (3)
Tx? -3
-secondary bacterial diaper infection (by staphA > GASP)
-[PAINFUL honey-crusted papules and pustules]
-in neonates can be c/b sepsis
[: + sepsis s/s]: [Admit for IV Abx and sepsis w/u]
sepsis s/s = [neonatal fever/irritability/lethargy]

Both [Croup Laryngotracheitis] and Epiglottitis cause inspiratory stridor
How do you discern the two?
Epiglottitis causes Drooling!
Language delay in any child warrants ⬜

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
1 year old
Gross motor -3

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
1 year old
fine motor

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
1 year old

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
1 year old

-1 step command
-separation anxiety
[Clubfoot Equinovarus] is a deformity of the ⬜ bone which results in what clinical presentation?
Tx for this?
Talus; PIA BL feet [Plantar flexed + Inverted + ADDudcted]
serial Foot Cast

In a neonate, when should chest compressions be started?
HR <60
There are 5 major complications of Kawasaki Disease
In order of GREATEST to least, list them

{[4/5 CRASH] + [Burning HIGH Fever ≥ 5 days]}
[CNS ∆(irritability/aseptic meningitis)] > [CORONARY ARTERY ANEURYSM (within 1-4 wks!)] > Liver dysfxn > Arthritis > GallBladder Hydrops

In Infants, what is “Periodic Breathing” ?
BENIGN physiologic breathing pattern in young infants in which they demonstrate
([breath pause x 5-10 seconds] ➜ [rapid shallow breaths x 10-15 seconds] ➜)
x several cycles before returning to normal breathing
Which diseases in kids have [rash involving palms and soles] - 4
“Killer Rashes Entrap Soles”
1. Kawasaki
2. Enteroviruses
3. Syphilis
4. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
⬜ is a [pediatric renal tumor that crosses the midline] and presents in the ⬜ year of life
Explain why [unconjugated Bilirubin] in newborns is physiologically elevated -3
How does phototherapy treat this?
- liver immaturity
- lack of intestinal bacteria to catabolize bilirubin
- high hgb turnover (will ⇪ if cephalohematoma present)
phototherapy converts bilirubin ➜ [water soluble lumirubin] ➜ excrete in urine and stool

The 2 major causes of [bloody stool < 6 month old are FPIAP] and ⬜
What is the long term prognosis of an infant with FPIAP?
FPIAP = Food Protein Induced Allergic Proctocolitis
Anal fissure
[self limited to 2 weeks] & they will be able to tolerate milk protein BY 1 YEAR OLD
FPIAP = allergic but (non-IgE rxn ( = NO skin/ NO pulm involvement) to milk protein (casein/whey) → ⊕Hematochezia. but ⊝skin/pulm rxn

A child comes in with neonatal conjunctivitis
How do you differentiate each?

Based on PECARN rule, name the [high risk Pediatric TBI features] for [2 -18 yo] (6)
high risk Ped TBI = [noncontrast head CT (or 5h obs if med risk)]

List the Vaccines that are Live Attenuated - (12)
“[MY MVP RiB RATS] are live!”
Measles rubeOla
Yellow fever
Pregnant Women should NOT get Live attenuated vaccines but their household contacts SHOULD as this is less severe than wild-type

explain why early environmental exposure for newborns is important
Normal newborn immunity is polarized toward [Th2 response ( which will ➜ ATOPY = IgE, mast cell, eosinophil production) = Asthma/Eczema/Allergic Rhinitis]
BUT this is balanced by the [Th1 cytokine profile] you can only develop from exposure to nonpathogenic microorganisms
APGAR is used to assess newborn status immediately postpartum
Describe the grading system for Activity & tone?

0 = no motion
1 = arms & legs flexed but not active
2 = Active Motion of extremities
infant presents with refractory candidiasis
suspected diagnosis?
infant HIV
PSGN-PiG is a complication of ⬜ that typically presents with (⬜4)
What’s the treatment for PSGN-PiG? (4)
[s/p GASP 1-4 wks prior];
1. [AGN AKI_nephritic w/low complement]💊HD
2. [prOteinuria + gross hematuriiia“tea urine”]💊supportive
3. [Edema]💊Furosemide
4. [HTN]💊antiHTN
Tx = HD, Supportive, Furosemide, antiHTN,
💊 = tx
💡MOD: [IgG-C3-PSGN-PiGantigen] lodges into [glomerular capillary subepithelial basement membrane] and recruits C5a complement ➜ damage ➜ [prOteinuria + gross hematuriiia“tea urine” + inappropriate RAA activation➜ Na+ retention ➜ fluid retention ➜Edema, HTN]
Malrotation and Volvulus are both diagnosed with ⬜
What would Volvulus look like on this diagnostic?
XR[Upper GI series barium swallow]
corkscrew image
Try not to use CT scans in kids

What is the treatment for BreastMilk Jaundice?
(BMJ is self limited to 3 mo :-))
Which 3 microbes cause pediatric sepsis in
[age group: ≤28 days old]?
Based on that, name the empiric abxs given for pediatric sepsis [age group ≤ 28 day old] -4
“pediatric sepsis from *LEG-NS “
1-Listeria = Ampicillin
2A- E Coli = [Gentamicin
2B-but → {substitute with CefoTAX vs CefTAZ if meningitis suspected}]
3-GBS = Ampicillin
_________________ _________________
Ampicillin + [Gentamicin (or CefoTAX | CefTAZ if meningitis)]
Precocious puberty is (premature) development of 2º sex characteristics in girls age ⬜ and boys age ⬜
What’s the treatment of central Precocious puberty?
g< 8 | b< 9

(* GnRH🟢 binds to [hypothalamus GnRH Receptors] ➜ positive feedback ➜ ⬇︎GnRH secretion ➜ ⬇︎LH/FSH*)
clinically associated conditions with Down Syndrome (8)
SHEEPPS & [SHALA Has Down Syndrome]
[SHALA Has Down Syndrome]
2. Hirschsprung’s disease
3. Atlanta-axial instability
4. [Leukemia (LATER IN LIFE!)]
5. [Altered Psyche (Autism/ADHD/Alzheimer-like dementia)]
6. hypOthyroid
7. Duodenal atresia
8. [triSomy 21]
diagnostic criteria for SIDS
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
[Sudden unexplained (Infant<12 mo) Death with inconslusive autopsy]
What are the recommendations regarding Patient Confidentiality and Adolescents?
MD should honor [Adolescent Patient Confidentiality] for care regarding [SEX, DRUGS and PSYCH]
(pregnancy/contraception, STI, substance abuse/mental health)
Kawasaki dx = [4/5 CRASH] + [Burning HIGH fever ≥5d]
Recite the very important caveat regarding incomplete diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki Disease (4)
KD dx normally requires: {[4/5 CRASH] + [Burning HIGH fever ≥5d]}
▶but Because Kawasaki Disease sx do NOT manifest simultaneously → [dx caveat] =
▶if {[<4 CRASH] is present BUT pt does have [Burning HIGH fever ≥5d]}
▶= [“febrile vasculitis of uncertain etiology”]→
⭐[obtain CRP, ESR and f/u daily to reassess for onset (or not) of final criterion]
Congenital Toxoplasmosis is given to baby via ⬜ but acquired by Mom via ⬜-3
- Raw undercooked meat
- unwashed produce (contaminated soil)
- cat feces
Intracranial Calcifications
(also Hearing impairment)

child presents with 2º enuresis
DDx? -2
2º enuresis = bed wetting ≥5 yo after established period of nighttime dryess
DM (order CBC/CMP)
psychological stressor (I.e. parents’ divorce)
What is the most common cause of hip pain in kids?
Transient Synovitis
Clinical but obtain Xray to r/o Legg Calve Perthes
may have ⬆︎inflammatory markers but xrays will be normal
Because of serious possible sequelae associated with Kawasaki disease (Coronary artery aneurysms), ⬜ must be performed at ⬜ , ⬜ and ⬜.
TTE; [baseline, 2w after tx, 6w after tx]
[4/5 CRASH] & [Burning HIGH Fever ≥ 5 days] sl;l
What is the mngmt for an ingested coin? - 3
- Obs for LOE24h post ingestion UNLESS:
- Pt is symptomatic = flexible endoscopy
- Pt has no recollection of ingestion time = flexible endoscopy
Risk factors for Developmental Dysplasia of Hip - 3 ; when should you stop screening for this?

- Fam hx
12 months old

Why can’t Ceftriaxone be used during the 1st month of life?
[albumin-boundCeftriaxone] can displace [albumin-bound bilirubin] ➜ allows free [indirect unconjugated bilirubin] to cross blood brain barrier ➜ (in pts LOE1 mo) [Kernicterus bilirubin encephalopathy]
Cerebral Palsy is a group of clinical syndromes generally characterized as ⬜
How does it present? - 3
Nonprogressive motor dysfunction (Prematurity>EtOH = RF) ;

“Cerebral Palsy presents SAD on 3 SAD types”
- [Spastic UMN ∆ LE>UE]
- [AMS Retardation]
- [Deformed BL equinovarus club feet (image)]
Greatest RF = prematurity ( < 32WG)
In Infants, what is [Apnea of Prematurity]?
[TRUE apnea episodes ≥20 seconds] in premature infants, that resolves by [corrected gestational age 37 WG]
What is Osgood Schlatter Disease
Traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle from Self-limited irritation of the growth plate at the tibial tuberosity (front of tibia) possibly –> hard nodule, relieved with rest/growth spurt

xray: lifting of tubercle from the shaft
Dx for Intussuception -2
[Ultrasound guided AIR enema] or [Ultrasound guided BARIUM CONTRAST enema]
Intussuception age = 3-36 mo
Look for the Target Sign on US!
DDx for neonatal rectal bleeding - 5
- FPIAP -[Food (Milk/Soy) Protein-Induced ALLERGIC Proctocolitis] ⭐
- Anal Fissure ⭐
- Meckel Diverticulum = nonpainful Hematochezia
- Volvulus = bloody stool from intestinal ischemia
- Intussuception = (dx:AIR|water contrast enemaUS guided)
APGAR is used to assess newborn status immediately postpartum
Describe the grading system for Grimace & reflex irritability?

In response to stimulation (i.e. pinch) baby rxn = …
0 = none
1 = grimace
2 = [grimace AND (cry|coryzasneeze|cough)]
grimace = ugly twisted facial expression
A: [POTTER Sequence] etx
B: Clinical Presentation - 6
A: [RenalFETAL agenesis/dysfunction BL] –> [OligohydrAMNIOs(low AMNIOtic fluid)] ➜
Pulm hypOplasia
Twisted Face
Twisted shortened Limbs
Ears set low
[RenalFETAL agenesis/dysfunction BL] = cause
by age ⬜ , full term infants should be able to sleep thru the night without overnight feeds
If they can’t, how do you change this?
6 months old
(do NOT offer feeding during nocturnal awakenings. Just check on baby)
In terms of etiology, what is a difference between Breastfeeding Failure jaundice and Breast Milk jaundice?
BFF = ”(lowkey)[Bilirubin Uncj ⇪] 2/2 Failed [Fecal_Stooling] ⼀[First week of life].”
🍼within First week of life D0-D7
🍼{[Failed Feeding] –> [Failed Fecal_Stooling]} –>
🍼⬇︎[Unconjugated bilirubin] elimination –>
🍼{⬆︎[Unconjugated bilirubin] recycling = Jaundice}
⭐BreastFeeding Failure⭐
Clinical characteristics of Down Syndrome pts - 7
SHEEPPS & [SHALA Has Down Syndrome]
the SHEEPPS of genetics
- Skin excessive at the nape of the neck = nuchal skin
- HypOtonia w/ ⬇︎ Startle Moro reflex
- Epicanthal folds
- Ears that are small
- Protruding tongue w/flat face
- Palpebral fissures are upslanted
- Single palmar crease
these pts also have ⬆︎risk for hypOthyroidism
What are the 2 major complications of Mumps
- Orchitis
- Aseptic Meningitis

in newborns, bilirubin greater than ⬜ ➜ ⬜. Describe this condition
[🆃wenty] ➜ [kernic🆃erus bilirubin encephalopathy] (mvmnt DO and hearing loss)
Exchange Transfusion
{exchanges newborn’s blood containing [SEVERE HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA > 🆃wenty]
[DAT+ maternal Ab]}
and transfuse newborn with new replacement RBC
cp for neonatal Lactose Intolerance - 3
“LI Definitely Produces Flatulence”
1. Diarrhea NONBLOODY
2. Flatulence
3. Periumbilical crampy abdP
*Lactose Intolerance = no Lactase ➜ Sx same as adult
What is the tell tale sign of child abuse
[Strabismus ocular misalignment] after the age of ⬜ is abnormal and requires intervention to prevent ⬜
Which intervention is employed for this? - 3

4 mo ; Amblyopia(vision loss from disuse of the deviated eye)
- CTL eye patch to strengthen deviated eye OR
- CTL cycloplegic eye drops (blurs normal eye to strengthen deviated eye)
- Corrective lens
Dx = asymmetric corneal light reflex

At what age should you be concerned for an infant not walking yet?
What age do infants usually learn to walk?
“walk by 16mo, drive by 16Y”
> 16 mo
9-16 mo
Pts who’ve recovered from RSV Bronchiolitis are at ⇪ risk for [⬜ +/- recurring]. Ergo, ⬜ should be avoided
WHEEZING; cigarette smoke (and other airway reactivity triggers)
Bronchiolitis:[Wet&Hot👃]/[Wheezing recurrent]/[WOB] - in Winter
Osgood Schlatter Disease tx -3
- Ice
- self-limited (stops with end of growth spurt)

xray: lifting of the tibial tubercle from the shaft
Peds with untreated iron deficiency anemia are at INC risk for what 2 comorbidites?
How is this mitigated? -3
psychomotor delay
neurocognitive impairment
[universal screening starts age 1 yo]
–(if hgb <11)–> [PO ferrous sulfate]
IDA is the most common nutritional deficiency in kids
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis is a complication of childhood obesity
“Fat teen Slipped [on ASS,broke Neck] [to PIS off Heads]”
[Fat teenchild obesity] during [Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis]
–(acutely)– > [ANT SUP Slip femNeck]
which → [POST INF Slip femHead]
➜ [Months of vague hip/knee pain]
[surgical pinning within 24 HOURS]

fat teen –acutely– > [ANT SUP Slippage of femoral Neck] ➜ [POST INFERIOR displacement of Femoral head] ➜ [Months of vague hip/knee pain]
Reconstruction of cleft lip is generally performed at (⬜age)
10 weeks old
(in accordance with rule of 10s = 10 lbs|10 weeks old|10 g hgb)
APGAR is used to assess newborn status immediately postpartum
Describe the grading system for Appearance?

0 = entirely blue
1 = pink with blue extremities
2 = entriely pink
What is the most common congenital cyanotic heart defect in the neonatal period?
Transposition of Great Vessels

Look for the single Loud second heart sound!
What is Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum ; tx?
benign neonatal rash with blanching erythematous papules and/or pustules ; self limited to 2 weeks after birth

Reye Syndrome
MOD -4
-with viral illness
-who takes ASA
-develops VELLDSsx
Reye’s = [peds+virus+ASA→VELLDS]
Vomiting, {Encephalopathy from ⇪ICP}, _LIVER❌_, Lethargy, DEATH, Seizures
Reye Syndrome
clinical presentation -6
Reye’s = [peds+virus+ASA→VELLDS]
Vomiting, {Encephalopathy from ⇪ICP}, LIVER❌, Lethargy, DEATH, Seizures
Bronchiolitis is a ⬜ respiratory infection that occurs in the ⬜ by the ⬜ virus
What are the sx ? (3)
lower; Winter ; RSV
[WET & HOT nose(RHINORRHEA with FEVER)] | [WHEEZING(+/- recurring)] | [WOB⇪]
dx = clinical > nasal/pulmonary antigen test
[T or F]
UNILATERAL cervical LAD in kids (typically from ⬜ bacteria ) is not common and needs further workup
Impetigo and [ped uL cerv LAD] = Sg
✏️[ped uL cervical LAD (typically from Sg)] is common!
🔎Sg = Staph >gASP
APGAR is used to assess newborn status immediately postpartum
Describe the grading system for Respiration?

0 = not breathing
1 = [breathing slow|irregular]
2 = crying
Oligohydramnios –> ⬜ sequence.
Describe this clinical presentation for this Sequence
Oligohydraminos –> POTTER Sequence
Pulmonary hypOplasia
Oligohydraminos from renal agenesis/damage (cause)
[Twisted Face & Extremities]
Twisted Skin
Ears set low
Renal agenesis/damage

Based on PECARN rule, name the [high risk Pediatric TBI features] for [ < 2 y/o ] -5
“TBI is the LASH’S fault!”
1. LOC
2. AMS
3. [Skull Fx_palpable]
4. {Hematoma_nonfrontal scalp}

At what point, should you consider Antibiotic prophylaxis (continuous vs postcoital) for young female patients with recurrent UTI? (2)
[≥ 2 UTI in 6 mo]
[≥3 UTI in 12mo]
obtain further diagnostics if c/f nephrolithiasis or obstruction
Necrotizing Enterocolitis cp - 3
X ray finding?
- Bloody stools
- feeding intolerance
- abd distension
X-ray = Pneumotosis Intestinalis
Risk factors= prematurity, congenital heart disease, hypotension

Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome is caused by ⬜
What are the major risk factors?-2
Surfactant Deficiency
- Prematurity
- Maternal DM
What is Legg Calve Perthes Disease?
Avascular necrosis of the Capital Femoral Epiphysis ; [Boys 4-10 yo) ;
- Self limited but can –>deformity/degeneration
- contain femoral head within acetabulum during encounter

How do you manage a choking child? (2)

Name the markers of onset Puberty for
“Her 2 by 12 | His 4 by 14”
[girls: 2 Breast by 12 yo]
[boys: 4 cc(or more)size Testicle by 14 yo]
delayed secondary sexual characteristics + delayed XR bone age = [Constitutional Delay of Puberty]
What’s used to keep the PDA Patent?

Prostaglandin E1
“E1 kEEPs the duct open and the dick up!”
Describe the best approach to [Vaccine Refusal/Hesitancy] (4)
1. [ALLOW Parents to voice concerns]
2. [CORRECT misinformation (i.e. Autism/Overload/Natural immunity)]
3. [DISCUSS risk/benefits of immunization]
McCune-Albright Syndrome
clinical features (3)
McCune Albright Syndrome
1. [Macules (Coast of Maine irregular cafe au lait spots)]
2. [Axillary hair, Pubic hair and Breast develop precociously]
3. [Spongy trabeculae bone undergoes fibrous dysplasia]

cp for Congenital Rubella Syndrome (6)
[BL cataracts]
[sensorineural hearing loss]
[patent ductus arteriosus]
[Bluberry muffin rash (purpuric lesions)]
low birth weight
At what age does Bedwetting start to become pathological for kids?
5 yo
A Contrast enema demonstrating microcolon is indicative of what condition? ; etx?
Meconium iLeus 2/2 Cystic Fibrosis
viscous meconium accumulation obstructs terminal iLeum –> underused colon –> contracted microcolon

Typically, for minors, informed consent must be obtained by the [minor’s ADULT legal guardian]
… unless ⬜3
(list the 3 exceptions in which peds pt do NOT need Adult consent)
“peds don’t need Parents for EEEverything

- Emergency(delaying tx could → life/limb❌)
- Emancipated(ped pt is a [Parent|$ independent|HS grad|court📄|etc])
- “Edgybut noncidal” eval [Sex, Drugs, noncidalPsych]
noncidal = NOT threat to self/suicidal or others/homocidal.
cp for Febrile Seizure -4
⬜ is the primary management.
but When do you give [Abortive Antiepileptics]?
- [child [6 month - 5 year old] with [< 15m GTC nonfocal seizure]]
- NO afebrile seizure within prior 24h
- NO CNS infection (meningismus, bulging fontanelles)
- NO metabolic❌ (hypOglycemia)

[AntiPyretics with Reassurance]
➜ [Abortive AntiEpileptics if seizure ≥5 min]
cp for Bronchiolitis in neonates - 3
px for this?
1.[WET &HOT👃]
2.[WHEEZING recurrently]
-[paliVizumab px in infant < 2 mo]
Bronchiolitis:[Wet&Hot👃]/[Wheezing recurrent]/[WOB] - in Winter
Why can Moms breastfeed on methadone treatment, but can NOT breastfeed if actively using recreational substances/opioids?
What is the requirement to be candidate for [breastfeeding on methadone tx] -2
[methadone treatment concentration in breastmilk] is low and unrelated to maternal dose
recreational substances have unpredictable pharmacology (mixed with other drugs/inconsistent dosing)
compliant with methadone treatment throughout pregnancy and after pregnancy/postpartum/breastfeeding
NO active recreational drug use relapse

What is [Idiopathic premature adrenarche-pubarche]? (3)
[precocious2º sex (breast | pubic hair)* in (male <9 / female<8]
[normal bone age(meaning presumed nml LH and other endocrine levels)]
[isolated pubic hair]
with NO other endocrine ∆
newborn patient presents with (image)
Diagnosis? ; Name the major risk factor for this

markedly dilated descending colon
cp for [Radial head subluxation Nursemaid’s elbow]
Tx? (3)
[sudden refusal to move arm s/p forcibly pulled pronated forearm]
affected arm with forearm pronated
extendarm ➜ pressureradial head ➜ HYPERPRONATEFOREARM (create “waiter’s tip”)

“pt suddenly refuses to move arm after arm was forcibly pulled while forearm was pronated”
risk factors for the infant? -4
risk factors for Mom during pregnancy? -4
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome = [Sudden unexplained (Infant<12 mo) Death with inconclusive postmortem exam]
SLEEPING PRONE > > > [prematurity | low birth wt | smoke exposure]
[pregnant teenager (<20 yo)] | [pregnant smoker(smoking)] | [pregnant druger(substance use) | pregnant slacker(spotty prenatal care)
Diagnostic Criteria for Colic - 4
tx -2
Colic = the 4 - 3’s
▶first 3 weeks of life that’s
▶≥3hrs/day (usually evenings) for
▶≥3days / week for
▶≥3weeks / month in a healthy infant
Tx =
▶Soothing techniques
▶feeding techniques
Describe Metatarsus Adductus
Most common congenital foot deformity in which there is BL medial deviation of the forefoot usually in 1st born infants

Tx = this corrects spontaneously
clinical features of
Neonatal Clavicular fracture (3)
- self limited with NO LONG TERM SEQUELAE (tx = spportive only)
- localized clavicular creptius
- irritability with passive IPL UE movement
* dx confirmed by XR*
Tx for Kawasaki disease
when should this be given?
★“① plus ② ⼀within 10“★
__ __ __
[① plus ② ⼀within 10d of 💥]
[4/5 CRASH] & [Burn💥 ≥ 5 days]
①. ASA(🅷🄻❤️) :
{[🅷KD]until ❄} —->
{[🄻KD]6 weeks} –>
{[❤️⊕ ➜ ⊕🄻KD♾️] or [❤️⊝ ➲ ⊝LKD]}
②. [IVIG2 g/kg over 12 hours]⼀DEC Coronary Aneurysm risk
🔎{🅷KD = HIGH Kawasaki Dose = [80-100 mg/kg divided over 4 ]*daily*}
🔎{🄻KD = Low Kawasaki Dose = [3-5 mg/kg as one dose]daily}
🔎❄ = defevervescence
🔎❤️ = coronary involvement
🔎♾️ = indefinitely
[Atlantoaxial joint] Instability MOD
Which demographic are at most risk for this?
excessive laxity in the Posterior transverse ligament ➜ ⬆︎mobility between [C2 aXis: dens] and the [C1 atlas] –> spinal cord compression ➜ UMN signs
Down Syndrome (remember pts with down syndrome are usually hypOtonic but not with Atlantoaxial instability!)

{[SHEEPPS]traits & [SHALA Has Down Syndrome]conditions}
What is Primary nocturnal enuresis?
1st step in evaluation?
lack of nighttime dryness in kids age ≥5 y/o that usually spontaneously resolves over time
UA (r/o DM, DI, infection)

For a patient receiving ⬜ to diagnose and treat intussuception, what is a potential complication ?
how is this potential complication diagnosed?
[air|water|barium_contrastENEMA] ; intestinal perforation
[abd xr series] (to assess for free air)
Name the 7 most common manifestations of Marfan Syndrome
etx = mutation of fibrillin 1 gene
“Marfan BAATHES a lot! “
- Ectopia Lentis
- Arm-to-Height Ratio ⬆︎
- Heart issues (MVP or [idiopathic Aortic cystic medial degeneration]–> Aortic Dissection and Aneurysm)
- Scoliosis vs. Kyphosis
- Breastbone structural abnormalities
- Arachnodactyly (Steinberg thumb & wrist)
- Tall / slender / flat feet
etx = mutation of fibrillin 1 gene

Name the 3 major points of misinformation regarding Vaccines
How do you mitigate each one?
- AUTISM: following retraction of the fraudulent Wakefield study, many large-scale systematic reviews have consistently shown no association between Vaccines and Autism
- “VCCs OVERLOAD IMMUNE SYSTEM?”: exposure to multiple antigens at once is NOT harmful and will NOT “overload” immune system
- “NATURAL IMMUNITY IS BETTER”: Natural immunity/infxn = ⇪ risk for severe complications (i.e. hospitalization)
When should ingested batteries be emergently [flex endoscopically] removed? (2)
▶911 FLEX ENDOSCOPYONLY when the battery is still IN the esophagus and not distal to it.
▶If distal –> obs
this also includes sharp objects, or multiple magnets
Which 2 microbes cause pediatric sepsis in [age group: > 28 days old]?
Based on that, name the empiric abxs given for pediatric sepsis [age group > 28 day old] -3
“pediatric sepsis from LEG-NS “
- [Neisseria meningitidis ⼀Ceftriaxone (+ Vancomycin if M or M suspected)]
- [Strep Pneumo ⼀Ceftriaxone (+ Vancomycin if M or M suspected)]
Ceftriaxone (+ Vancomycin if MRSA or meningitis suspected)

[if MRSA suspected⼀ add Vancomycin]
[if Meningitis suspected ⼀add Vancomycin]
the timing of neonatal jaundice differentiates [G6PD deficiency] from [Hemolytic Disease of Newborn] explain
neonatal jaudice presenting within first
24 hours of life = HDN
(⊕direct Coombs | A or B infant born to O mother)
2-3 DAYS of life = G6PD deficiency
What is the treatment for Bronchiolitis? -6
typically from RSV
-nasal bulb suctioning
-humidified O2
-contact precautions
-droplet precautions
-[paliVizumab px in infant < 2 mo]
Bronchiolitis:[Wet&Hot👃]/[Wheezing recurrent]/[WOB] - in Winter
Pediatric dyslipidemia is a risk factor for adulthood progression of ⬜ and ⬜.
Because of this, what is the recommended lipid screening for peds?
atherosclerosis / CVD

note: universal [fasting lipid panel] screening should still be obtained ages 9-11 and 17-21 regardless of CV risk factors
3 classic Clinical Manifestations of [Tetralogy of Fallot]
- [Systolic Ejection HARSH Murmur @ L Sternal 2/3 ICS] from [RVOO -R Vt Outflow Obstruction]
- Squatting relieves sx (INC afterload–> [DEC amount of R to L shunt]
- [Cyanotic lethal Tet Spells] (tx: Knee chest positioning and inhaled O2)
“VOIR is to have See + Sight & Cry”

Name the specific signs of congenital syphilis - 3
- Rhinorrhea
- [P&SMaculopapular rash] that dequamates or becomes bullous
- Abnormal long bone xrays (i.e. metaphyseal lucency)
P&S = Palms & Soles

Name the red flags that indicate pathologic etiology (CA/infection) for a child p/w leg pain (5)
- unilateral
- progressive (osteoid osteoma/osteosarcoma)
- joint involvement (JIA)
- systemic sx
- abnl PEx (focal TTP/petechiae/hepatosplenomegaly)
Pink Stains or Brick Dust in neonatal diapers indicates the presence of ⬜
Uric Acid Crystals
define Primary amenorrhea (2)
([15y with F∆] or [13y with no F∆])
F ∆ = Female changes-sex characteristics (breast/pubic hair)
Violent Infant Shaking —> ⬜ . This is characterized by what 3 things?
How is this differentiated from similar conditions?
Violent Infant Shaking –> [AHT- Abusive Head Trauma]! =
- Subdural Hemorrhage (from tearing bridging veins between Dura and Arachnoid) ( = GET CT ➜ SKELETAL SURVEY)
- BL Retinal Hemorrhages (from congested retinal vein ruptures)
- POSTERIOR rib fractures
⚠️Usually Accidental Fall is not sufficient for Subdural Hemorrhage OR [BL Retinal Hemorrhage]
▶AHT is formely known as Shaken Baby Syndrome
APGAR is used to assess newborn status immediately postpartum
Describe the grading system for Pulse?

0 = No HR
1 = < 100 bpm
2 = > 100 bpm
list clinical features of
Intussusception (4)
how it it diagnosed? treated?
- [6 mo - 3 yo]
- [SEVERE colicky abd pain + emesis]
- [Target sign on US]
Dx & Tx = [Air or Water contrast enema]

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in kids p/w ⬜ secondary to which 2 microbes?
Name the 3 clinical features of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
BidD(Bloody-inflammatory diarrhea-Dysentery) ; [EColi O157:H7] or [Shigella dysenteriae]
[Hemolytic Anemia (schistocytes)] / AKI / Thrombocytopenia
What is the normal age parameters for physiologic genu varum?
genu valGum?

varum “bow legged” = [onset birth - resolve by 2 year old]
______(should have ✅straight knees 2-4 yo and ≥7 yo)___________
valGum “Knock Kneed” = [onset 4y - resolve by 7y]
obtain imaging only if persist beyond upper age limit
Why is cessation of breast feeding in a jaundiced 20 day old pt who is lethargic not necessary?
Galactosemia (Conjugated Hyperbilirubenima) is unlikely considering pt is 20 days old. Sepsis should be r/o first with blood cx and px abx
In Children presenting with uL hip pain, how do you differentiate [septic arthritis] from [(viral)transient synovitis of hip]? (4)
What’s treatment for septic arthritis? (3)
+Kocher criteria = [≥3 ELFS] = +septic arthritis
[ESR>40 (or CRP>2)]
[Standing HURTS (non-weight bearing)]
dx & tx = [IMMEDIATE JOINT ASPIRATION] ➜ [IV Vanc] ➜ [Surgical debridement]
Tx for [Neonatal Conjunctivitis⼀Chlamydia]?
Tx for [Neonatal Conjunctivitis⼀Gonococcal]? (2)
ncC = [POMacrolide]
ncG = [IMcefoTaxime|IMcefoTetan]
nc = neonatal conjunctivitis
Topical erythromycin is only for ncG Px

Demographic for Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis -2
{[male first Born] [3-5 wks old]}

image showing “oilive mass”
What are the only 2 absolute contraindications to giving the DTaP vaccine?
Anaphylaxis prior
Encephalopathy prior

Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis cp -3
- Visually prominent abd peristaltic waves (from exaggerated gastric contractions)
- Projectile nonbilious Vomiting
demographic: [first born boys 3-5 wks old]
What is the treatment for Developmental Dysplasia of Hip?
Pavlik Harness that holds hip in flexion and ABduction

Identify possible causes of this rash - 3

- [GASP +/- mononucleosis]
- Kawasaki disease
- Toxic Shock Syndrome

Transient Synovitis is the most common cause of hip pain in kids
Mgmt for Transient Synovitis - 3
[obtain Xray to r/o Legg Calve Perthes]
Tx = NSAID and rest
Young child p/w chronic cough and focal wheezing that are not responsive to albuterol is suspicious for ⬜. Next Step = ⬜
Foreign Body Aspiration ; Bronchoscopy
Main features of Becker Muscular Dystrophy - 4
- [Xp21 deletion] (X-link recessive deletion on Chromo Xp21)
- Scoliosis
- [peds onset at 5 yo]
- [cardiomyopathy ➜ 40-50 yo DEATH]

What is the most common cause of Chronic renal failure (and urinary tract obstruction) in pediatrics?
[Posterior Urethral membranous valves]
AFFECTS BOYS ONLY - including newborns

tx for [irritant contact diaper dermatitis] -4
“treat baby diaper rash you LZPC!”
[Lifestyle ∆ (frequent diaper change, avoid tight diapers)]
- Zinc Oxide (topical barrier)
- Petrolatum (topical barrier)
- CTS cream
Maternal Macrolide use during pregnancy is a risk factor for ⬜ , which typically presents in ⬜ demographic with (⬜3)
[hypertrophic pyloric stenosis] ; [first born boys 3-5w old] ;
🎯target sign radio could indicate Pyloric stenosis or intussusception
main characteristics of [Candida Diaper Dermatitis] -3
2nd most common diaper dermatitis
- beefy red plaques
- satellite lesions


hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Congenital hypOthyroidism is a common and preventable cause of ⬜ in kids; but may be difficult to detect. Why is that?
how do you manage congenital hypOthyroidism?
sx: hypOtonia/poor feeding/lethargy/constipation
intellectual disability ; because maternal T4 crosses placenta most newborns lack clinical signs of congenital hypOthyroidism (hypOtonia, poor feeding, lethargy, constipation) at birth
give infant levothyroxine [by 2 WEEKS OF AGE]
T4 is important for neurodevelopment and myelination
The 2 major causes of [bloody stool < 6 month old are FPIAP] and ⬜
how do you manage FPIAP once it’s diagnosed?
FPIAP = Food Protein Induced Allergic Proctocolitis
Anal fissure

FPIAP = non-IgE rxn to milk protein (casein/whey) = no skin/pulm rxn
What other syndrome is this disease a/w?

Hirschsprung disease
DOWN SYNDROME trisomy 21

{[SHEEPPS]traits & [SHALA Has Down Syndrome]conditions}
What is the major (and contraindicating) side effect of the Rotareovirus vaccine?
Live attenuated vaccine
describe clinical course for this infant

[superficicial infantile hemangioma] proliferate and grow the 1st year of life
= observation only unless cosmetic/bleeding/functional impairment

What is Primary nocturnal enuresis?
After ⬜ months of Behavioral changes, Enuresis Alarm is recommended. How does the Enuresis Alarm work?
What medication can be added if this still doesn’t work?
lack of nighttime dryness in kids age ≥5 y/o that usually spontaneously resolves over time

1st: [Behavior ∆ x 3-6 mo] (⬇︎evening fluids/reward system)
2nd: ENURESIS ALARM (when sensor in pt’s underwear starts detecting moisture ➜ audiovibratory alarm ➜ wakes child right at initiation of their involuntary micturition = before any further bladder emptying occurs. Eventually, alarm conditions the child to wake up just before voiding
[Desmopressin ADH]
How do you manage UTI in peds less than 2 yo
what about peds > 2 yo?
after 1st febrile UTI,
in [peds < 2 yo]= abx +[renal/bladder US (to evaluate for anatomic abnl) –(if abnl)–>VCUG]
[peds > 2 yo] =
➜ {R/B US –+→
{VCUG <-N- [ UTI resolve? ] -Y-> Nothing more}
VCUG = Voiding CystoUrethroGram

Neonatal brachial plexus injuries (like Erb Duchenne palsy) are most commonly a/w shoulder dystocia in infants that have ⬜
[macrosomia > 4 kg]
supportive care (recovers spontaneous)

Why do pts with this condition often have polyhydramnios?

Hernia of Diaphragm compresses esophagus –> polyhydramnios

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Image = Scaphoid concave abdomen with Barrel Chest
[Croup Laryngotracheitis] treatment (4)

- [mild (no Stridor at rest)] = h +/- C
h:humidified air / C:CTS / E:Epinephrine-Nebulized-Racemic

[Croup Laryngotracheitis] = paraflu that –> subglottic edema and narrowing = barky brassy cough f/b inspiratory stridor
5 month old female pt presents with apparent leg length discrepancy and is diagnosed with ______
What is the work up for this condition?-2
Developmental Dysplasia of Hip
hip ultrasound < 4 mo < hip xray

Name the 4 major risk factors for Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis

“Hypetrophic Pyloric Stenosis _M_mmmakes a tight first in his stomach”
- male firstborn
- [macrolide exposure[anytime from (pregnancy - 2 wks old)]]
- maternal smoking
- mega fam hx
What are 2 major signs of tooth decay?
Name 3 risk factors for a baby developing tooth decay?
white spots / discoloration
- frequent sugar
- nighttime bottle/feedings
- Inadequate fluoride
Primary Dentist must be established by 1 y/o
cp Thyroglossal duct cyst
How should it be managed (2)? why?
[s/p URI, superior to thyroid, fluctuant midline neck mass, in kids that moves superiorly when swallowing]
1st: [Thyroid imaging (to ensure native thyroid is functional and/or ensure (prior to planned surgical removal)TDC isn’t the sole site of functioning [ectopic] thyroid tissue)
2nd: ➜ TDC planned surgical removal]

(TDC may be the only site of functioning [ectopic] thyroid tissue so obtain thyroid imaging prior to definitive surgical removal)
Name the 3 classic sx of [Croup LaryngoTracheitis]
{[Barky Brassy cough]
➜ [inspiratory stridor]
{[mildh +/- C] ←N(istridor at rest?)Y➜MOD/SEVEREC+E]}

[Advanced Maternal Age ≥35] is a risk factor for ⬜, which is a/w with which 8 comorbid conditions?
Down Syndrome Trisomy 21
{SHALA Has Down Syndrome]conditions}
2. [🍼Hirschsprung disease (dilated Colon)]
3. [Atlanto-axial instability]
4. [Leukemia (Later in life)]
5. [Altered Psyche (ADHD/Autism/Alzheimer-like dementia)]
6. HypOthyroid
7. [🍼Duodenal atresia (double bubble)]
8. [triSomy 21]
🍼 = neonatal onset
Which 2 deformations is Breech positioning associated with?
[DDH (Developmental Dysplasia of Hip)]
cp for Laryngomalacia
[P2: inspiratory stridor that improves when prone]
Direct laryngoscopy
self limited to 18 mo

infant pt presenting with undescended testis = ⬜
At what age should this infant be referred for Orchiopexy?
When should Orchiopexy occur?
≥ 6 months old
Orchiopexy before 1 yo
In peds > 1 yo, ⬜ and/or ⬜ are primary contributors to the development of iron deficiency anemia
How does this present? -2
[excessive milk intake > 24 oz/day] ; [low intake of iron-rich food]
microcytic anemia + elevated RDW

What do you do if a family comes to clinic and you suspect the infant patient (their child) is being abused? (2)
What are telltale signs of intentional burn injury? (4)
[arrange STAT ambulance transport to ED] + [notify child protective services]
- [uniform burn with linear demarcation] … that has
- NO splash marks
- NO flexural crease involvement
- NO central buttock involvement
A: Clinical Manifestations of DiGeorge Syndrome (5)
B: Genetic Cause
“CATCH 22 & Pa3”
Cardiac (Aortic Arch abnormalitites, Tetralogy of Fallot)
Abnormal face (Bifid Uvula/low set ears)
Thymus Aplasia
Cleft Palate
[HypOcalcemia from PTH deficiency] may–> Carpopedal Spasms
22q.11.2 deletion
Pharyngeal arch - 3rd/4th both fail to develop
Main features of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - 5
- [CALF PSEUDOHYPERTROPHY requiring gower manuever + teenage wheelchair] = [⇪ Creatine Kinase]
- [Xp21 deletion] (X-link recessive deletion on Chromo Xp21)
- Scoliosis
- [peds onset at 2 yo]
- [cardiomyopathy ➜ 20-30 yo DEATH]

etx for Choanal atresia in kids
Congenital falure of posterior nasal passage to canalize –> bony obstruction instead
cyanotic infant whose cyanosis worsens with feeding and relieves by crying
Dx = inability to pass catheter thorugh nares

cp for “Growing Pains”
[childhood 3-12 yo] with [nocturnal BILATERAL LE pain] and NO OTHER FINDINGS
[supportive (massage/heat/stretching/analgesic)]
Precocious puberty is (premature) development of 2º sex characteristics in girls age ⬜ and boys age ⬜
How do you work this up?
g< 8 | b< 9

Tx for Congenital Toxoplasmosis -3
[Pyrimethamine with Folinic acid FH4 B9]
{[SulfaDiazine] or [Clindamycin]}
Exchange Transfusion in neonates involves ⬜
When is this indicated? (3)
exchanging [blood with SEVERE HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA and/or DAT+ maternal Ab] from baby and transfusing baby with replacement RBC
- total bilirubin > 20-25
- worsening hyperbilirubinemia on phototherapy
- kernicterus bilirubin encephalopathy
Your infant patient is due for the [Varicella Zoster Virus] Vaccine, but the patient lives with its immunocompromised grandmother
How do you manage this? (2)
- [VZV (live) vaccine] CAN be administered to [immunocompetent(baby)] patients with household contacts who are [immunoC❌MPROMISED(grandmother)] as long as the [immunocompetent(baby)] develops NO RASH after given Live Vaccine
- After given [VZV (live) vaccine] monitor [immunocompetent(baby)] for rash –(if rash develops)–> isolate [immunocompetent(baby)] from [immunoC❌MPROMISED(grandmother)] in the household
Meckel’s Diverticulum symptoms-5
How do you diagnose Meckel’s Diverticulum
(also possible):
-Bowel obstruction
[ MT9P scan]
MT9P = [Meckel’s Technetium-99m Pertechnetate]
For teens, what’s the difference/define [Constitutional Delay of Puberty]-4
and [Familial Short Stature]-2 ?
[Constitutional DELAY of Puberty] = [DELAYED secondary sexcharacteristics] + [DELAYED XR wrist bone age] + [DELAYED“short” height] + [DELAYED sx also in fam hx]
[Familial Short Stature] = Short Stature + [Normal XR wrist bone age]
In medicine, children vaccine are almost never postponed
Describe why [IVIG tx (i.e. Kawasaki tx)] can delay the pediatric vaccine schedule? (2)
▶IVIG is composed of pooled antibodies → can alter patient’s normal immune response to live vaccines =
⭐patient must wait 11 months after completing Kawasaki disease treatment before they can receive any live vaccines
Newborn failure to pass meconium within 48 hours of birth likely indicates ⬜
how is this diagnosed? -2
Hirschsprung Disease
[Abd XR = contrast enema demonstrating transition zone] ➜ [RECTAL SUCTION BIOPSY (gold standard)]

Physiological Gastroesophageal reflux is common in infants
What is the mngmt for this?-3
When should you be concerned for GER Disease in infants?-2
*[hold infant upright after feeds]
*[(if GERD) = thicken feeds with oatmeal + PPI]
- failure to thrive
- opisthotonic posturing after feeds
Infants that are Small for Gestational Age (SGA) are at risk for developing what complications? - 4
“I’m small, GOT Calcium?”
- low Glucose
- [low Oxygen –> (high RBC polycythemia)]
- low Temperature
- low Calcium
⬜ is the preferred imaging for Pyloric Stenosis
How does this present?
Abdominal ultrasound
[First born males 3-5 weeks old] ➜ Non-bilious emesis withOUT abdominal distension + epigastric olive mass

X-ray = Pneumotosis Intestinalis
Necrotizing Enterocolitis

What is [Physiologic anemia of infancy] -4?
🔴ASYMPTOMATIC and Expected DEC in newborn hgb 2nd month of living
🔴2/2 INC oxygen to [newborn ex utero (compared to in utero)] ➜ transient downregulation of erythropoietin ➜ DEC RBC
🔴DEC RBC resultantly = [Hgb > 14 at birth/1ST month living] to [Hgb 9-11 at 2ND month living] to [Hgb nml 12-13 GOE 3RD month living]
🔴At GOE 3 months old, erythropoietin drive should return to normal
red flags: anemia 1st month |hgb < 9 |hemolysis (constant jaundice|reticulocytosis) / hypOchromic|microcytic RBC (iron deficiency/thalassemia)
Physiologic anemia of infancy should resolve ___ months of age
Name the RED FLAGS of [Physiologic anemia of infancy] -5
anemia 1st month
hgb < 9
hemolysis (constant jaundice|reticulocytosis)
[hypOchromic RBC (iron deficiency/thalassemia)]
[microcytic RBC (iron deficiency/thalassemia)]
🔴physiologic DEC EPO/RBC resultantly = [Hgb > 14 at birth/1ST month living] to [Hgb 9-11 at 2ND month living] to [Hgb nml 12-13 GOE 3RD month living]
What’s the main difference between [irritant contact diaper dermatitis] and [candida diaper dermatitis]?

Childhood Absence Epilepsy
multiple brief (< 20 seconds) lapses in consciousness every day
[EEG 3 Hz Spike] ; Ethosuximide
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T/ Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
2 months old
- DTaP
- Polio
- Hib
- RV
“Hewa /D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T/ Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
4 months old
- DTaP
- Polio
- Hib
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum /“/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T/ Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
6 months old
- DTaP
- Polio
- Hib
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T/ Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
12 months old
- V ZV
- Hib
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T/ Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
15 months old
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T/ Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
18 months old
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T/ Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
4-6 year old
- Varicella
- DTaP
- Polio
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T/ Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
11-12 year old
- TDaP
Men: Meningococcal
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T / Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
16 year old
- MenB
Men: Meningococcal
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T / Making Me / (fall) “
Vaccines are given [(Birth/2/4/6/12/15/18mo) + (4/11/16yo) + annual]
Recite the Vaccine Schedule for
for all ≥6 month old:
1. [every(fall) → Flu x 1]
2. [COVID x 3] x 1
“Hewa / D P His Hairy Pretty Rectum / “/ “/ He Made Victor Have Pussy / Dick / Head // Victor D P Me /Handed Me T / Making Me / (fall)”
For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
18 month old
Gross motor

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
18 month old
fine motor -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
18 month old
Language -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
18 month old

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
2 year old
Gross motor -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
2 year old
fine motor -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
2 year old
Language -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
2 year old

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
3 year old
Gross motor -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
3 year old
fine motor -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
3 year old
Language -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
3 year old

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
4 year old
Gross motor -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
4 year old
fine motor

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
4 year old
Language -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
4 year old
4S: Cooperative Play

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
5 year old
Gross motor -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
5 year old
fine motor -5

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
5 year old
Language -2

For ⬜ name the ⬜ developmental milestone(s)
5 year old

During APAP OD, how does it cause damage? ; How is Alcohol related?
reversibly inhibits CNS_COX = antipyretic | analgesic ONLY (NOT ANTIINFLAMMATORY)
COX = Cyclooxygenase
▶APAP OD forms [TOXIC_NAPQI] → which eventually depletes [protective_Glutathione] = [TOXIC_NAPQI] accumulates to cause hepatic necrosis.
▶EtOH stimulates ([CYP450-2E1] - which catalyzes APAP → [TOXIC_NAPQI].
⭐APAP before ALcohol is ✅