8⼀GI/SURGERY/ID I Flashcards
newly diagnosis Type 1 DM should be screened with which 3 antibodies?
Why do we do this?
[Anti-TissueTransGlutaminase(from anti🆃ED)= celiac disease]
[Anti-Thyroglobulin = thyroid disease]
[Anti-ThyroidPerOxidase = thyroid disease]
pts with DM1 have INC risk for other autoimmune conditions = must be screened at diagnosis
Dx for Celiac disease - 4
wt loss+ iron deficiency anemia + dermatitis herpetiformis = CELIAC!
“Celiac gluten-free… TWICED!”
[Anti-T.E.D. (IgA or IgG)]
(IgA test may result in false negative if concurrent IgA deficiency is present!)
There are 4 Malabsorption syndromes - “_C_an Larry Control Stooling?”
Describe clinical features of Celiac disease (6)
“Celiac gluten-free… TWICED!”
- [Crypt hyperplasia / IEL / Villous atrophy]
- [INC Stool Osmotic Gap>125 a/w foul, flatulent, fatty, LARGE diarrhea with steatorrhea]
- [anEmia (microcytic iron deficiency anemia)]
- Weight loss
- Dermatitis Herpetiformis
- {[antiTED(IgA or IgG)] → duodenal bx} = Diagnostics
IEL = IntraEpithelial Lymphocytes
Tx = gluten-free diet
What are the 4 malabsorption syndromes?
Which 2 have [INC stool osmotic gap > 125]
Can Larry Control Stool?
[Celiac / Lactose intolerance = INC stool osmotic gap>125]
Chronic pancreatiits / SIBO
These cells are a/w ⬜
Describe the cp (5)
dx = atypical reactive lymphocytes
[EBV ⼀Infectious Mononucleosis]
- Fever
- exudative Tonsillitis
- cervical LAD
- HepatoSplenomegaly
Why is primary management for BIDD primarily at-home supportive care with no abx?
When is antibiotic therapy for BIDD indicated? (4)
BIDD = Bloody Inflammatory Diarrhea Dysentery
healthy pts have self-limited BIDD
- [SEVERE (shock, etc)]
- [Prolonged > 7 days]
- [patient at risk for severe progression (immunocompro/elderly)]
- [bacterial pathogen identified ➜ give low dose px to prevent transmission]
Aside from STAT Laparotomy, name 3 other treatments used in perforated peptic ulcer?
- IVAbx
+ STAT Laparotomy
Serum Sickness etx
What infection mimics this?
[Type 3 hypersensitivity reaction] involving INC circulating antibodies combining with antigens (Immune Complex) ➜ overload of normal clearance mechanisms ➜ activates complement = causes disease and
[SS fad (fever / arthritis diffusely / dermatitis)]
Hepatitis B prodrome
(HBV also includes polyarteritis nodosa + glomerulonephritis)
Having [1st degree relatives with CRC < 60 yo] modifies CRC screening schedule
Describe modified CRC screening (2)
[CScope at 40 yo (or 10y prior to relative’s age at their diagnosis)]
q5 years
What causes Necrotizing fasciitis in
_____ patients?
a. healthy?
b. DM (poor circulation)?
a. polymicrobial
Necrotizing fasciitis s/s (4)
- swelling
- erythema
- fever
[DM = GASP] / [EE = polymicrobial]
s/s GERD (2)
management? (2)
[daily PPI8 wk trial] + [lifestyle ∆]
GERD = sx > 2x/week
alarm sx (odynophagia/dysphagia/GI bleeding/wt loss) = referral for EGD
dysphagia means difficulty ⬜
Describe the 2 types of dysphagia?
[Oropharyngeal upper dysphagia] = difficulty initiating swallowing (a/w coughing, drooling, aspiration) = nasopharyngeal laryngoscopy dx
[Esophageal Lower Dysphagia] = delayed sensation of “FOOD STUCK” in chest = EGD dx
Describe the differences between the 2 types of Esophageal Cancer
UPPER esophagus = [SQC: (EtOH / smoking)]
lower esophagus = [ADC: (GERD / Barrett’s esophagus)]
normal range for
normal range for
normal range for
normal range for
>240 = “HIGH”
how do you diagnose Acute Pancreatitis? -2
how do you diagnose CHRONIC Pancreatitis?
Lipase and amylase
[MRCP Pancreatic Calcifications (or CT Abdomen)]
cp for Chronic Pancreatitis -4
dx = MRCP Pancreatic Calcifications
- epigastric abd pain that radiates to back
- better with sitting up and leaning forward (positions other abd organs away from inflammed pancreas)
- worst with meals
- fat malabsorption (bulky foul stools)
Tx for CHRONIC Pancreatitis? -4
1st: stop Smoking/stop EtOH
2nd: small low fat meals with fat-soluble vitamin supplement
3rd: pancreatic enzyme supplement (i.e. low fecal elastase-1 level)
4th: Rx (TCA, NSAIDs, pregabalin)
Causes of CHRONIC Pancreatitis? -4
- EtOH
- Cystic Fibrosis (peds)
- Duct obstruction (CA/stones)
- autoimmune
Toxic Megacolon tx -3
[CTS if 2/2 IBD]
[Abx if 2/2 infectious colitis]
[Surgery if perforation]
Barrett Esophagus MOD
chronic gastric acid ➜ [lower esophagus metaplastic replacement of {normal stratified squamous epithelium} with {intestinal columnar epithelium}] ➜ INC risk for esophageal ADC
Barrett Esophagus INC risk for developing ⬜
How is this screened for? -3
esophageal ADC
{[Sx(Chronic GERD|frequent sx) ≥5 years] + [≥2 risk factors(White/Obese/Male/Smoker/Hiatal Hernia)]}
= endoscopic screening
Why is chronic constipation a major risk factor for UTI?
Fecal retention ➜ rectal distension ➜ obstruct bladder emptying ➜ incomplete voiding ➜ stagnant urine ➜ promotes microbial growth ➜ UTI
Sulfasalazine is a ⬜ compound used for ⬜ maintenance
Why should Sulfasalazine NOT be used acutely?
[5-AminoSalicyclic Acid] ; [IBD]
[Sulfasalazine 5ASA] can precipitate IBD attacks if used acutely
Which abx is best for intraabdominal infection?
(3rd Generation PCN and beta-lactamase inhibitor)
Functional Abdominal Pain
chronic ( ≥2 mo) adolescent periumbilical abd pain, with no identifiable pathology, and self-resolves in a few hours
tx = Symptom Diary
How does Peptic Ulcer Disease present? -2
- early satiety
- postprandial epigastric pain
get stool antigen test for H Pylori
[GERD = (Cough + Reflux) > 2x weekly]
Why is [aAVM] a cause of upper AND LOWER GI bleed? (3)
(aAVM=angiodysplasia ArterioVenous Malformation)
-aAVM…… can cause [SEVERE GI BLEED✳️] anywhere it occurs
-and (although aAVM mostly occurs in R ascending colon) it can potentially occur anywhere in the GI tract..which =
-aAVM is a cause of upper AND LOWER [SEVERE GI BLEED✳️]
✳️= {in the setting of an [aAVM exacerbating RF (Aortic stenosis|von willebrand dZ|renal dZ)]}
In adults, what are the risk factors for developing Angiodysplasia - 3
This can occur ANYWHERE in the GI tract but most commonly occurs in R Ascending colon
- Aortic Stenosis (vW multimers are disrupted as they pass through turbulent space –> AVM)
- Von Willebran disease
- Renal disease
Patient with newly diagnosed “incidentaloma” / L adrenal mass found incidentally
What’s your first step?
When is surgical resection indicated? (3)
[adrenal hormone mud labs]
(metanephrine & VMA) + (urine catecholamine 24h)+(dexamethasone suppression test)
[radiographically malignant] vs [> 4cm] vs [functional (hormone secreting)]
Primary presenting complaint for Achalasia
Food AND Liquid dysphagia
Peptic Stricture
common complication of chronic GERD - in which healing from chronic ulcerative esophagitis ➜ stricturing of Esophagus ➜ progressive (solid then liquid) dysphagia
Lactose intolerance sx (3)
Lactose Intolerance Definitely Produces Flatulence
LactASE breaks down lactose ➜ glucose + galactose
- Diarrhea WATERY
- Periumbilical abd pain
* note: [MILK / ICE CREAM > > cheese / yogurt]*
Lactose Intolerance is a clinical diagnosis, but how is the diagnosis confirmed? (2)
worst with age, asian and african american
- L*actose Definitely Produces Flatulence
1. Lactose breath hydrogen test
2. [Symptom resolution with Lactose-restricted diet]
Name the single-item predictors of INC SEVEREITY in Acute Pancreatitis (5)
“HOBCO hurt the Pancreo”
- BUN ≥20
- HCT >44%
- CRP >150
- Obesity
- Old age
What is OculoGlandular syndrome?
Bartonella Henselae cat-scatch variation in which pt develops conjunctivitis + [iPL preauricular and cervical LAD]
most common complication of Cat Scratch Disease = lymph node suppuration
describe cp of Pyoderma gangrenosum (2)
Where does it come from? (2)
PAINFUL inflammatory [nodules/pustules/vesicles] ➜ PAINFUL ULCERS
neutrophilic dermatosis a/w IBD
normal range
⬜ occurs after acute pancreatitis in 10% of patients, and although sx depend on mass effect, presentation may include (⬜4)
[pancreatic pseudocyst IFC] ;
Abd pain / GI hemorrhage / ductal obstruction / [fistulization into adjacent organs]
tx = supportive –(if persist)–> endoscopic drainage
In a [HIV⊕] pt c/f PCP PNA
HIV+ pt with high clinical suspicion for PCP PNA has an initial ⊝[induced sputum sample]
Why is it important to obtain additional w/u in this patient, even despite an initial ⊝[induced sputum sample]?
Name the additional w/u that should be obtained next?
In 10% of ⊕PCP cases, PCP organism was unable to be identified from [induced sputum samples]
–(so if ISS negative but high clinical suspicion)–>
[BAL via fiberoptic bronchoscopy]
BAL= BronchoAlveolarLavage
Why do [HIV patients with PCP] sometime additionally need CTS (in addition to abx)?
Which [HIV patients with PCP] should receive it?
In Mod/Severe PCP, within first 2-3d of treatment, organism lysis ➜ potentially fatal inflammatory lung response ➜
add CTS if:
- [(ALVeolar-arterial O2 ∆ ≥ 35) on ABG]
________OR_________ - [(PaO2 < 70) on Room Air]
name the 3 most important goals in managing a brain-dead organ donor
Temperature (or slightly hypOthermic)
Volume (IVF/desmopressin(synthetic ADH))
Blood pressure (pressors)
What is GGT used for?
gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
Differentiates elevated ALP:
[⇪ALP and ⇪GGT] = LIVER origin
[Isolated Markedly elevated ALP (+/- ⇪ GGT)] indicates ⬜
what causes this? (2)
[infiltrative Liver disease]
- [granuloma (hepatic sarcoidosis, TB)]
- [metastatic CA]
In patients with [NAFLD/NASH], what is the single best predictor for liver-related death?
[⊕HEPATIC FIBROSIS] ➜ Cirrhosis ➜ liver-related Death]. (Wt loss can reverse [HEPATIC FIBROSIS] if it occurs prior to Cirrhosis)
Angiodysplasias (AKA⬜ ) are defined as ⬜5.
Although only a small amount bleed, which conditions ⇪ Angiodysplasia bleeding? (3)
arteriovenous malformation ;
aAVM =
1. elderly
2. [cherry red lesions (on cscope)]
3. composed of [multiple aberrant fragile AVM in
4. [(especially R Colon)GI tract]
5. aberrancy ➜ [low threshold for [occult vs MASSIVE nonpainful GI Bleeding] i\ [any hemostasis❌]
[aAVM = angiodysplasia ArterioVenous Malformation]
- {[ESRD (*uremia ➜ platelet dysfxn ➜ [1º hemostasis❌] →🩸
- [Aortic stenosis (*mechanical disruption during turbulent valvular flow ⬇︎ vWF → [1º hemostasis❌] →🩸= Heyde’s Syndrome
[von Willebrand disease]→ [1º hemostasis❌] →🩸 ___________________________x____________________________________
🩸= [(in setting of ⊕aAVM) may meet threshold for aAVM to bleed]}
pathophysiology of toxic shock syndrome
[exotoxin superantigens] (usually from Staph A) activate T cells widespread ➜ massive cytokine release
may require up to 20L per day of IVF resuscitation
What is the best test to evaluate Pancreatic Cyst?
what are all the indications for this modality? -7
Endoscopic Ultrasound with aspiration
- lymph node bx
- pancreas lesions
- liver lesions
- adrenal glandlesions
- bile duct lesions
- peritoneal fluid lesions
- pleural fl;uid lesions
indications for ERCP (4)
dilated Common Bile Duct
acute biliary pancreatitis
HIV test is done on an opt [⬜ (in | out)] basis
What does this mean?
Patients are informed that HIV test will automatically be performed UNLESS THE PATIENT SPECIFICALLY OPTS OUT
patients have the right to refuse/ opt OUT HIV testing
Acute diverticulitis presents as (⬜2)
How is it managed?
[LLQ TTP] + [CT focal bowel wall thickening +/- diverticula]
[Dyspepsia (GAS sx ≥1 mo)]
trial PPI = [PPI]4-8w
What are the major risk factors? (4)
immunosuppression [transplants✳, neutropenia, chronic CTS, HIV/AIDS]
✳stem cell|organ
“bloody⼀chest ⼀cough”
treatment (3)
“bloody⼀chest ⼀cough”
diagnostics (4)
- [CT ground glass “halo sign” nodules]
- ⊕[Galactomannan]
- ⊕[β-D-glucan]
- [Sputum samplefor fungal stain & culture]
“bloody⼀cough ⼀chest”
classic symptom triad
“bloody⼀chest ⼀cough”
- bloody = [bloody cough hemoptysis]
- chest = pleurtic chest pain
- cough = [bloody cough hemoptysis]
Oral Candidiasis
treatment (3)
AKA thrush
[topical Nystatin suspension🆚Clotrimazole troches]
–(if persist)–> [fluconazole PO]
be sure to watch for proper CTS inhaler usage
What should some patients be cautious of when they stop smoking? _________________
What can be done to mitigate this? (2)
[WEIGHT GAIN up to 30lb (Varenicline > NRT = burpoprion)] is common after you stop smoking!
Advise overweight patients ➜ [[reduced calorie diet ( ≥1200kcal/day)] and regular exercise] - if ≤1200kCal/day ➜ smoking relapse
NRT = Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Why are [Hepatitis A vaccination] and [Hepatitis B vaccination] so important to a person with Hepatitis C?
if superimposed with HAV or HBV, chronic HCV causes rapid decompensation and liver failure
so vaccination to HAV and HBV are important
In terms of Hepatitis B,
how do you manage a healthcare worker s/p incidental occupational exposure?
Rhabdovirus Rabies
Tx? (2)
Prognosis? (3)
[Ig + Vaccine]-(only helpful BEFORE symptom onset)
> Coma / Respiratory failure
In the U.S., rhabdovirus rabies is acquired from ⬜ , but in the developing world rhabdovirus rabies is acquired from ⬜
What is the hallmark sign of [Rhabdovirus Rabies]?
[BATS (since U.S. dogs are immunized)] ; dogs
HYDROPHOBIA ( fear of drinking 2/2 [water-triggered pharyngeal spasms])
Hepatitis C screening is done via ⬜
A patient with a positive HCV screening indicates what 3 possibilities?
HCV Ab testing
- [ACTIVE INFECTION (obtain HCV RNA to determine acute vs chronic)]
- [Resolved Infection]
- False Positive
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis is a serious complication of ⬜
Treatment? (4)
[Paracentesis w/ascites labs(“Guts Can Never Totally Suck”) ]
➜[Albumin IV]
➜ {[CefoTaxime3ºCPN]
➜ [Fluoroquinolone px]
- 3ºCPN = 3rd gen cephalosporin*
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis is a serious complication of ⬜
cirrhosis ( can → SBP)
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis is a serious complication of ⬜
clinical presentation? (6)
1. Fever ≥37.8C
2. Abd pain
3. [AMS (abnl connect-the-dot test)]
- [hypOtensionw/SEVERE INFXN]
- [paralytic iLeusw/SEVERE INFXN]
What is the MELD score?
and how is it used?
MELD = Model for End stage Liver Disease = predicts 90-day survival in Liver Disease patients = ranks Liver Transplant List
“MELDusesBICS to rank Liver Transplant List”
What is Succussion splash?
What does it indicate?
audible epigastric splashing sound during sudden movement
delayed gastric emptying
2/2 gastroparesis vs intrinsic obstruction vs extrinsic obstruction
pt p/w [+ succussion splash] is c/f ⬜ which can be caused by (⬜3). Management for this starts with ⬜, and sometimes ⬜.
How is this diagnosis confirmed?
[delayed gastric emptying] ; [intrinsic obstruction / EXtrinsic obstruction / gastroparesis] ; [EGD to r/o obstruction] ; [CT/MR enterography]
[scintigraphic gastric emptying study]⼀confirms gastroparesis
Diabetic gastroparesis often p/w ⬜
treatment? (2)
[delayed gastric emptying (succussion splash)]
[Fmeals] –(if persist)–> [metoclopramide]
[Fmeals : Finite(small), Freq, Fatless(low fat), FiberRICH(HIGH soluble fiber)]
cp of travelers’ diarrhea?
most common cause?
3d self limited [WATERY DIARRHEA + crampy abdP] 3 days post exposure
EnteroToxigenic E Coli (commonly from developing countries’ street vendors)
Which 2 labs must be carefully monitored before and after starting TPN?
Phosphate and K+ (from PTMK)
; [TPN contains dextrose ➜ insulin secretion ➜ insulin drives serum phosphate and serum K+ intracellular ➜ hypOphosphatemia] -this is a component of refeeding syndrome
Refeeding Syndrome etx
How are alcoholics especially affected by this?
[Refeeding after severe starvation (think homeless/alcoholics)] ➜ surge of insulin ➜ [PTMK shift into intracell] ➜
- [Phosphorous ⬇︎] = [rhabdomyolysis/ ⇪ CPK in EtOH] and/or HF
- Thiamine ⬇︎ = HF
- Mg⬇︎ = arrhythmias
- K+ ⬇︎ = arrhythmia
Refeeding syndrome can lead to the depeletion of serum Phosphorous and 3 other electrolytes such as ⬜
How is Phosphorous repletion administered?
ORAL Phosphorous repletion
Aside from IVF, which medication should be given promptly in Acute Variceal Hemorrhage?
Octreotide IV
Which 2 medications can be given to prevent Acute Variceal hemorrhage?
Nadolol 🆚 Propranolol
(general BBlocker [⬇︎portal system pressure] + band ligation +endoscopic surveillance)
what is charcot’s triad?
what is Reynolds pentad?
cholangitis dx =cholangitis siLx = cholangitis sxCharcot triad + cholangitis ixERCP/US/CT with Biliary Dilation + cholangitis LxCholestasis labs
acute Cholangitis is diagnostically confirmed and treated with ⬜ .
What is the initial diagnostic criteria for acute Cholangitis? (3)
ERCP (provides life saving biliary drainage);
Cholangitis sx
= Charcot’s triad
[RUQ abd pain 2/2 evidenced biliary obstruction]
later f/b → [ERCP/US/CT with biliary Dilation] + [cholestasis labs]
cholangitis dx =cholangitis siLx = cholangitis sxCharcot triad + cholangitis ixERCP/US/CT with Biliary Dilation + cholangitis LxCholestasis labs
nonpainful hematochezia
in patients > 40 yo should you make you s/f what diagnosis?
What causes this?
Within 1 of the outpouches of the colon wall (AKA diverticula), at the point of weakness (where the vasa recta penetrates the circular muscle layer) , the penetrating artery becomes increasingly exposed as it herniates thru muscular layers ➜ erosion or trauma to overlying mucosa of that penetrating artery ➜ brisk bleeding (melena if in R colon)
What is the cause of rectal bleeding in internal and external hemorrhoids?
How do hemorrhoids present? (4)
Dilation of submucosal venous plexus ➜
- small volume hematochezia covering the stool
- perianal itching
- mucus +/- mild fecal leakage
- [Internal: NO pain / External: Painful]
pt s/p infectious mono 3 weeks ago, p/w persistent LAD
How do you manage persistent LAD?
pts with persistent localized LAD should be observed x 4 wks ➜ biopsy if persistent nodes fail to resolve after 4 wks
In an immunocompromised pt, EBV DNA in the CSF raises suspicion for what condition?
Primary CNS lymphoma
MRI: Solitary Weakly ring-enhancing mass in periventricular region
Dx for EBV infectious mono - 2
- [positive HAMSonly accurate during week 1 of sx 😟]
- Anti-EBV test
HAMS = [Heterophile Antibody MonoSpotonly accurate during week 1 of sx 😟]
No sports for ≥3weeks because of splenomegaly!
Tx for EBV infectious mono - 3
- [self limited x weeks (fatigue x months)]
- No sports ≥3wks
HAMS = [Heterophile Antibody MonoSpot]
From a lab perspective, how do you differentiate CMV from EBV?
CMV will have a [negative HAMS]
HAMS = [Heterophile Antibody MonoSpot]
[T or F] Airway obstruction is a severe complication of [EBV infectious mononucleosis]
(give CTS if airway obstruction, severe infection, aplastic anemia or thrombocytopenia develops)
Treatment? -4
Acute Paronychia (Nailfold infection 2/2 gram positive skin flora)
[Neosporin/TOP antiseptics]
[Abx TOP]
[I & D abscess]
[Lukewarm soaks]
Clinical triad of [Reiters Reactive Arthritis]
When do sx onset? resolve?
‘Can’t see, Can’t pee, Can’t climb a tree’
- Can’t see (conjunctivitis / ANT uveitis)
- Can’t pee (urethritis / [circinate balanitis ⼀penile nonpainful coronal lesions])
- Can’t climb a tree (LE asymmetrical oligarthritis, [keratoderma blenorrhagica ⼀waxy yellow papules on palms/soles])
-onset within 4w of GU/GI infxn ➜ resolves after 4mo
Why should Chlamydia infection (symptomatic or asymptomatic) always be treated?
chronic Chlamydia may ➜ Reiters Reactive Arthritis
Patient presents with penis rash 2 weeks after having dysuria
diagnosis? | How do you confirm this? treat this?
[RReA ⼀[circinate Balanitis 2/2 chlamydia trachomatis]] ; [urine Chlamydia NAAT] ; [chlamydia abx + penile topical CTS]
RReA = Reiters Reactive Arthritis
Name the 3 classic symptoms of dyspepsia
indigestion GAS
Gastric (epigastric) pain/burning postprandial
Abd fullness postprandial
Satiety early on
etx (4)
difficulty digesting food 2/2
[IDIOPATHIC functional] > [gastric ADC = HPylori ulcer = NSAID ulcer]
➜ GAS sx GOE1mo
dyspepsia presents with what 3 sx ?
How long should these sx last for official dyspepsia diagnosis?
GAS = Gastric sx postprandial/Abd fullness postprandial/Satiety early on
GOE1 month
dyspepsia presents with what 3 sx ?
Upper GI endoscopy is indicated for dyspepsia [HIGH risk alarm features]
What are they? (7)
[GAS = epiGastric ∆ /Abd fullness postprandial/Satiety early on] GOE1mo
∆ = pain|burning
- ⊕fam hx gastric ADC
- odynophagia
- dysphagia
- wt loss
- [ age > 50]
how does biliary colic present? (4)
- benign [RUQ or epigastric pain] with radiation to [back or R shoulder]
- a/w [NV, diaphoresis]
- <6h
- +/- triggered by fatty meals
biliary colic
how is it diagnosed?
If [gallstones (shadowed echogenicity)] or [sludge (bare echogenicity)] get stuck in cystic duct, episodal gb contraction ➜ episodal [RUQ/epigastric pain with R shoulder/back radiation < 6h] = biliary colic
TAUS = TransAbdominal US
How do you workup patient with suspected uncomplicated Gallstones? (8)
What is Cholescintigraphy ?
- uses technetium-labeled HIDA to evaluate cystic duct, CBD and ampulla in patients with suspected cholecystitis but negative TAUS*
alternative dx for cholecystitis
Chikungunya is a mosquito borne virus that causes ⬜ and ⬜
treatment? | prognosis?
[high fever > 39C] / [severe symmetrical polyarthralgia (BL hands/BL wrist/BL ankles)]
tx = [self limited to 1 wk = supportive]
pgn = [70% develop chronic arthralgia = MTX]
[T or F] patients with Syphilis MUST have lumbar puncture if HA is present
Why or Why not?
TRUE _________________
any syphilis patient with any neuro ∆ require neurosyphilis r/o via neg [LP CSF VDRL] or neg [LP CSF FTA-ABS].
Tx for Neurosyphillis
[aPG 4MU]
[x 14 days]
(aPG = aqueous PCN G - IV) / (MU = million units)
PCN G(BPG vs aPG) is the first line tx for Syphilis
The alternative tx to Syphilis is ____
When is it indicated to desensitize and still give PCN G(BPG vs aPG) to a [PCN allergic patient]?-3
- [Pregnancy (No DOXY for POXY)]
- refractory to initial (doxycycline)tx
- [3B5º neurosyphilis]3B5º requires {aPG 4MU q4h x 14d}
How do you know when a pt is fully cured from Syphilis?
4-fold ⬇︎in FTA Ab titer by 12 month mark AT THE LATEST
Name the specific signs of congenital syphilis - 3
“syphilis hurts the baby’s SKIN, NOSE & BONES!”
- SKIN: Maculopapular palms/soles_rash that desquamates vs bullous
- NOSE: Rhinorrhea
- BONES: mulberry molars, long bone metaphyseal lucency
Describe the type of rash you’ll see with secondary syphilis
Diffuse Maculopapular rash starting at trunk and spreading to extremities TO INCLUDE PALMS AND SOLES
Why is RPR not reliable when a person first develops syphilis?
There is a possible [false negative RPR] early in infection - follow with FTA
Any RPR Titer greater than ___ is high syphilis titer (positive result)
1: 16
anything where they had to dilute it MORE than 16 times is HIGH RPR Syphilis titer
Tx for {CLUB} Syphilis :
[CV]⼀[Late latent ≥12 mo]⼀[Unknown duration]⼀[Ball•Gumma]
[BPG 2.4MU]
[q week]
[x 3 weeks]
(BPG = BENZATHINE PCN G -IM) / (MU = million units)
Tx for {SEC} Syphilis :
[Secondary Systemic Sx]⼀[Early latent <12mo] ⼀[Chancre primary]
[BPG 2.4MU]
x 1
(BPG = BENZATHINE PCN G -IM) / (MU = million units)
What other stages of Syphilis share the SAME TREATMENT as
[Early latent <12 mo] -2
[Chancre primary]
[Secondary Systemic sx]
Tx for Congenital syphillis
[aPG 50,000 u/kg/dose]
[x 10 days]
(aPG = aqueous PCN G -IV) / (**MU = million units)
Positive syphilis serology but no symptom stage = ⬜
What sx make up ____ stage
Primary syphilis? -2
Secondary systemic?-3
Latent ;
1Aº = [Chancre primary]
1B: [CNS invasion (asx vs meningovascular vs 👁️vs🦻)] –> 3B2
2Aº = diffuse rash / condylomata LATA
2B= early latent = asx
2C = late latent = asx
3A = lifetime latent
3B1= CV
3º = Neurosyphilis / CV aortitis
What is the Jarisch Herxheimer reaction?
How can it be prevented?
2 day long acute fever after initial syphilis treatment
How do you manage Dumping syndrome? (4)
- High protein diet
- low carb diet
- small meals
- frequent meals
goal is to DEC passage of food into small intestine
What are the 3 criteria for diagnosing Liver Failure?
ELI has Liver Failure!
- Encephalopathy
- Liver injury evidence (transaminitis)
- INR GOE1.5
HDS Pt with HBV Surface antigen, and [HBV CoreIgM] has diagnosis ⬜
Explain the dispo for this patient
[Acute Hepatitis B infection] ; Because acute HBV is not likely to deteriorate into LIVER FAILURE, and usually resolves spontaneously ➜
-[outpatient supportive care and follow up] > [Hospitalization only for HIGH RISK*]
HIGH RISK = HDUS, high fever, many comorbidities
Describe Serology for Hepatitis B -7
S - SEC - SCEb - Core - CEbSAb - CSAB - SAb
- • unvaccinated pts acutely exposed to Hep should STILL get vaccinated in addition to the immunoglobulin*
Most common side effects of [INH (isoniazid)] -2
Injuries to Nerves and Hepatocytes
Neuropathy (Pyridoxine B6 = tx/px)
The Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for which groups - 3
- Travelers going to countries where HepA is present
- Gay Men
- Chronic Liver Disease
Hepatitis A can cause SIGNIFICANT but benign TRANSAMINITIS so do not be alarmed by this
self limited to 1 month
What 2 laboratory values are the best diagnostic test for [acute Hepatitis B infection]?
S - SEC - SCEb - Core - CEbSAb - CSAB - SAb
[SAg and CoreIgM]