12 ⼀PSYCH/DERM Flashcards
What is the clinical criteria for hypOmania -2
- ≥3 [BIPOLAR] sx PLUS
- [Elevated | irritable mood 4< x <7 days]
How do you risk assess patients with [possible/confirmedSuicidal ideation] ?
i = { finish test (iNTENT with PLAN?) HOSPITALIZE NOW! }
___(if “i” no, cont to “[SAD PERSONS]” & finish test )____
Sex Male
[Age external to 19-45]
Depression diagnosis
EtOH/drug abuse
[Rational thinking impaired (psychosis, delusions, hallucinations)]
Social support lacking
Organized plan
No spouse
[Sickness physically (i.e. chronic pain)]
each 1 point: [normal <-4 -(Outpt tx)-7–>HOSPITALIZE!]
How do you confirm diagnosis for this? (4)
Bullous Pemphigoid
bx showing
{[IgG and C3 autoantibody deposits]
at basement membrane
attacking hemidesmosomes}
initial tx for Insomnia
sleep hygiene / sleep restriction / relaxation techniques
cp for Mild Drug Allergy
What type of hypersensitivity reaction is this?
[Pruritic Urticarial RASH with NO systemic sx]
[Type 1 IgE Hypersensitivity reaction]
What is the age limit for removing Tattoos?
tattoos can be removed whenever
Diagnosis? | Tx?
[vpHPV (Verrucae Plantar wart HPV)]
[saliCylic acid topical (or liquid nitrogen) x ≥2 wks –(if success)–> cont 2 more weeks]
hyperkeratotic papules on soles of the foot
Somatic Symptom disorder clinical presentation
excessive thought and behavior toward ≥1 unexplained (but proven to be benign) SYMPTOM
Describe a Dermatofibroma
benign fibroblast proliferation that forms hyperpigmented nodule usually on LE that causes center dimpling when pinched
In addition to skin, Patients with Rosacea may also experience ⬜ symptoms
burning/foreign body sensation/blepharitis/keratitis/conjunctivitis/recurrent chalazion
Diagnostic criteria for Panic disorder - 2
- Panic attacks +
- Persistent concern about additional attacks and +/- attempts to avoid them
Be sure to r/u medical conditions that mimic them
Rash description: scaly, erythematous, pruritic rash with a raised border and central clearing
[Tinea Corporis ringworm]
Tx = [topical clotrimazole] or [topical terbinafine]
[Epidermal Inclusion Cyst]
diagnosis? | Tx?-2
dx= [Pityriasis Rosea “Christmas tree”]
tx = [self limited x 2 months], sunlight
Basal Cell Carcinoma
although usually [shiny, pearly, skin-colored nodule with telangiectasia, rolled border and ulceration] ⼀atypical presentations are frequent
List all possible Treatments? (6)
INDIVIDUAL coverage: [[excision] or [destruction via liquid nitrogen cryotherapy]]
FIELD coverage(widespread/numerous):
-top[5FU cream] |
-imiquimod |
-Photodynamic therapy |
dx = [Actinic-Solar Keratosis] ||5FU: 5-Fluorouracil
[Pressure decubitus Ulcers] require local wound care, repositioning and pain/nutrition control
How are shallow ulcers managed?
How are Full-Thickness ulcers managed?
s: [occlusive or semipermeable dressings to maintain moist wound environment]
This diagnosis of ⬜ is made based on what?
- well demarcated, erythematous, scaly plaques covered by thick silvery scales*
- _________________*
skin physical exam
Sx of EtOH Withdrawal are similar to [Benzodiazepine withdrawal which onsets ⬜]
List the Sx of [EtOH (& Benzo)] withdrawal (9)
(Benzo withdrawal starts) [within 7 days] of abrupt Benzo cessation
Psychomotor agitation but oriented
Anxious Irritable
Transient Hallucinations
[Excitable autonomics (⬆︎HR, BP) –(if ⊕[Delirium and TempFever]) = ⊕DELIRIUM TREMENS]]
After last drink, [EtOH withdrawal/DT] sx onset after 0.5 Days, PEAKS after 2D, and resolves after 5D of EtOH abstinence
Sx of EtOH Withdrawal are similar to [Benzodiazepine withdrawal which onsets ⬜]
Describe sx timing for EtOH Withdrawal
(Benzo withdrawal starts) [within 7 days] of abrupt Benzo cessation
After last EtOH⼀MonAM [EtOH withdrawal_“PAST NITE”]:
🍺[onsets after 0.5 Days]⼀MonPM,
🍺🍺[PEAKS Day2 {+/- DT_“D&T”}]⼀TUE,
🍺🍺🍺[resolves by Day5]⼀FRI
🔎DT_D&T = [Delirium Tremens is ⊕(Delirium/Confusion & Temp/FEVER)]
Dx? | etx?
[PPP (Pearly Penile Papules)] | [(NORMAL (NON-STI) IDIOPATHIC VARIENT] row(s) of PPP wrapped circumferentially around corona of glans penis onset 20-30 yo
What size is concerning for a skin lesion?
How is an excisional biopsy done?
GOE 6 mm
Excise ENTIRE SKIN LESION with 1-4 mm margins of surrounding fat
A patient disagrees with plan and wants to go home
As the physician, what are your options?
[EMERGENCY HOLD] <–(absent)– [CURE Decision Making Capacity] –(present)– > [AMA is Ok]
Tinea Corporis
pink annular plaques with scaly border and central clearing
Differentiate [Pemphigus vulgaris] from [Bullous pemphigoid] using:
Demographic affected
b = old
What is Factitious disorder?
which 2 demographics does it occur most in?
faking/inducing illness solely to assume the sick role - WITHOUT OBVIOUS EXTERNAL BENEFIT
Women | healthcare workers
b. diagnosis?
a. [Erythema “bull’s eye”MIGRANS]
b. Lyme disease
▶If multiple [Erythema *b/e*Migrans] are present = early disseminated disease.
▶If Amox started → Fever/HA/Myalgia, c/s Jarisch-Herxheimer rxn
Management? -3
[Poison Ivy Type 4 Contact Dermatitis]
[Minimize spread (remove contaminated clothes + gently clean exposed areas)] ➜ [Symptomatic Tx (topical CTS+cool compress] ➜
[PO CTS if dermatitis SEVERE/facial/genitalia]
pruritic linear papules and clear fluid-filled vesicles on exposed areas - after camping
Causes? -2
What tx regimen is considered for Bipolar MANIA that does NOT respond to [mood stabilizer monotherapy] ? -3
ADD [antipsychotic 2ND GEN]
Treat Bipolar MANIA b4 they go B(aL)D!
{[a prn for → L|V]= Bipolar MANIATx}
[antipsychotic 2ND GEN] + [Lithium or Valproate]
prognosis for Alopecia areata?
PERSISTENT = reoccurs even after [successful treatment with temporary hair growth]
Tx for Acute Bipolar Mania -3
{[AntiPsychotics (2nd gen)] > (Lithium = Valproate)}
Diagnosis? | Treatment?-5
BCC | [Mohs micrographic surgery]
Dx? | how do you confirm diagnosis?
[HAWCA (HPV Anogenital Warts Condylomata Acuminata)]; shave biopsy
What is the treatment for [sunburn superficial thickness burn]? (2)
cool compress / NSAID
Describe Trichotillomania is
what’s a serious complication of this?
compulsive Hair pulling DO in which pt attempts to stop pulling hair out of scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes BUT CAN’T!
Possibly ➜ trichophagia (swallowing hair) which ➜ bowel obstruction
Related to OCD and has ⬆︎morbidity in those with hx or fam hx of OCD
Pt with severe mania is treated with ⬜-2.
If this patient does not respond to monotherapy, what should you do?
{(L|V) —A}
= [L or V] —(prn)–>add A =
L = Lithium mood stabilizer
V = Valproate mood stabilizer
A = Antipsychotic 2ND GEN
Diagnosis? | Tx?-4
Irritant Contact Dermatitis (PESTY)
Tx = CTSTopical, Emollients, [Identify/avoid offending agent], [lukewarm handwashing]
How should you work up melanoma?
excisional bx with initial margins of 1-3 mm of normal tissue also
Describe clinical presentation for alopecia areata (5)
- well-demarcated
- round patches of complete hair loss
- NO scarring
- [+/- exclamation point hairs (pathognomonic)]
- [+/- nail pitting]
usually in patients with fam hx of autoimmune disease
How do you manage Patient agitation when it’s escolated to violence? -2
Pediatric patient p/w new diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder
In addition to CBT, what’s 1st line pharmacotherapy for pediatric MDD?
What’s the black box warning of this drug in pediatrics?
”Sad peds need Fluoxetine”
increased risk of suicidal thinking in pediatric patients
[Nevus Simplex] are ⬜ , classically located on ⬜-3
[blanchable pink patches ➜ fade with time]
[eyelids / glabella (between eyebrows) / nape of neck]
Which dermatologic condition is Hepatitis C associated with?
🅄ROPorph[Porphyria Cutanea Tarda] with skin fragility and photosensitivity
[HCV|OCP|EtOH] can → PCT → [🅄ROPorph-PCT heme enzyme❌]
MOD | Treatment?
overproduction of extracell matrix and dermal fibroblast within a scar
[intralesional CTS]
Number of weeks given for a trial of SSRI?
Tx for Somatic Symptom disorder
Regularly scheduled Med visits (Goal: Improve functionality)
DO = preocupation with unexplainable (but proven to be benign) somatic sx
What condition is this lesion associated with?
[HHV8 Kaposi Sarcoma]
deep red purple brown macules on face, trunk, extremities
HIV⼀[AIDS defining illness]
Contact Dermatitis or Urticaria?
Contact Dermatitis
Erythematous papules and vesicles
schizoAffective disorder
dx -2
- [ISOLATED (Schizo Criteria A) x GOE2wk]
+ - [Major Mood (Bipolar vs MDD) Episode]
common causes of death following [2nd degree and 3rd degree] burn -3
Loss of: Fluids, Protection, Oxygen
1. hypOvolemia
2. infection
3. hypoxia⬇︎O2 delivery 2/2 smoke → {[mechanical airway injury] + [inhalational ⇪ [carboxyhgb>25%]}
[respiratory smoke injuryairway + inhalation ] [smoke inhalation injury] ➜ [INC carboxyhemoglobin>25%] ➜ [DEC oxygen delivery]
Clinical features of
Seborrheic Dermatitis -4
✔︎[oily greasy scales & flakes on pruritic erythematous plaques]
✔︎scalp, eyelids, postauricular and nasolabial folds
✔︎usually occurs alone but (sometimes a/w HIVacute & severe Seborrheic Dermatitis→r/o HIV!| Parkinson’s)
✔︎[Topical CAC](Calcineurin⛔ /Antifungals / CTS) = tx
⛔ = inhibitor
how do you mitigate [DEC appetite] in kids taking Stimulants for ADHD? -3
- [growth❌? –(If yes)➜ drug holiday vs nonstimulant alternative]
- adjust administration time (i.e. after breakfast)
- eat nutrient-dense meals around medication’s active period
When should [Actinic⼀Solar Keratosis] be biopsied? -5
≥ 1 cm
rapid growth
initial tx failure
1-20% transforms to SQC
ASK = [AK on SK (+/- ➜ SQC)]
[⬜ and ⬜] are the tx options for [any (FACIAL or intertriginous) plaque psoriasis]
Lipomas and Epidermal inclusion cyst can both present as painless benign nodules
How do you differentiate the two? - 3
- EIC resolves spontaneously and can come back. Lipoma don’t resolve w/out surgery!
- EIC are FIRM vs Lipoma which is soft rubbery
- EIC may drain cheesey white discharge +/-
What is Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder?
unexplainable neurological symptoms 2/2 emotional stressors
EDUCATION about the Disorder!
How should you manage a nonsuicidal teen who cuts themself ?
full psych eval (if suicidal ideation ➜ inpatient)
Tx for Rosacea -5
- Avoid Triggers (hot/spicy foods/EtOH/cold/stress)
[Erythema + Telangiectasia] only
2. Topical Brimonidine
+papules or pustules
3. Topical Metronidazole
4. Azelaic acid
5. oral abx (severe / refractory)
Describe this lesion- 4
[Cherry Senile Angioma]
1. [multiple small vascularized dome-shaped papules]
2. IN ADULTS that (although they are senile = ⇪ with age)…
3. [do NOT PROgress to maligancy = do not req tx] but…
4. [do NOT REgress either]
[________white lacy lesion] is caused by Lichen Planus, and Lichen Planus is caused by ____
[Wickham Striae] ; [Hep C Advanced Liver Disease]
Although this disease ( ⬜ ) typically occurs alone, it is also a/w with 2 conditions. What are they?
Seborrheic DERMATITIS ;
HIV |Parkinson’s
oily greasy scales & flakes on pruritic erythematous plaques(sometimes) a/w HIV|Parkinson’s
[Actinic⼀Solar Keratosis] cp (3)
⭐[AK on SK (+/- ➜ SQC)] ⭐
🌞{[(AK):SANDPAPER papules|plaque lesions] on
🌞[(SK):Solar damaged skin background(telangiectasia/dyspigmentation/atrophy)]*}
🌞…and possibly→SQC*
When treating EtOH withdrawal, why must [Thiamine B1 IV] be given 1st!? (before [Dextrose IVF])?
1st: [Thiamine B1] is used in glucose catabolism and Alcoholics have high Glucose diet ➜Alcoholics have DEC [Thiamine B1]
2nd: Giving Glucose without [Thiamine B1] ➜ Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome
Which medication clinically decreases Suicide Risk?
When is it appropriate to trial a different rx for ADHD? - 2
- [Continued Side Effects] after 4 wk trial
- [Poor clinical response] after 4 wk trial
For Bipolar I dx, you need [__ mania sx +/- ___] that last for ___ duration.
What are the mania sx? (7)
[≥3 sx +/- major depression episode]; 1 week duration;
Buying excessively (⬆︎ in pleasurable activity)
Inflated self-esteem
Psychomotor agitation (pacing)
awOke - won’t sleep
Lots of Language
ADD distractability
Racing thoughts
Lithium is eliminated exclusively by the ⬜ and has a narrow therapeutic index (serum level ⬜ = toxic )
Which drugs INC serum Lithium level? (6)
Kidney ; [≥1.5 “gotta NAC for lithium” = sx]
- [HCTZ, chlorthalidone (compensatory PCT Na-Lithium reabsorption 2/2 DCT Na inhibition)]
- [Angiotensin inhibitors (ACE/ARB)] (DEC GFR)
- Tetracycline
- metronidazole
- any Volume Depletion med
There are 4 options to screen for Alcohol Use Disorder
Describe the SINGLE ITEM SCREENING method
How many times this past year have you had more than {[4 –(women)–>] [5–(MEN)–>]} drinks in 1 day?
SIS ≥1= positive result
give a description of skin with
photoaging -2
What social factor worsens this?
[ROUGH skin] with [coarse deep wrinkles]
possibly accompanied by [Actinic⼀Solar Keratosis] / telangiectasia / brown liver spots
[Kaposi Sarcoma HHV8]
Which patient demographics in the ED always need Suicide Risk Assessment ? -3
[drunkotic (inebriated)]
Suicide Risk Assessment: [ iSAD PERSONS ]
Describe the difference between Factitious Disorder and Malingering
F = purporting unreal Sx or injury for Fun \ fufill “sick role” (but NO obvious external reward)
M = purporting unreal Sx or injury for Money/External Reward
Antipsychotics (___ generation) can be used to treat the depressive phase of [Bipolar Depression]
Which 2 are the best to be used?
“Treat Bipolar pts b4 they go BALLD, [Quiet or Lurky!
2nd gen;
LurasidoneBPD dysthymia
2nd generation Antipsychotics for Bipolar Depression =
Quetiapine and Lurasidone
“*[BPD Depression] is Quiet or Lurky””
[Pyogenic granuloma telangiectaticum]
[dome shaped papule with recurrent bleeding] caused by capillary proliferation after trauma during pregnancy
What are the 2 nonstimulant medication options for ADHD?
[alpha 2 R agonist]
What conditions is this diagnosis associated with? (3)
[Acrochordon skin tag] ⼀benign pedunculated outgrowth of normal skin
describe meLasma
management? (4)
[Minimize sun exposure]
[Broad spectrum Sunscreen]
[skin-lightening agents]
[Topical retinoid creams (ctd in pregnancy)]
MOD for Lentigo
intraepidermal melanocyte hyperplasia that –> UNEVEN pigmentation
Physicians should screen for ⬜ in veterans reporting insomnia, substance use and interpersonal conflict longer than ⬜
What is the diagnostic criteria -2
> 1 month
P.A.I.N. sx
Pysch_ed_ (arounsal ∆ /sleep* ∆/hypervigilance/concentration ⬇︎)
Avoidance (avoids distressing thoughts/feelings/external reminds of the event)
Intrustion (nightmares/flashbacks)
Negative mood (guilt/ anhedonia/detachment/anger/self-esteem ⬇︎)
For all patients at risk for suicide, what item if present in the home must physicians absolutely address for removal ?
Guns are a/w high suicide completion rate if used in suicide attempt and removal is a protective factor
Which Second Generation Antipsychotics are most associated with
Prolonged QTc -5
CORQ = Clozapine/Olanzapine-Risperidone/Quetiapine
Which Second Generation Antipsychotics are most associated with
ExtraPyramidal Side effects ( TADD ) -2
Risperidone >> Lurasidone
CORQ = Clozapine/Olanzapine-Risperidone/Quetiapine
[Nevus Flammeus Port-Wine Stain] are [⬜ common | NOT common] and may be a/w with what syndrome? Explain
NOT common ; sturge weber = possible leptomeningeal vascular malformations = obtain brain MRI for evaluation
NFPWS respect midline and do NOT regress
When does Delirium Tremens : Onset? Peak? Resolve?
same as EtOH 🅆ithdrawal (but i/⊕D&T!])
After last EtOH⼀MonAM [EtOH 🅆ithdrawal_“PAST NITE”]:
🍺[ONSETS 0.5 Days]⼀MonPM,
🍺🍺[PEAKS Day2]⼀TUE,
🍺🍺🍺[ENDS by Day5]⼀FRI
describe Bullous Pemphigoid (3)
how is it diagnosed? (2)
- [Anti-HemiDesmosome IgG +/-C3] (a/w [Dementia/Parkinson/Depression]) collect along basement membrane
- [pts>60 yo]
- [pruritic prodrome ➜ TENSE BULLAE]
Dx = Skin Biopsy
1.Supepidermal cleavage
2.Linear [IgG and/or C3]along basement membrane
Pt just began an antidepressant
How long should they give for a trial?
≥6 weeks
How do you assess if a patient has Decision Making Capacity? (4)
“a DMC patient can “CURE” themself”
patient can …
Communicate choice
Understands info about choice & condition
Recognizes CONSEQUENCES of choice
Explains rationale for choice
DMC = Decision Making Capacity
choice = preferred [tx (or no tx)]
Recognizes any/all CONSEQUENCES of their [tx (or no tx) of choice]
Explains rationale for their [tx (or no tx) of choice]
given regarding their condition and the their selected [tx (or no tx) of choice]
[Drug-induced parkinsonism] is an EPS component caused by ⬜ blockers.
[⬜ and ⬜] are the tx of choice for immediate relief from both [(D2🟥)Dystonia] and/or [(D2🟥)Drug-induced parkinsonism]}
D2 R blockers;
[Diphenhydramine IV (DD)]
[Benztropine IV (DD)]
Obviously⬇︎ (not d/c) D2🟥 as well
pregnant patient
pemphigoid gestationis ;
topical Triamcinolone
* Autoimmune* [Pregnancy Induced abd pruritus without rash)] ➜ gzd urticarial papular RASH starting umbilicus and trunk ➜ eventually tense bullae*
how is it diagnosed -4
• must meet all ABCD
A= [Active (GOE2 DNDDH Sx) x GOE1mo]
B= [Bad social occupational dysfunction]
C= [Chronicity x GOE6mo]
D= [Dx from other cause RULED OUT FIRST]
s/s of Opioid Withdrawal -7
the MAILMAN went through opioid withdrawal!
Abd cramps
What is [Cholinergic Inducible Urticaria] ?
rapid-onset type of [Inducible Urticaria] induced by rise in body temperature (hot shower/exercise) ⼀that resolves 1-2h after stimulus. Tx = H1 blocker
affects extensor surfaces
Salicylic Acid
Cutaneous Warts
bullous pemphigoid
[high potency topical CTS]
▶This skin rash can be induced by which 3 things?
“AND phototoxic!”
[Abx / NSAIDs / Diuretics] with sunexposure
Phototoxic dermatitis
[erythema(+/- bullae or vesicles)] over sunexposed areas (dorsal hand, forearm, upper chest, face)
Diagnostic criteria for Bipolar II ? - 3
- Major Depressive Episodes +
- hypOmanic episode +
- NOT functionally impaired
SQC is the most common Cancer of the lower lip
What would microscopy show for SQC? (2)
Squamous cells with KERATIN PEARLS
What are the risk factors for [Hidradenitis Suppurativa Acne Inversa]? - 5
- DM
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Mechanical stress (friction, pressure)
- Fam hx
Painful intertriginous nodules that can –> abscess and scarring
clinical presentation of [HAWCA]
Tx? -4
HAWCA = HPV Anogenital Warts Condylomata Acuminata
[multiform (cauliflower|verrucous|smooth|dome|flat)] anogenital wart lesions
“Treat HAWCA with picA”
-⭐ACID (TriChloroAcetic ACID) ⭐
What is the CAM score and describe its criteria
CAM “[aiD|L]” score = Diagnosis Delirium and differentiates it from Dementia/Depression
Delirium dx = [aiD|L]Requires a and i, but only either D or L
acute confusion
inattentive (can not spell “world” backwards & forward)
Disorganized thinking (rambling/illogical)
LOC fluctuates (intermittently not alert?)
[Scarlet fever GASP sandpaper rash]
etx for pemphiGus vulGaris
[DesmoGlein3 (which adhere epidermal cell lateral keratinocyte anchors to one another)] are attacked by [antiDesmoGlein3 IgG autoantibodies] →pemphiGus vulGaris
- [Flaccid Bullae with Nikolsky] PLUS
- Mucosal Erosions
Nikolsky sign = light rubbing of skin separates epidermis
describe MeLasma
What are the 3 major risk factors?
acquired irregular hyperpigmentation of [sun-exposed face] that occurs when UVA and UVB radiation triggers melanocyte proliferation of [sun-exposed face]
- [Female (worse with pregnancy and/or OCP)]
- dark skin
- cosmetic usage
What type of cellular reaction is responsible for [Allergic Contact Dermatitis]?
erythematous papules and vesicles
[Type 4 Delayed T-cell mediated]
Tinea Corporis ringworm
annular plaque with raised borders and central clearing (also well demarcated & scaly)