9 Decontamonation Flashcards
Anything that goes into hot zone must be what before leaving
Deconed before leaving
Basic Decon principals
Get it off,
keep it off
Contain it, prevent cross contamination.
Before initiating Decon, the answers to these questions should first be answered.
Do victims need immediate Decon or can they wait
Is it safe to Decon
Any alternative Decon methods
Adequate resources available if not, get here in time
Timeline for Decon before victims deteriorate
Is equipment worth Decon or just throw it out
Emergency Decon
Immediate Decon for potentially life threatening, w.o establishment of Decon corridor
Mass Decon
Decon large numbers as fast as possible
Technical Decon
Planned and systematic reducing to as low as reasonably achievable
Usually in support of recon and operations. Detailed, soap water or additional substances or effort
Four broad Decon categories
Most simple method of Decon
Removing outer clothing or ppe
Mass Decon usually uses What to Decon
Water or soap mix
Dry Decon
Scraping brushing absorption
Methods for dry Decon
Removing clothing or outer layers, evaporation, vacuum, brushing, scraping, using tacky surface to recover substance
Dry method can remove liquid by using absorption
Clay, sawdust, flour, dirt, fullers earth,Matisse paper, charcoal, silica gel, sponges, paper towels
Physical Decon
Removal of material without changing chem properties, it’s then contained for disposal
Dilution, absorption brush scrape, evap, isolate, was etc
Chemical Decon methods
Make material less harmful by changing it.
Sanitize with bleach, chem degradation, sterilization, sanitation, disinfect, neutralization, solidifying.
General Decon guidelines
Tech Decon before hot zone ops Begin mass Decon quickly Ppe Avoid contact with material or victims Decon may begin with division of ambulatory/not male/ female Assess hot zone victims for Decon need before moving to cold zone Clearly designated Decon entry points More clothing remove, better Responders separate Decon from victims Medical triage outside at end of Decon Privacy Warm water for washing Preserve and record victim belongings Provide clean clothes
Decon personnel must wear
Generally one level below the hot zone responders, sometimes first people running Decon are in same level as entry team
Transfer of hazmat to persons equipment and environment in greater than acceptable quantities
Where does triage take place
In Cold zone after Decon. Sometimes in hot zone prior to Decon in explosive type situation
Can walk talk and understand directions
Factors influencing prioritiy of triage for ambulatory pt
Serious medical symptoms Victims closest to release Exposure to hazmat Evidence of contamination on them Victims with musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries
Non ambulatory triage and Decon
May be more seriously injured than ambulatory. Left in place if not enough people to move them.
Dead victims
May need to be Deconed before going to ME. moved after all other victims are out.. Not moved until evidence and forensics is complete
Goal of emergency deco
Remove threatening contaminant as quickly as possible
Instances where emergency Decon is needed
Failure of ppe
Accidental contamination of responders
Heat illness or other injury in hot zone
Immediate medical attn required
Limitations of emergency Decon
All contaminants may not be removed
More thorough Decon deeded
May harm environment.
Advantages of emergency Decon
Fast to implement
Minimal equipment usually just water from hose
Quick contamination reduction
No formal Decon corridor
Technical Decon may be used on victims in what situation
Non life threatening
Operational level responders in technical Decon must do so under the supervision of
Hazmat tech, sop, allied proffessional