1 Intro To Hazmat Flashcards
OSHA reg in title 29 code of federal regulations (CFR) 1910.120
Hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER)
Paragraph q for awareness and operations level
Hazardous material
Any material or substance that poses an unreasonable risk to the health and safety of persons and the environment if not properly controlled during handling, storage, manufacture, processing, packaging, transportation, use or disposal.
Dangerous goods
What hazmat is referred to in Canada and other countries
Occupational safety and health administration
Federal agency that develops and enforces workplace safety standards
OSHA and epa require special training for first responders to hazmat,
Epa regulation in title 40 CFR 311, worker protection provides
Protection for responders in states not covered by osha
Standards of nfpa are not law and are only used if
Adopted by authority having jurisdiction AHJ
A first responder by law, the employer must meet hazwoper requirements true false
Nfpa 472 and HAZWOPER identifies two levels of training
Awareness and operations
Operations level
Training established by Oshawa allowing first responders to take defensive action at hazmat incidents
Nfpa 472 May be trained to core competency levels, operations core or beyond, operations mission specific. Some of the specifics competencies are
Ppe Mass Decon Technical Decon Evidence preservation and sampling Product control Air monitoring and sampling Victim rescue and recovery Response to illicit lab incidents
OSHA defines three levels above operations level
Hazmat tech
Hazmat specialist
On scene IC OIC
Nfpa 472 id’s five levels above operations level
Hazmat tech plus three specialties Hazmat branch officer Hazmat branch safety officer Hazmat IC Private sector specialist employee
OSHA considered personnel trained to awareness and operations level to be
First responders
Nfpa 472 uses what word to refer to someone at the awareness level
Personnel as opposed to the Oshawa first responder title
Individuals trained to awareness level are first arriving to scene and are expected to assume what responsibilities at hazmat incident
Recognize presence of possible hazmat
Recognize type of container at site and material in it
Transmit info to appropriate or call for appropriate authority
Id actions to protect themselves and others
Establish scene control by isolating area and denying entry
Operations level includes awareness responsibilities plus
Id hazmat involved
Analyze incident to determine nature and extent of problem
Protect themselves, public, environment and property from release
Plan a response or defensive action to address problems
Implement planned response to mitigate or control release at safe dist
Evaluate progress of actions to ensure objectives are met
Operations can perform offensive actions with
Natural gas
Acute exposure
Single or several repeated exposures within short time period
Chronic exposure
Long term or reoccurring
Acute health effects
Show up in hours or days
Chronic health effects
Long term that take years to develop. Like cancer
The following have potential to cause harm TRACEM
Thermal hazards Radiological Asphyxiation Chemical Etiological/biological Mechanical
Chemical hazards
Poison/toxin Corrosives Irritants Convulsants Carcinogens Sensitizers/allergens
Chen process that occurs when substance combines with oxygen
Rxn where two or more molecules chemically combine forming larger molecules often violent rxn
Liquefied gas
When at charging pressure is partially liquified at 70 degrees f
Cryogen, sometimes called refrigerated liquefied gas
Turns into liquid at or below -130 f at 14.7 psi
Common cryogenics
Liquid oxygen, LOX nitrogen Helium Hydrogen Argon Liquified natural gas LNG
Fluorine is also a cryogenic, but has hazardous properties including
Corrosive, oxidizer and poison
Corrosive material,
Burn irritate or destroy skin and corrode steel
Cryo spills will
Boil and/or pool and turn into gas do vapor cloud
Anhydrous ammonia
Refrigerant in storage facilities, cold injuries, toxic, vapors can ignite
Molten aluminum. Is shipped in containers at over what temp
Dot defines elevated temp material as when offered for transportation or when done so in bulk it has one of following properties
Liquid phase at above 212f
Liquid phase with flashpoint at or above 100f and intentionally heated for transportation. Or is transported above flashpoint
Solid phase at or above 464f
Non ionizing radiation
Energy waves composed of electric and magnetic fields, visible light and radio waves
Ionizing radiation
Radiation that has enough energy to remove electrons form atoms causing chemical change in atom. Most dangerous to first responders
Types of ionizing radiation
Alpha Rays
Energetic positively charged particles emitted from nucleus during radioactive decay that rapidly lose energy when passing through materials. Common with heaviest radioactive material like uranium
Aloha particles are stopped by what but hazardous if
Stopped by human skin but harmful if inhaled or ingested
Beta radiation
Fast moving positively or negatively charged electrons emitted from nucleus during radioactive decay. Tritium, carbon 14, strontium
Beta particles can be stopped by skin or clothing but are hazardous because
They can be ingested or inhaled and they can travel up to 20’
Gamma radiation
High energy photons often accompanying alpha and beta discharges, have neither charge or mass and are very penetrating. Potassium-40, cobalt-60, iridium-192, cesium-137.
Gamma waves can pass through
The body, but absorbed by tissue, 2’ of concrete, several feet of earth, and up to around 2” of lead.
Neutron radiation
Ultra high energy particles with physical mass but no charge. Mission creates it along with gamma.
Condition of impurity resulting from contact or mixture with foreign substance.
Contact with a substance by swallowing breathing or touching skin and eyes. May be acute, intermediate or chronic
Any foreign substance that compromises the purity of something.
Chronic radiation dose
Small amounts of radiation over long period of time. Body is better equipped for it than acute, has time to replace damaged or dead cells with new ones. Can also cause cancer
Simple asphyxiants
Gasses displace oxygen, can dilute or displace O2 in body
Chemical asphyxiants
Bro hint body from using oxygen. Cyanide or co
Likelihood of adverse health from chemical exposure depends on
Toxicity of chemical
Pathway or route of exposure
Nature and extent of exposure
Personal susceptibility factors like age or illness
Local toxic effect
Chen inj at site of contact
Compound containing hydrogen that reacts with water to produce hydrogen ions. Compound with ph less than 7. From 0-6.9 ph
Except liquid and gas fuels what composes the largest class by volume
Corrosives are divided into two categories
Bases are sometimes called
Hydrogen peroxide is neither
Acid or base
Ph of 8 to 14
Corrosive water soluble compound containing group forming hydroxide ions in water solution that reacts with acid to form a salt
Way bases do damage
Breaks down fatty tissue and penetrates deep, tend to adhere to eye tissue. Not immediate pain, grease or slick skin because of fat breaking down
Hydrochloric acid reacts with metal to form
Explosive hydrogen gas
Acids and bases react violently when
Mixed with each other or water
Toxins that cause temporary but sometimes severe inflammation to soft tissues and mucous membranes
Known or suspected carcinogens
Polyvinyl chloride PVC, benzene, asbestos, chlorinated hydrocarbons, arsenic, nickel, pesticides, plastics.
Chemicals that cause a developed allergic reaction after one or more exposures.
Latex, bleach, urushiol (poison ivy, oak, sumac)
Bacterial that live in gi tracts of anthropoids like ticks and felas. Smaller than most bacteria but larger than viruses. Can cause Rocky Mountain fever or typhus
Able to be transmitted to people
Readily transmissible infectious disease from close contact or proximity
Produced by living organisms, ricin, botulinum
Two most common types of mechanical hazard is
Striking and friction
Ability of two or more chemicals to react and release energy and the ease at which the reaction takes place
In hazmat situations, contact between skin and clothes can cause what type of injury
An explosion can cause the following four hazards, (three mechanical one thermal)
Blast pressure, shock wave
Shrapnel, fragmentation
Seismic effect
Incendiary thermal effect
5 routes of entry
Inhalation Ingestion Skin contact Injection Absorption
Comprehensive environmental response compensation and liability act
U.S. law that created tax on the chemical and petroleum industries and provided broad federal authority to respond to releases or threats of release of hazardous substances that threaten public health or environment. Often called the superfund. Tax went to trust fund to pay for cleaning up abandoned or uncontrolled haz waste sites
Four main agencies regulating hazmat
Department of transportation DOT
environmental protection agency EPA
department of labor DOL
Nuclear regulatory commission NRC
CERCLA was responsible for what actions
Established prohibitions an requirements concerning closed and abandoned waste sites.
Provided liability of those who release was waste at the sites.
Trust fund to pay for cleanup when responsible party isn’t found
Law authorizes two response actions for haz waste removal
Short term actions for release that require prompt response
Long therm remedial permanently reduce dangers from release that is hazardous but not immediately life threatening.
SARA was responsible for what actions
Importance of permanent remedies and tech cleaning up haz waste
Consider standards and requirements fore clean up in other states
New enforcement authorities and settlement tools
Increased state involvement.
Increased focus on human health issues from release
Greater citizen participation on how to clean up
Increase trust fund to 8.5 billion
Department of labor is responsible for
Overseeing us labor laws.
Department of energy
Manages national nuclear research and defense programs including storage of high level nuclear waste
Department of homeland security DHS has three missions
Prevent terror attack in us
Reduce terror vulnerability
Minimize damage from potential attacks and natural disaster.
FEMA federal emergency management agency and coast guard USCG are located under what agency
Department of homeland security
Consumer product safety commission CPSC
Oversees and enforces compliance with federal hazardous substance act. FHSA. requires household products with hazmat in them to have warning and use protection labels
Department of defense explosives safety board, provides
Oversight on dev, manufacture, testing, maintaining, demilitarization, handling, storage , transport of explosives and chemical agents
Alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives ATF
Enforces federal law concerning that stuff. Including arson.
Department tent of justice. DOJ
Assigns responsibility for operational response to terrorism to fbi
FBI investigates theft of hazmats
Evidence collection
Prosecutes criminal violations of hazmat law and regulation
Records have shown majority of hazmat incidents involve the following products
Flammable combustible liquid, petroleum prod, paint prod, resin, adhesives
Corrosives, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. Sodium hydroxide
Anhydrous ammonia
Stats show majority of incidents occur in transport and of those the majority are
On the highway